Strife Lately 1+2

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It's been two years to the day since I joined this forum! Woo! So that's two years well spent!!!

The college I want to transfer too is not really helping me out financial-aid-wise. And I dunno if I can work up that many scholarships.
It's been two years to the day since I joined this forum! Woo! So that's two years well spent!!!

It's hard to believe you've been here for two years :O

It was only like in late 2008 that I even noticed your presence among the off topic forums. :O
I drank the Pepsi and now I want to puke. Also, it's really 2 years? I thought you are one of the 2003-2004 posters in here.
WOO! I'm running on 20mbps download/5mbps upload speeds now. From my previous 15/2. And at a cheaper price! About 5 dollars cheaper per month I think.

I tried to take a shit at school one time in like first or second grade. I went in and then some skanky skinny negro started peering at me from over the top of the stall and laughing at me. It traumatized me so much I didn't shit at shool again until senior year.
You people have never shat at school? Are you ****ing serious? I did it about twice a day.
I never did, not once.

In fact I once shat myself becuase of it, i was 6.
I've been known to line the toilet with toilet paper so the enemy doesn't hear my plops.
It's hard to believe you've been here for two years :O

It was only like in late 2008 that I even noticed your presence among the off topic forums. :O

Yeah, I wasn't posting in the off-topic forums much when I first joined. I practically live in off-topic now, though. I hardly post anywhere else now! I'll post in the Half-Life series or the story and mythology section sometimes (I usually only post in story and mythology now if I'm complaining about yet another G-Man theory!), but not as often as I used to.
Yeah, I wasn't posting in the off-topic forums much when I first joined. I practically live in off-topic now, though. I hardly post anywhere else now! I'll post in the Half-Life series or the story and mythology section sometimes (I usually only post in story and mythology now if I'm complaining about yet another G-Man theory!), but not as often as I used to.

I don't venture anywhere else but off topic except on rare occasions. I occasionally view there and have seen long time members I've never seen before. I'm sure they've never even heard of me or seen my cow if they don't come to off topic areas.
How can you guys never shit in school? I do it all the time, its so satisfying getting a group of four people to take up the stalls and have a group shit.
well, it was really cold today so i had to bash my cat with a violin and then poop on the door handle of a mcdonalds washroom
Sam, you have had explicit instructions to restrain yourself from posting on these forums anymore. If you cannot exercise your own willpower, it will be exercised for you and you will not enjoy it.
So I'm going on this mega date with 4 chicks from work. 1 other guy is going.

Gonna be sex.
So I'm going on this mega date with 4 chicks from work. 1 other guy is going.

Gonna be sex.

Let me set aside some forum space for you where you can lament on how you can't believe there was no sex.
For some reason I've got a really bed pain in my lower back and it's not going away! I've had it for a few hours now and it's annoying the hell out of me! :frown:
For some reason I've got a really bed pain in my lower back and it's not going away! I've had it for a few hours now and it's annoying the hell out of me! :frown:
Putting pressure or hitting pains lightly seems to do the trick for me.
I do it too. I find what works best is to put your hands on your lower back (I actually put the top of my right forearm across my whole lower back and push my left hand into my right hand, your right hand should be facing away from you), and push, the bend your upper body backwards, if you do it right, you should either hear one huge crack and a bunch of little ones. Makes pain go away for a bit.
I need to write three essays tonight and do a complete AP Physics assignment and instead I'm posting in the Strife thread.
I need to write three essays tonight and do a complete AP Physics assignment and instead I'm posting in the Strife thread.

Funny, I somehow managed to rape all my midterms in the asshole without evens studying for them. It's not exactly that I didn't mean to study, but rather I was expecting school to be cancelled for the weather and it never was. Shit, son.

I also got a 93 on the AP European History blue book I took before break with a 102F fever, but that is mostly a testament to how much sleeping with your teachers can affect your grade, I suppose.

In this thread, toaster gloats like the dirty whore that he is.

Finished two essays, about to work on the third and then do my physics assignment.

So get this. I have to write this essay for AP English, the teacher is making us and giving us a completion grade for it. Its for a scholarship from the NAACP, and the topic is the most racist thing I have ever heard.

"How will a black president change the way our country is governed?"


Way to set yourselves back fifty years there NAACP, great f***ing job.
I'm debating not doing it. I'm just going to ramble about my poor mother and I, Caucasian, living in a poor and purely Black neighborhood in Baltimore Maryland when I was a child. That relates somehow I guess. True story btw.

Poor as in wealth wise not that we were surrounded by Negros, I just realized it looked like that. Lol.
I'm debating not doing it. I'm just going to ramble about my poor mother and I, Caucasian, living in a poor and purely Black neighborhood in Baltimore Maryland when I was a child. That relates somehow I guess. True story btw.

Poor as in wealth wise not that we were surrounded by Negros, I just realized it looked like that. Lol.

Tron, SkyJack, Fillar, 2x4, Altoids, Speedy

miss everyone </3

EDIT: and @play 64, @play 29
Finished two essays, about to work on the third and then do my physics assignment.

So get this. I have to write this essay for AP English, the teacher is making us and giving us a completion grade for it. Its for a scholarship from the NAACP, and the topic is the most racist thing I have ever heard.

"How will a black president change the way our country is governed?"


Way to set yourselves back fifty years there NAACP, great f***ing job.

I fail to see how the question is racist.
It would of course allow a racist answer, but the questions mention of race is only a sufficient, not a necessary condition for this.

You could answer the essay without mentioning race once. It's simply asking what changes Obama will . I presume it uses 'a black president' instead of 'Obama' to give you a hint of a possible direction you might take.

You could mention a quote from Obama's 2004 speech to the democratic convention "We must eradicate the slander that says a black kid with a book is acting white."

But that's up to you.
The good old days. Though, Speedy hates does Fillar. I see Tron playing tf2 every once in a while though, I used to talk to Toids all the time until he uninstalled everything and rarely gets on steam.

What was 64 again? I thought beer was 84.
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