Strife Lately 1+2

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Mind blown.

That's not all that's blown.
Heh, I had that movie sitting on my HDD but I never bothered watching it for some reason. I just watched it and it's awesome. I can only hope the two left at the end are both Things >:3
Blah. According to the game which is supposedly the sequel

Childs wasn't. MacReady mysteriously shows up to save you at the end. How he survived and found a helicopter is unknown. I call Thing bullshit on that.
I am so incredibly drunk and I've spent the last few hours talking nonstop to the person about whom I care most

And I'd just like to point out that even after all that vodka I'm still better at who/whom and not ending sentences with prepositions than the majority of you forum members
you may consider yourselves owned

Also does anyone want to tell me what the word "epicurean" means and why it's on the back of this bottle of grey goose

So it's ten degrees out and there is, of course, no chance of precipitation!
And I'd just like to point out that even after all that vodka I'm still better at who/whom and not ending sentences with prepositions than the majority of you
Pity about the full stops.
This is the worst thing that ever happened to this thread.

I got really drunk off one pint of cider because later I found out it had been spiked with lots of tequila. How didn't I notice? It tasted great.
I obviously don't drink enough... the worst I've ever been, a strobe light made me want to fall over.
My window is behind my laptop, and Ive literally just seen what can only be described as an erruption of a dome-shaped, blue coloured light on the horizon, followed instantly by the street lights and my own lights going off then on.

My window is behind my laptop, and Ive literally just seen what can only be described as an erruption of a dome-shaped, blue coloured light on the horizon, followed instantly by the street lights and my own lights going off then on.


Oh lol nuclearblastbye
Tequila's pretty nice. But only to real men. Women can't handle it.
Women have breasts and a vagina.
I find this impossible to believe. Tequila is likely the most abhorrent alcoholic substance known to man. I mean, really. As much as I disliked finding out Grey Goose is not a brand of vodka but rather a brand of laxative, at least it's better than finding out it's actually tequila.
Well, it's not fantastic on its own, but this was all mixed with cider. Which, in a strange twist, made the cider taste like pure apple juice. It was like a return to my childhood.
Tequila's pretty nice. But only to real men. Women can't handle it.
Women have breasts and a vagina.

Important ProTip:

Not all of them

/me shudders
You're not making any sense nipples, come back when you sober up.
Lol. I went to sleep on the floor in his room and about half an hour later two people picked me up and put me in his bed. His sister told him the girl he was hitting on all night wanted to have sex with him in his bed so he ran into is room pulled his pants off and turned on the light. Which caused me to jump out of the bed and scream "TURN OFF THE F***ING LIGHT".

Another use for light bulbs.

I just got a text that says, "( Rhonda said you would really want to see that site." From [email protected].

What the f***?
It's the opposite for me. My woman is all like "shall we have the lights on" and I'm like "SILENCE"
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