Strife Lately 1+2

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My woman (HAH!) is more like "Que pasa? Que pasa? No entiendo. Por favor! No quiero, por favor!"
I don't know what she's saying, but man, foreign languages are hot.
And then he was like "I know" and then Toaster was like :(
In my case, the woman wouldn't be able to see anything anyway. She'd just be all like "where is it? where is it? did you put it in yet?" ;(
In my case, she wouldn't be ****ing me, she'd be ****ing a guy I hate. Oh lol wait that's true.
In my case she would be like "oh yeah **** me baby, yes yes oh stick it in my ass yes!" and I'd be like "yeah you like that baby?" and she'd be like "uhn uhn uhn yes **** me hard" and then I'd cum and close the video.
In my case I whould have a sour hand...

From all the slapping her ass that is!

Nah, I masterbate... :(
In my case she would be like "oh yeah **** me baby, yes yes oh stick it in my ass yes!" and I'd be like "yeah you like that baby?" and she'd be like "uhn uhn uhn yes **** me hard" and then I'd cum and close the video.

If by she you mean he.
Which reminds me,

Sulkdodds said:
So you're doing her from behind, right? So then what you do is, you grab her nipples, I mean really put the fucking vice-clamp on her. Bitch is in so much pain she can't do anything, and that's when you make your move - from the pink to the stink. Never fails to get ol' Sulky balls-deep in the chocolate starfish.
So you're doing her from behind, right? So then what you do is, you grab her nipples, I mean really put the fucking vice-clamp on her. Bitch is in so much pain she can't do anything, and that's when you make your move - from the pink to the stink. Never fails to get ol' Sulky balls-deep in the chocolate starfish.
What just happened, and why am I all of the sudden blind?
All the posts since I last posted in this thread have brought me a lot of cheer just when I needed it.
I have now realised that I'm bisexual. I've been confused about it quite a while now but after talking on a forum to some other people in the same situation I've realised that's what I am. Planning on telling my mum at some point; not sure when, though.
Good game. Needs more scissoring.

From this, I have deduced that the only girls that play Half Life 2 are at least partial dykes.
Admittedly there now at least three confirmed bisexuals on here (me, Phobie and Toaster) but there are a lot of other girls on here who aren't bi. So there is only a minority of us.
All women are bisexual. Nobody can resist the allure, not even other women.
I would make a comment about video games turning girls in to queers, but in all reality I was a dyke until I played Ocarina of Time and formed a crush on Link. Video games made me straight. Or at least straightish.

Really no way
I've never heard that story before, thanks for telling me it, that's really interesting and a new story I haven't heard.

Is it Alyx that's turning all you bitches queer? I bet it is.
I've been sitting here watching the original series of Star Trek all day

It's so horribly wonderful
Just got home from work about 20 minutes ago. All night floorsets FOR THE LOSS.

I'm decently tired so I suppose I'll go to sleep.
Just walked past the mirror and had one of those walk-back-and-look-again-and-go-ooooooooooohhh moments.

Weight loss is a good thing...when attracting women. Could swear I read that somewhere.
I spent today painting a piano.


(Although only the pattern in the lower left corner is mine, the rest I just helped with)

Then we went to Karaoke with a bunch of random people we met while playing the piano.

The girl playing is a genius. She freestyles like a pro.
When I was living in Wellington there was a karaoke bar upstairs from us.

They didn't let in non-asians. :(
You totally lied, FRIE is on one side and NDS is on the other.

No one here will ever trust you again! Witch!
So true. And it couldn't possibly be the other way considering the odd number of characters in "FRIENDS" combined with the completely ludicrous high aspect ratio of "I".
parents are ****ing, fighting awesome!!!

actually no, they went to disneyland and left me at home for three days to babysit my four siblings. They should be back later today... I miss my baby.
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