Strife Lately 1+2

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Are you saying that the majority of myspace users are fat, unhealthy, anti-social slobs with down-syndrome Darksied?
No, but they might as well be. I'm saying that nobody with a Myspace is cool.

Shamrock said:
I used to like Weird Al back in the day when I was in grade 8 and lower, but then my tastes grew away from the parody music. Oh well.
You need to dare to be stupid.
Sorry you have shitty taste in music.

Ehh, no. I have a hard time deciphering bands of this type as they all sound the same. My friend listens to this stuff and she actually tricked me into going to a concert near Detroit with a venue full of bands like this. I swear it was one band, just different people.
Ehh, no. I have a hard time deciphering bands of this type as they all sound the same. My friend listens to this stuff and she actually tricked me into going to a concert near Detroit with a venue full of bands like this. I swear it was one band, just different people.

Obviously, it's going to sound all the same to you. Your musical taste is catered to a different genre, but most of is catered to the shitty likes of NIN. Just like mine are catered to electronica/acoustic/pop/rock/indie/insert another genre here. I can easily tell the difference betwix this just like they can tell me the difference between shitty NIN and shitty Radiohead. Just like some gangster can tell us the difference between FITTY CENT and T.I. or insert another random shitty rapper here.

I just think my musical taste is greater than his/yours, and I'm sure you feel the same way towards me. Oh well.
Just like some gangster can tell us the difference between FITTY CENT and T.I. or insert another random shitty rapper here.
Fifty Cent: his game comes with a bulletproof vest.

Random shitty rappers: their games do not come with bulletproof vests.
It's just music man, it's just music. Now get your ass on the dance floor and move it.
Let the record state that I'm really interested in finding out what happens with losttheskyagain's situation, not because it's LESBIANS but simply because it's such a bizarre happenstance and I want to see how it ends. And also LESBIANS.

Also, how to use capitol letters.
Whoah, whoah, whoah.

Now I'm a big fan of writing properly in text messages, without abbrieviations and acronyms, but capital letters? Come on. That's taking it a bit far. I don't know about you but the way my phone's laid out it would take me an extra hour to write every message if I had to put caps in all the right places.
My text messages are all correctly capitalised and punctuated. Anything less is an atrocity.
Let the record state that I'm really interested in finding out what happens with losttheskyagain's situation, not because it's LESBIANS but simply because it's such a bizarre happenstance and I want to see how it ends. And also LESBIANS.

Whoah, whoah, whoah.

Now I'm a big fan of writing properly in text messages, without abbrieviations and acronyms, but capital letters? Come on. That's taking it a bit far. I don't know about you but the way my phone's laid out it would take me an extra hour to write every message if I had to put caps in all the right places.

The main problem I had there was Capitol letters.
I fear that being out of job and having jack all to do is turing me into a Trekkie

.....I'm scared
I asked this girl I like how I should tell my parents that I'm gay.
Just walk through the room wearing assless chaps. They'll know.
I fear that being out of job and having jack all to do is turing me into a Trekkie

.....I'm scared

Welcome to my world Skaadi.

Except I'm never going to become a Trekkie.

Man speaking of strife lately... I haven't been feeling good at all. I've been perpetually tired. I'm constantly able to feel my eyeballs(especially the left one, and it makes my face feel lopsided as a result), my ears and my face. The left side of my face is twitching occasionally and my eyes seem to have lost focusing strength very rapidly. I'm shaking like it's as if I haven't eaten anything for an entire day and generally I just feel horrible.

Don't know what it could be.
Why is it that when I try to right-click save image on Firefox it saves it as an url? Is there anyway to get past this?
Had a party last night.

Hooked up with ex extremely passionate like.

Met ex's very attractive and very single and very interested in me roommate.

Still have unrequited love for ex.

Hasn't called, hasn't responded to text.

Will give it time. Seeking council in meantime.
Friend zone'd. That's fine, now I can get my dick wet with her roommate.
Now I'm a big fan of writing properly in text messages, without abbrieviations and acronyms, but capital letters? Come on. That's taking it a bit far. I don't know about you but the way my phone's laid out it would take me an extra hour to write every message if I had to put caps in all the right places.
My phone automatically caps the first letter of each sentence. I thought all phones did. I mean, you'd still have to capitalize names and places and um... I guess the "God" in "oh my God" if you use that expression a lot and really insist on not using the acronym, but that could be easily substituted for "gosh" if you were willing to sacrifice the extra keystroke (and a portion of manliness).

Hmm. Yeah, I don't text a whole lot. My cellphone battery lasts about as long as a radio on Lost.
Oh shit shit shit!
I just droped my phone in the toilet. Quick advice on what to do???
Your screen probably isn't coming back. But the best thing you can do with electrical equipment is turn it off and dry it out for a couple of days.

The thing about text messages is that space is limited and precious. You only get like 150 characters per text, and I am not going to send two god damn text messages if I can make it fit by cutting down the "you"s to "u"s. My dignity is not as important as my phone bill!

So the price of your dignity is, what, 10 pence? Sounds about right.

I like the L4D comparison. The part where you get covered in blood and vomit is especially apt, because I often find that during real sex, hundreds of men come pouring into the room at that point to rape myself and my partner.
Right anyway
Last night while playing through the L4D developer's commentary, I had the best/worst thought that anyone has ever had about this game. On the commentary node at the No Mercy 2 crescendo event, the developer talks about the crescendo events breaking up the monotony and quickening the pace; adding excitement that ebbs and flows, eventually building up to the finale. My first thought was, "wow, that sounds like really good sex."


Yeah it's good doing stuff like that. And varying the depth of penetration at times too.

Uh bullet penetration. Like hunting rifle. I'm not creepy.
But how do you vary depth when your willy only reaches two inches?

edit: Wait, uh, I mean bullets too.
Of course sometime things can go bad. The it's all like, "Get this thing off of me!!"
I like the L4D comparison. The part where you get covered in blood and vomit is especially apt, because I often find that during real sex, hundreds of men come pouring into the room at that point to rape myself and my partner.

Jesus christ, I fell out of my chair laughing. You bastard.
I'll go to the phone company tomorrow and [strike]ask[/strike] demand a new one.
So I was sitting in detention today writing a song about how freshmen virgins hate dick, when I realized I had made two dates for the same night, place and time.
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