Strife Lately 1+2

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So I was sitting in detention today writing a song about how freshmen virgins hate dick, when I realized I had made two dates for the same night, place and time.

I smell a wacky sitcom scenario!
Noon EST tomorrow = Blood Harvest or Dead Air on expert. BE THEEEEERE.
Row row fight da powah.

ruff ruff I am a dog I am fighting the power.


In other news, got accepted into SVA. Woop college here I come.
Colleges haven't gotten back to me yet. I'm half nervous and half eager.
Times are changing man. We just elected our first white president. Sure he's only half white, but this nation has come a long way.
I think the more we make out of him being black is just making things worse for black people. Guess he's not just another guy, he's a black guy!

You're so racist Solaris.
How the hell has this thread lasted so long with a start like that?

Don't question it.

I've been trying to learn Jumper by Third Eye Blind on the piano. It's coming out pretty good I'd say. I'm trying to self teach meself to play.
How the hell has this thread lasted so long with a start like that?

I actually have some more to add.

I'm buying another set from a friend so my count is up to 6 toms (2 floor) and 2 bass drums, one with a single kick and the other has a double.

gonna be intense.
I just reformatted, and now, I have to go through the process of reinstalling everything. That's the only thing I hate about reinstalling, but it's definitely worth it after it's all done.
My Acer Aspire 5670's battery died on me yesterday.

So I grabbed the train back home and got my main PC and brought it back here to Uni.

Core 2 duo and my 8800gt are back where they belong, now I can stop buying the 360 version of games I wanted to play here at Uni on the PC instead.
That's because you've never been discriminated against by the state because of the colour of your skin.

You don't have to be discriminated against to understand the magnitude of amazement it is to have a black man elected president of this country.
Rock Band 2 is so ridiculously fun. And strangely exhausting.
I love apple pie now. I've eaten like five pieces now. BRB gonna go get more.
Is it wrong to laugh at a retarded person if they're being really, really funny?
I only softly chuckled at Ben, and I didn't even care, because I have no actual proof that he is mentally challenged.

I was just chillin in class after my exam and outside I hear, "WHURE IS KEELLLLLLY??" for five minutes. I would've cried laughing if I wasn't surrounded by 20 people who were restraining themselves.
So in my drama class we had to write a script for our groups and what have you, and we didn't really have any specific guidelines except it had to be a crime. So my group got around to just making some botched robbery where everyone dies, and out of nowhere teacher is like "IT HAS TO BE G RATED".

to which I replied "But Miss I'm rated R for sexual content".

My college offers courses for those types and they're more often ****ing scary than hilarious. Last time I was walking into the library this guy hurtled right for me, jumping like a high-velocity kangaroo, totally oblivious to my presence and laughing manically. I was millimetres away from my life ending in that most undignified way.
My infamy level has increased due to the fact that everyone regards me as the kid that bends all our schools forks. In reality its three of us.

Try eating lunch with perfectly flat forks bitches.
The best part of my drama class is that I think I am the only person in my class that can read. Which makes for some hilarious script reading.
My college offers courses for those types and they're more often ****ing scary than hilarious. Last time I was walking into the library this guy hurtled right for me, jumping like a high-velocity kangaroo, totally oblivious to my presence and laughing manically. I was millimetres away from my life ending in that most undignified way.

Theres a strange one of those who rides my bus, and he tends to just stare at one person for the entire 20 minute bus ride. He imitates them too, in his strange sounding attempt at speech. OH GOD. HE'S OUTSIDE.
I just blended the most PERFECT orange julius ever. What a great drink.
One of my professors was supposed to write a grad school recommendation letter, but it's a week past the deadline and he hasn't submitted. I've already emailed him about it, and now I don't know what to do anymore.

My friend suggested leaving a message saying, "You have a PhD... I'd like to be able to have one too," which was just a joke, but would get the point across.

I only applied for 4 schools and 1 fellowship, and 4 of those applications have had screw-ups out of my control. ARGH.
Dude, you have to do that.

Then send another that says, "Are you still hungry? Because you just got SERVED."
Dude, you have to do that.

Then send another that says, "Are you still hungry? Because you just got SERVED."

Hahaha... well he finally got it submitted. I think letting him know it was due last week did the trick.
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