Strife Lately 1+2

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I have only 3 infractions. So lame. ;(

But they're all from different mods. :D

I would protect you all in the showers fellas.
I have a Banimal, a Glenn, an Ennui and a Samon.

I should ****ing make trading cards for these.
Can we get some trading cards going here? I say someone makes a formal template that has the front for the picture and the back for the stats, and hopefully some clever lad can make the categories for stats appropriately awesome such as posts, games owned on Steam, average kills, etc., and we can fill them in.

That would be ballin'.
Why do trading cards when you can do a CCG?

in b4 trap card
This. And even not taking that into account, they breathe our air without any help, so the planet they were from must have had a similar eco system to ours, and so they'd have had similar, if not the same in some cases, bacteria system given that's how evolution works.

Oh god.
You're right. War of the Worlds was stupid. But those are entirely the wrong reasons. :(

Oh and nobody mentioned: if they buried tripods thousands of years ago how did they manage to have them arise in city centres so successfully? That's pretty good prediction of settlement patterns alright!
Well, after stepping on a screw the other day (I stepped on it so hard I had to unscrew it from my foot) it hurts like a bitch. I couldn't walk straight at work today, so I told the new girl that it was "walk like a pirate day". I don't think the story needs to be finished.
Go on.

I had to put my older cat to sleep this morning. :(

I'm going to miss her. :(

She was with us for 17 years. :(
I love you.
I received an infraction from Samon on my birthday. I guess that was his idea of a birthday present...
I hope you all get infractioned for you infraction disscusion.

Irony is I'll probably get one too.
Took 2 exams for 3 hours and then played 3 hours of L4D. My eyes are bleeding.
Samon gave me an infraction one time and I drew him a picture.
On the way home I saw a license plate that said, "OVR 9000".

Made my whole week.
People who didn't find that funny need to be rounded up and put in some kind of camp. A camp where they can concentrate on how to improve on their sense of humor.

Some kind of...reflection retreat.
What's going on with the site at the moment? Why is it always going down?
Well, to make a long story brief, Valve temporarily shut down the site because they looked at Strife Lately. They were... Disgusted.

In other news, I'm outrageously drunkard so this is my last post for the night.
I still think you should be BANNED G!

I got an infraction for Irony...
Grammar nazism is going on in this thread. Consider yourself warned.
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