Strife Lately 1+2

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I'm getting drums soon - yay! Can't wait to give drums a go, basically getting them for free!

Some of you may remember this post (if you don't go to page 1), and FINALLY - I got them.


You can see 2 toms on the floor in behind there, I also got another floor tom and a bass drum (the set I'm using has a wood finish, the others are all blue wood finish, which is a better colour, but these ones sound better), as well as 2 kicks behind to bass drum. I am using a double kick on this one. (so I actually have 3 all together)

Drumming is fuuuun.
My dad had a mini heart attack last night. He's in hospital at the moment.
For some reason I'm not that worried. I'm sure he'll be fine, he's made of bricks.

Sorry to hear that and I hope he recovers fully dude.
Some of you may remember this post (if you don't go to page 1), and FINALLY - I got them.
Nice, dude, kind of jealous. That better not be how you set them up to play, though...

Be easy on that crash, I have the same set and it broke after about a year. I was a pretty rough player back then, though.

Stupid single-kick... *grumbles*

Edit: Hope he pulls through okay, dekstar. =/
Nice, dude, kind of jealous. That better not be how you set them up to play, though...

Do you mean facing the corner, or the way the drums are set up? I don't know, just set them up how they were most comfortable. It's what I was told to do by many different drummers.
Well, if that's what is comfortable for you, but I'd say that stool is about 45 degrees too far around to the right. Generally you'd be more or less facing the kick drum, instead of having it out on an angle. But hey, whatever works for you. :)
Wtf, a ladybird just flew in my window, straight at me, landed on my arm, walked about 5cm with me looking at it, and then bit me.

Needless to say, its now smeared against my wall and am currently wiping its remains away.

Stupid thing.
Sure its a sweet set, but can you play it?

A million and one kids at my school have bitchin sets but can't do shit.
I admit I can't do shit - I just got it this morning, but hey - $300. The cymbals still have the price tags on them, and those alone are worth $300 atleast. I got a good deal.

Now I need to set up my other bass drum and 3 toms, THEN it would be a bitchin set. I just have no room.
No they're called "STOP ****ING SINGING I HAVE A HANGOVER!"
Ladybird, ladybug, whatever. Theyve got a damn vicious bite.

Potato, Patato.

What really annoys me is how people in the UK call grass mosquitos 'daddy longlegs'.
Daddy longlegs is a spider, the most venemous on the planet but cant kill animals because it is so small and therefore cant bite them..or something.
I thought craneflies(sp?) were referred to as "daddy longlegs".
I thought craneflies(sp?) were referred to as "daddy longlegs".

Yeah them, theyre like a cross between a spider and a mosquito, really long legs, long wings, elongated body.

In the UK theyre called daddy long legs, which isnt right. Annoys me for some reason.
They tested that theory on MythBusters, the daddy longlegs didn't even try and bite.
Since when do passwords need replacing?

/ what's this about the site being 'hacked'?
Yeah them, theyre like a cross between a spider and a mosquito, really long legs, long wings, elongated body.

In the UK theyre called daddy long legs, which isnt right. Annoys me for some reason.

Aren't those big legged mosquitos just females?
Look at this bullshit:


Assholes turned off the audio to my video because it had a Doors song in it. **** I hate these RIAA faggits.
Shut up fag.

Watched Pineapple Express, Feast, Feast 2: Sloppy Seconds and Babylon A.D. all in one sitting. Meh. My ass hurts.
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