Strife Lately 1+2

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Things I've learned about myself today:

1) You can tell I'm bullshitting something if I use the word implication.
Ever just lay on the grass at 2am and stare up at the stars?

Yeah, don't do that. Get leaves all up in your shit.
I'm startled by the inactivity of the Strife thread.

^Yes. Just don't lay in leaves.
I purchased four walkmans. Two of them work. The worst ones. Never mind, listening to Geogaddi on tape is supersexy.
My Strife is the fact that approximately 2 people on these forums find me a slightly competent human being.

Oh well, I don't care.
Yes, its just sheepo. I said you still have to prove yourself.
Actualy they're Simon, Poe, Pixel and Crash. All male, meaning you'll all be gay.
Been watching Arrested Development. Just got done with Season 1 and I have all day off tomorrow.

Marathon, here we come.
I have had a 7 season Marathon with the shield.
For a second there I acctually thought it was real.
I wake up an realize im not a member of strike team and can't beat up blacks and browns without getting a capped busted my ass.
I'm trying to find my Colbert avatar and cannot. I BLAME VEGETA.
Dont know about grass, but I do that when I go camping in the desert in Oman or UAE, youre literally in the middle of nowhere, only the GPS(s) know where you are, NO lights around you, id walk up a dune, over the side, lie down on the sand and look up.

You see stars you would never see in your life if you lived in the city. You cant describe the sheer beauty. It sounds corny, but those are the kind of things like...the dinosaurs and early man wouldve seen.
Actually dinosaurs would have seen very different stars than we do.
The scariest thing about being in a desert is the detail of the sky. If you look carefully, you can see the corner.
Finding out that the sky is actually a skybox blew my mind.
I have a telescope and i watched moon on the day it was full. Friggin nice, only some planes broke the view a couple of times. Oh, and other day I saw a UFO while watching stars with telescope. I was very far up and moved very slow. It was almost in the outer space. But it was very long and was colored purple.....almost half a mile long from eyeview. Creepy ****er. Now I'm waiting for MIB's.
I got a software related question that didnt warrent its own thread:

Anyone know of a good program for ripping from DVDs straight to mp4 format? I've got some TV shows I want to put on my iPod.
I've finally told one of my friends that I'm bi. I had to text him in the end because I didn't get a chance to say anything when we met up today, but what he said was that it didn't bother him, that you are who you and you should never change yourself. I love him so much for saying that and it's just one of the reasons why I love him so much!
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