Strife Lately 1+2

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I bet it was something like, "sure but only if wesley can sleep in our closet"

uh... right?

See, the fact we haven't done anything is kinda what confuses me.

I reminded her I am straight, and she said, "Yeah, right. After two more guys you'll come looking for me."

I'm kinda worried, really.
Man, who actually says that? She sounds "a bit" over confident.
Jesus Christ, my German class is starting tomorrow D:

4.5 months of full-time German studies D:
I finally got around to filming stupid little ideas again. I've had the idea to make kind of a fake video diary of me making a movie, where the intros would be quite serious but the movie would be the single worst thing you've ever witnessed.

Yeah shits gonna be funny.

Oh boy oh boy. And also tomorrow im interviewing my dads friend as he was on one of the first ferries to get people off the plane that crash landed in the hudson river. Guy can make anything hilarious, so it should be good.
an excerpt from my saved text messages-

sarah: I dont want 2 talk 2 anyone 4 the week u and cas i will but **** the others
wesley: I'll tell them why if they ask
sarah: Haha aw what would u say
wesley: Something like you needed someone and they werent there for you so they can go choke on a donkeycock
sarah: haha dork
wesley: I'm serious
wesley: I will go and find a donkey for them

I'm a good boyfriend.
If you really are, you'll teach her to use the word "you".
Also "to," "for," and how to construct a grammatically correct sentence.
I'm listening to this amazing artist, and he used great googly moogly in his song, and I about wet my pants from the pure brilliance of it.

Damn. This guy is amazing.
You mean weird al?

also, true love can overlook such deformities as poor spelling and grammar.
You mean weird al?

also, true love can overlook such deformities as poor spelling and grammar.

Incorrect. I hate Weird Al. He disgusts me. This guy actually makes quality music and not parodies or songs just to be funny. His lyrics are just plain awesome and everything he uses flows so genuinely and naturally. I love it.
I had a terrible stomach ache and nearly pinched a loaf in my pants today. Thank god I made it to a toilet. Too bad it was a public stall though. How nasty and unsanitary those are.

Smelt awful too. Haven't been busy with paperwork like that in nearly a week.
I wish I was cool and had a myspace profile like everybody else. Unfortunately, I just never could bring myself to care enough to create one. I'm just too damn lazy.
Man I guess I must not be paying attention.

Saturos said:
Saturos said:
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