The Arena

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mrBadger! The lithium crystals are about to blow! The Topic can't take much more of this!

Why the hell don't you sticky the damn thread for all that visit the OT Forum to see?
/me tries to hide the fact that he doesnt know what a hankey is by smiling

/me kicks the hankey away when mrBadger isnt watching but it flies right into his eye

Ouch, that really hurts ;(;(
*Bruce was wondering why it hasn't been stickied yet... :P

This is all getting a bits confuzzleing, can I just call you all bruce?

Everyone: Yer Sure, Bruce

Ar, you are a good Bruce, Bruce...

*Bruce grabs his can of fosters and throws it at Bruce, who's knocked out by it....

mmmm, typical American audience, all the kids are on drugs and all the adults are on rollerskates, ah Bruce (no offence meant Bruce but some people will understand it).......
Who's Bruce?
You're Bruce
No I'm not
Yes, well you are now
Who ARE you people!? And why am I called BRUCE!?
He's got a good point... It doesn't make much sense
Very true, Bruce
Thank you Bruce - I thought so
Now hang on a minute
What IS it Bruce?
Well, why do we all have the same name?
Stone says so
NOW do you understand?
I tried to delete what was, frankly, a ridiculous post (and I apologise) but I can't delete it... Is that the side-effects of stickification?

Oh, and Badger - d'you think WAF'll ever be a sticky? Badger? Badger, what are you doing with that... What are you -? No, no! Not THAT kind of stick! Aaaahhhh)
don't worry Bruce,
and how dare you damn Bruce, Bruce, Buce has done nothing wrong Bruce...
Where's Bruce got to anyway, hmmm, and how come Bruce isn't spamming, Bruce?
and no Bruce that's due to changes in the coding of the forums Bruce...And I liked that post Bruce..
if WAF is good, and after the Virus thread is gone, then maybe. I likeed your colourful post ;(

and stone.... stop confsuing me ;(
/me jumps for joy when he sees the arena is a sticky

/me wonders who unsticked the arena......

/me becomes unstuck
/me falls to the ground because he lost his stickyness

/me broke his arm in the fall
Badger caught me red handed, unstikin' the arena thread...

Wasnt me...

Dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum di di di da da...

Wasnt me...

Anyway, now that thats over. Seriously, i didnt do it. I never even saw the thread when it was stuck...
I know who it was now... it was Zerimski...

/me points finger

he did it!

(but he did have a rather good reason for doing it :P )
Enough of this!

/me pulls out his trust Deagle and shoots out most of Badgers teeth and his lower jaw.

Hey, this is better than Soldier of Fortune 2!

/me Does the same to half the people in the arena...but then pats stone on the head for making him such a nice avatar.
Luckily The DemonWithin was in that half that FLS didnt shoot.
"Hah i win!"
/me collects all the lower jaw pieces and creates a makeshift nuke, he then places it in FLS's mouth and detonates the bomb while holding out a marshmellow with his hand to roast it.
I am teh 1337 one!!!!

Try and decode my avatar! It says something. But you will die if you find out!!! MUW HA HA HA HA HA!

/me takes his lower jaw from the 'nuke' thus not making it a nuke because it lacked its L33T-ness.

And so when TDW set off his nuke, it just gave a large roar and created an explosion just big enough to blow FLS's head off.

/me gets it attached by using the miracle science of fiction.
<El_Chi loads up a cow onto a catapault aimed in the enemy's direction>
<El_Chi giggles at the Monty Python-ness of it all>
<Refers to a different sketch and smacks Farrowlesparrow in the face with a big fish>
I cant think of anything so....

/me fights or something
/me notices that this is the fourth time the arena has gone into a Monty Python skit.
/me shouts 'OBEY'

/me waves AK-47 in the air

/me wonders whether this is spam or not

/me thinks just in case

/me slaps El_chi, since he is nearest

<El_Chi wonders: a) Why he's being victimised and b) why mrBadger is suddenly Comrade Badger>
<Slaps ComradeBadger in the face with a fish>
<And then denounces Comrade Badger, puts him on show trial and executes him>
Hey... you can't denounce me!!! I denounce you first

/me claims that he was closer to Lenin than you

(See General Editing in a few minutes to see why)
/me thinks thats not right, Lenin is my brother and i have never seen you

/me thinks

/me remembers that Lennon was his brother
/me has no idea wot everyone is going on about so shoots mitoboy in the head cos he is silly :P :P:P:P
/me puts Fat Tony's tubby vacuum on reverse so he's no longer full of sh!t. :P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P:P

BadgerEDIT: no swearing
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