The Arena

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/me explains to a confused forum that they should read my mod's thread in General Editing :P

/me grabs Bad^Hat and Fat Tony, and bangs their heads together

/me sits down with Fat Tony for some Tubby Custard.

We'll be nice ^.~
Originally posted by mrBadger
Badger claims that he was closer to Lenin than you

I have a genuine Soviet hipflask so nurr. And it's really really good. So double nurr.
I was closer to Lenin... Just because. Anyway, I totally got to you first.

Edit: I can't be bothered to read that thread - could you just give me the gist of your mod and how it makes you a Comrade?
Well! I have a genuine AK (well, I haven't bought it yet, and it would be an airsoft gun) but still ;(

/me shakes fist at El_Chi

<Alan Rickman> I'll get you lousey SpongueBob* </Alan Rickman>

Oh just read the first page of the thread, gives you a general idea :P (lazy bugger)

*Too many days have I spent watching SpongueBobSquarePants while drinking beer :P
Originally posted by mrBadger
<Alan Rickman> I'll get you lousey SpongueBob* </Alan Rickman>

*Too many days have I spent watching SpongueBobSquarePants while drinking beer :P
Alan Rickman!? What's HE got to do with the price of fish in China!?
And Spongebob + Beer = A happy, but short and unhealthy but happy life.

Oh and by the way:
<El_Chi does the victory happy-dance whilst swigging Victory Gin from his Soviet hip-flask>

By the way - for your mod, are you mapping the levels in HL1 first and then converting them and adding bells and whistles?
/me takes out El_Chi's legs as he dances

/me steals the Vistory Gin

bloody hell thats strong

/me passes out due to hunger and gin

(we are doing some things in HL1, but those will remian secret for now ;) but no, it's all being done with the HL2 tools, [map wise anyway] :) why? )
you can use the /me command now you know :P

/me chastises thenerdguy

hmmmm, no effect

/me chastises thenerdguy with a spoiki mace

thats better!

/me demands the Republic's funds back

Thou shalt not steal from Comrade Badger :P

EDIT: Go vote for me on the staff poll... I'm on 0 ;(... please? :P
Originally posted by mrBadger
Thou shalt not steal from Comrade Badger
But ComradeBadger - it surely cannot be YOUR money for all property is theft and therefore you stole in the first place. It is The People's money.
You're beginning to sound... LIKE A CAPITALIST PIG-DOG!!!
<Denounces Comrade Badger once more and shoots out both his knees before pouring Victory Gin in the bullet wounds>

You still didn't explain the Alan Rickman bit...
THe HL1 comment was because there's those pics of HL1 maps on your website... I was thinking you were maybe creating them now and then converting them to Hammer (or whatever) later...
Poor mrBadger, hasnt even got one vote in the coolest mod/admin in the forums

/me steals El_Chi's money when he looks away
You know.... I could hack it, but I wouldn't ... I'm so depressed ;(

/me notices my knees


Why won't Jewish Cannabal Soviets eat Americans?

Because they are capitalistic pigs!
:cheese: :laugh:

<Alan Partridge> AHA! </Alan Partridge>

Sorry :(... Vote badger!!! Please...??

(ah, Ok El_chi, no those are random maps done by me :P )
/me gets bored with the arena going off topic so kicks mrbadger in the head
why dont we setup fights and then open betting tables. We have a vote on who the fighters will be and then its up to the fighters to out type each other. It comes down to hows the best writer.
/me comes in, in a policemens out fit....

Now Stop It, Stop It, this Sketch is Getting Tooo Silly....
Originally posted by mrBadger
Why won't Jewish Cannabal Soviets eat Americans?
Because they are capitalistic pigs!
:cheese: :laugh:
<Alan Partridge> AHA! </Alan Partridge>
Oh sweet Jesus that was obtuse... <Dies>
AHA! is always good though. AHA!

How many Stalinists does it take to change a lightbulb?
One to requisition the lightbulb, two to claim the lightbulb was never there and three to shoot anyone who claims otherwise.

Aaanyway. <Kicks Comrade Badger in the head for the sake of it, really - nothing personal>
ow my face

ok, for that joke.... I deserved it :P

rught, thats it, I'm off down the pub

/me waves bye bye

/me wanders off to the Phoenix

see y'all tomorrow, if I don't have a hangover :)

(and yes before you ask... I am 16 :P )

mrBadger's views do not nessiarily co-incide with's
thenerdguy drives over thedemondwithin with a red barny the stupid dino tricycle.
thenerdguy shoots el_chi with his grand pappy's double barreled shot gun. Nothing left but a bloody stain.
Zerox steps in and executes a roundkick so that thenerdguy flies against a wall and then Zerox uses his crowbar to crack thenerdguys head open.

Well i guess he's a


To much violence for you guys? :D
/me collects thenerdguy's spam in a can and eats it for breakfast.

That's some spicy sh1t!!!
/me is confussed, hurt and scared from the today experience......he takes it out on the arena contestants, no1 stands a chance...they all die!
/me doesnt know what a today experience is, but he feels stone's confussed/scared/hurtnessessess'ss'es'ss.
Originally posted by Zerox

To much violence for you guys? :D

/me turns and looks at Zerox

What did you just say?

*Zerox: I said...To much v-i-o-l-e-n-c-e for you guys? What are you deaf?

Thats what i thought you said...

/me uncovers a manipulator on a tripod. he then aims the manipulator at zerox and uses it to hold him up int he air...completely helpless.

/me then pulls out two smaller manipulates and begins to....manipulate zerox' body...

/me first holds out of of Zerox's arms with one manipulator, then with the other he pulls off his hands...he repeats this with the second arm

Hmm, this is fun isn't it?

/me then repeats this with Zerox's legs.

/me then uses the manipulators the grab both of Zerox's arms pulls them apart slowly....ripping zerox's arms clean off.

/me again he repeats this with the legs

/me finishes off by pulling off Zerox's head...

By the way...the image code isnt enabled...not that that matters now :naughty:
Zeroxs brain is still working so he use telepathy to take control over Farrowlesparrow brain forcing him to eat a toblerone stuffed with a small bomb. *tick tick tick*
Unfortunatly zerox' bomb was a dud.
/me takes a makeshift bomb create from grains of sand an plywood, and shoves it down zerox' throat, then detonates it, while laughing.
Originally posted by thenerdguy
Ok ill take on [Hunter]Ridic] for the use of the Preston avatar.

Ill use my neo wannabe fighting skillz

Im not quoting what you said...I just wanted to say that you kick freakn' ass for having an Equalibrium avitar. That movie was so damn awsome!!!! Best gun fights ever!!!

Everyone watch that movie!!!!!
Coolest thing ever, like if the sun imploded we would all be sucked in from the black hole the implosion created...

Sexy word too.
(New avvy, go emu! \m/ )

/me makes the sun implode... somehow... and hides from the black hole.

Can't get meeeeeeee :P:P:P

/me shines a torch in for fun, watches the light get sucked in.
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