The Arena

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/me notices that everones got their avatars and has name the name tags etc above their head....

hey that's cool...

/me shoots the name tag and title above thenerguy and it falls onto him nocking him out
No I already fell over, and didnt implode

/me takes his face off and the combine along with it


/me dies
/me comes back and sees NW laying there...

Uhm.....what happened here.

/me goes to find thenerdguy..
thenerdguy tells rabid meatloaf that mrbadger dropped stone on nw909's head.
but not fast enough. thenerdguy runs over rabid meatloaf with a lawn mower.
thender... you're dead.. i shot you in the head... how could you have dodged it? idiot...

/me spits on thender because he needs to spend more time away from his computer
who is thender?

i think you should leave your computer are starting to imagine things. Go outside into the sun light...or if its dark, turn on a bright light.

/me Decided he shouldnt bother helping some guy hes never seen and instead shoots him in the head...and watches as he falls to the floor completely lifeless. No chance of surviving.
/me captures FarrowLeSparrow and shoves bamboo shoots under his fingernails to find out the secret of the Mod Forum.

Tell me!

/me shoves another shoot under FLS's index finger nail on his left hand.
/me 's face grows back and I get back up

ow I have dirt under my skin

/me rips of his face again and it grows back quicker

woot ready for action.
Is quite funny...oh wait, this isnt the pwerson above thread.

/me eats the bamboo before it grows.

You will never find out the secret of the mod forum...especially now that the demonwithin has eaten your soul :)
/me climbs back out of thedemonwithin unharmed and informs him of what has aken place in the person above thread...
/me take out a blessed #3 golf driver and bashes the chest out of The DemonWithin because he is unholy.

/me and FLS sprits crawl back to their bodies.
*mitoboy is mistaken, The DemonWithin is not unholy, he is against evil things, thus he has demonic powers, but fights for good. so he is uneffected by the holy golf driver, it only gives him strength.
/me then takes the driver an plays a game of holy golf.
Oh EVERYTHING gives you power! Is there anything that you have a weakness to?

Or do I have to give you something and you will go away?**

**Plug at a Steven King movie.
Originally posted by Mitoboy
/me take out a blessed #3 golf driver and bashes the chest out of The DemonWithin because he is unholy.

congratulates mitoboy for having of watched the best film in the world, before, setting jay and silent bob onto the defence less Farrowlesparrow
/me takes stone and creates a sword out of him.
"yeah! lets go!"
/me and Stonesword join together an DESTROY mitoboy in an amazing array of flyin gibs blood and assorted skulls.
/me respawns.

Always. Well only one thing you have a weakness to.

Well that narrows it down a lot [/scarasm]

/me gets TDW's Mom.

Within!! What have I told you about giving the mortals an utter ass kicking. Now get in the house and eat your Mac 'n Cheese!

/me hits TDW with a rubber band while he was walking away.
/me realises that yes he did 'die' last time from a rubber band, but that was to be funny.
"oww what are you doing!!"
/me loads a metal thing in the rubber band and flings it at mitoboy, puncturing his skull and destroying his brain.
/me then walks up an begins to kill mitoboys body parts with Stonesword
/me respawns

Ya know... What ever happened to that elastic band?

/me is hit in the head by the elastic band.

Ahh, there it is.
/me wonders WTF is up with everyone today, and kills everyone using nothing but a rusty spoon and half a sheckle...

/me takes Stone's rusty spoon and dips it in CLR.

Witness the power of CLR. Just look at at it take out that rust!
*mitoboy doesnt notice the fine print under CLR which stands for:
*mitoboy blows himself and the spoon up!
/me cries......

I loved that rusty spoon.....

/me takes out his anger on the gibs of Mitoboy
/me respawns, yet again...

CLR stands for Calcium, (something that starts with an L), and Rust. Thgree things that it was made for to remove. 'Radioactive nuke' is two words.

/me gives Stone an old rusty spoon. To make up for the one that TDW destroyed.

Yeh, it was you who changed it into an explosive, not me. I am not responsible.
/me gets used to hack and slash the newly spawned mitoboy...

/me laughs and gets a mouthfull of gibs...

mmmmm, tasty
OK sense you stand no chance to make peace.

/me repwans and uses his newly aquired Ant Lion power to steal the 'Stone' sword and chop him in half with an electric, diamond tipped saw.

/me then pours water on the TDW.

Exploring new possibilties.
/me finds a ant-lion power taker-awayer gun lying on the floor.
/me shoots mitoboy
/me steals his cookie
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