The Completely Unofficial (But Danimal & Ennui Endorsed) NIN Thread

Just so you guys know, Acid Pro 6 can open .aiff files. In fact, I'm working on a remix right now.

Ah, forgot about Acid. Shame I removed it a while back.

Actually, I could do something, I guess. Handling vocals in Reason can be a bitch, but I'm sure I could do a workaround in conjunction with Ableton.
Soupstorm has a wicked nice intro to his remix, though.
Haha, real catchy, erase. :)

I'm working on something right now. Just sliced up all the vocals and drums into .REX files and playing around with them. Have a fairly hypnotic beat at the moment, but I don't know what direction I want to go in. I want to avoid my usual "layer-by-layer" routine.

I'll mix it all through Ableton later if I decide I want to utilize the vocal samples in their un-cut form.
I don't know wtf to do with it though, beyond the intro my mix sounds exactly like Reznor's mix :(

[edit] Okay, I threw one together in a total of four hours, and seeing as I don't have a MIDI board or any sort of recording studio, it's a straight remix. I hope it's good :3

Survivalism (Haste)
I think I've gotten something pretty effin' cool. Not finished. Gotta work in fills and variations (as usual). I'll post my WIP when I get back, since I can't stick around for the upload time.
Ive just done a remix, the only thing I used from the original version was a clip of the vocals in the chorus. I did everything else myself.

Uploading now


edit: bah... it's not really a remix... it's just a cover with a short clip of trent's voice.
Man, what the ****. It's like all my programs tune Rebirth extremely high when I render them. Oh well.
OK, turns out i'll be seeing NIN in August at Reading Festival, so I need to listen to some more. I have Broken and With Teeth. Which other albums are worth picking up?
All of them.

Definitely get The Fragile, The Downward Spiral, and Pretty Hate Machine.
I didn't know you were this good at teh musics, Absinthe :D
Ok, so i'm 13 years late to the party, but i just got The Downward Spiral this week and i'm loving it. Kickass album.

Which one should i get next? I hear The Fragile is amazing.
The Fragile, dude. Dont forget Broken, then With Teeth and Pretty Hate Machine.
I'd go The Fragile, With_Teeth, Pretty Hate Machine, and Broken, in THAT order.
I dont like the new songs on the myspace :(

Maybe it'll be a grower.
Listen to With Teeth first. Then the rest. The suckiness (read: embarrassment) that is With Teeth will fade away.
WT isn't that bad. I prefer it to Broken and PHM, and it's better than 95% of all the other rock music I have.
In comparison, it fails hard. Alone it barely stands. I dunno.
Is NIN a band that you'll like right off the bat or does it take a few listens to?
depends on your tastes and where you dive in
depends on your tastes and where you dive in

I have musical tastes all over the spectrum of styles. I've heard most of their mainstream stuff (e.g. Closer, Hurt, Only), and I think it's the bees knees. Are they a high energy band with a more mainstream sound or do they do that depressing rock that won't get you on a musical high.
Both -- and that's why I love NIN. It has musical influences from most main musical genres. It's rock, it's drum and bass, it's techno, it's soft rock, it's jazz, etc. The albums change over the years. PHM was a Depeche Mode-like album, Broken is a metal album, The Downward Spiral is an industrial album (rock/dark/technoish), The Fragile is a rollercoster ride of musical sounds; With Teeth is... ...whatever. You get the idea.
Both -- and that's why I love NIN. It has musical influences from most main musical genres. It's rock, it's drum and bass, it's techno, it's soft rock, it's jazz, etc.

I'm going to explore their musical collection a bit more in the next few day, so I'll let you know what I think of them. BTW qonfused, check your PMS. ;)
I liked NIN pretty much straight off the bat. First album I bought was The Fragile.
Just got back from Austin. I'll have a somwehat longer write up tomorrow (I'm really tired) but for now all I can say is:

Why don't I get any PMs? I know a lot about NIN as well :(

Also, that's really good to hear Sonic :D
Just got back from Austin. I'll have a somwehat longer write up tomorrow (I'm really tired) but for now all I can say is:


:D Eagerly awaiting your full impressions!