The Completely Unofficial (But Danimal & Ennui Endorsed) NIN Thread

I'm saving for April 16th (?). I want to save it... I really do. It's hard.

17th, isn't it?

and the entire album was posted on so I have no problem downloading the ripped mp3s given that I'm still buying it on release day
I have kind of a small get together for the album release. A few friends are coming over and I'm gonna play the album over my huge Bose. I dunno. I can restrain myself.
I understand that, I wavered for a minute but I gave in
I've already heard it once before, so I figure I can wait another 2 weeks myself.

I think my favorite track right now is either The Beginning of the End, or The Good Soldier.
Listening to the new album now, and I can already say it almost makes With Teeth seem good...
What are you talking about, fool. With Teeth was awesome.

This is beyond awesome though, definately a grower like the Downward Spiral. It takes two or three listens to appreciate it. Good stuff.
Not going to give in to temptation, already pre-ordered :D
****. I gave in.

It's ok did I. I thought about waiting when I heard about it, but that idea lasted about 2 minutes. They put it up on the main site so I was just like 'screw it'.
Dare I say the chorus in Zero Sum bears a resemblance to a TV On The Radio song?
Dare I say the chorus in Zero Sum is probably the best ending to an album of this caliber?
Dare I say "no u" because you went to a listening party?
I am becoming something else. I am turning into God.

Vessel by NIN.
The awesomeness is to awesome,
I think my head might explode from the music,
I'm hearing Capital G is going to be the new single. Truth?
The whispering in God Given is one of my favorite moments in the album.

I would never tell you anything that wasn't absolutely true that hadn't come right from His mouth and He wants me to tell you
The whispering in God Given is one of my favorite moments in the album.

We would never tell you anything that wasn't absolutely true that hadn't come right from his mouth and he was made to tell you

This album rocks. Definately up there with Downward Spiral.
Ahaha dude... seriously, thanks for the laugh.

I do what I can.


Trent Reznor said:
And... as flattered and happy as I am regarding the interest in Year Zero, it's still frustrating to see that as hard as you try to make the experience as cool as it can be for fans, most people will still hear a poor rip and ugly scans of your artwork - ruining the excitement / secrets / experience. Blah blah blah.

See that....he thinks you're all lame. I myself have yet to see the Year Zero packaging becuase I actually want something to look forward to on release day (aside from the music of course).
Well he did kinda upload the whole album for free listening on the main site... obviously he wants us to hear it now.

Edit: Beat me to it :p
I can see where you're coming from, kinda like how I never downloaded Beginning of the End becuase it wasn't an official leak. But this is sort of different. The only reason TR decided to put the album for official listening was becuase the album illegaly leaked first, and becuase he didn't want lame-o quality leaks floating around, he decided to "leak" the album legit-style.

So yeah, techically I shouldn't feel bad for listening to it, but like I said, I'd like to have something more to look forward to when the album actually drops on the 17th. So I'll continure to tough it out even though its extremely tempting.
I think, after today, I'm going to abstain from the album until the 17th. It's been on ****ing loop for four ****ing days.

[edit] At the risk of ruining The Great Destroyer to a slight extent, I couldn't help but notice, after my 10th listen or so, that at precisely 2:54, you distinctly hear the old crowbar-attack-against-metal sound from HL1.
after my 10th listen or so, that at precisely 2:54, you distinctly hear the old crowbar-attack-against-metal sound from HL1.

Haha I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed that!
Ruining music by hearing sounds from video games. 'tis the vice of the gamer :p
Could be just a synth that sounds really similar?
Probably is, but they're really similar. I hope I forget how similar they are, otherwise The Great Destroyer is going to make me think of teleporters and headcrab zombies :p

Also, the "aaaaaah"ing background vocals in the chorus of Vessel - at least the first half of each "aah" bit - sounds exactly like the background "aah"s in Ripe (With Decay).

I am such a nerd -_-

[edit] I think the note is the same, and the texture of the voice sample is the same, but I just realized that there's really only so many ways one person can sing "aah", so of course it's going to sound similar to Ripe.

double -_-
Hey guess what, I'm going to the first concert of the YZ tour with Danimal.

First show to see the new shit performed live! May 7th

Bring on The Great Destroyer!
I was disappointed by this album. It has some good tracks in it, though. I'd rate this one low-tier on my nin list.