The Completely Unofficial (But Danimal & Ennui Endorsed) NIN Thread

I've been listening to these guys a good part of the day, and I gotta say they are fantastic. But I have a question; Is it really necessary to listen to all 23 halos (Most of which contain repeated tracks) or would I be better off just listening to their primary releases? (original albums.)
Listen to the main albums first - Pretty Hate Machine, Broken (to an extent), The Downward Spiral, The Fragile, and With Teeth - then go into the other releases, as they're mostly singles or dvds after that.
Okay, I'll listen to those. I'm gonna post a list, and would you mind telling me which ones are good and which ones are space holders? This doesn't include the albums you posted already.
Down with it
Head Like a Hole
March of the Pigs
Closer to God
Further Down the Spiral
The Perfect Drug Versions
The Day the World Went Away
We're in This Together
Things Falling Apart
And all That Could of Been
The Hand That Feeds
Every Day is Exactly the Same
I'd say Hand that Feeds and Only are my favourites (Due to because they are a lot more straight forward), I'm sure plently of people would highly disagree though
Sin (for Get Down Make Love)
Further Down The Spiral (best remix cd)
The Perfect Drug versions
Closure (for sure)
Things Falling Apart (second best remix cd)
And All The Could Have Been (don't skip this)
Every Day Is Exactly The Same

These are the ones you should be looking at.
listen to kouler, and there aren't really any spaceholders.

further down the spiral is a great remix cd. the ediets ep is good too, the el-p mix of only is worth killing for.
Sin (for Get Down Make Love)
Further Down The Spiral (best remix cd)
The Perfect Drug versions
Closure (for sure)
Things Falling Apart (second best remix cd)
And All The Could Have Been (don't skip this)
Every Day Is Exactly The Same

These are the ones you should be looking at.

The list is missing one. The "We're In This Together" CDs (there's three) are amazingly well done.
My NIN compilation is not complete without the remix CDs. Both "Further Down The Spiral" and "Things Falling Apart" are excellent on their own.

The "Fixed" remix collection for "Broken" is a bit harder to digest for some people.
the Mr. Self Destruct remixes on Further Down the Spiral are unbelievably golden. Also, 2 Aphex Twin remixes ftw :D
Sorry I took so long to reply, just had a lot of stuff going on. Also, this "review" isn't going to be very detailed for two reasons: I lack the vocabulary to describe music, and my memory of most of it is pretty much gone. Anyway, where to begin.

So I got to the venue place at around 5:00 which is about 2 hours before the show and there must have been about....15 other people there. But it was cool, there were "Art is Resistance" flyers posted all around the block, on buildings and light poles, and the few people that were there had some custom made AIR shirts aswell. It was pretty neat stuff. Some of the girls even had AIR stickers and as buses and trucks would stop at the red light, they would run up behind it, slap a sticker on it, and take a photo. Then the bus/truck would drive off without knowing a thing. It was pretty rofl and cool at the same time.

So thats pretty much how me and my brother spent the 2 hours waiting. We just talked to those other spiral members and saw their crazy antics and whatnot. Then at around 7, they started to let us all in. Soon as we got insided we headed to the CD resrve booth thing and reserved our copy of Year Zero where they gave us that lithograph and an official "Art is Resistance" sticker. Its a good thing we got there as early as we did becuase they ran out of lithographs pretty fast.

After about 10 minutes of people reserving CDs and just talking and whatnot, one of the employees reminded us that if we record or leak the album we can get jailed for X amount of years and get fined 250,000 dollars. It would have been real easy to record some of the album (although in bad quality I'm sure) becuase they didn't check us at all for any type of electronic device. After that guy got off the stage, they started playing a DVD projected on a screen, and for the next 25-30 minutes they played a "History of NIN" type of deal. It went from 1989 up to 2007. As it would go along it would name stuff like "1989 - Down in it" then a little video clip would play, and it would go to the next one "1990 - March of the Pigs" or whatever. It was kinda funny when it got to With Teeth becuase no one cheered, hahah. Anyway, then of course it got up to 2007 and it said Yezr Zero and it played half of the Survivalism video and after that it played that teaser trailer thing from the YearZero website. Then after all that, it displayed the AIR flag on the screen and the album began to play.

Hyperpower started kinda like, "oh snap, is this the album?" kinda deal. Its an alright opener to the CD, though I expected more oomph.

Beginning of the End was of course the next track and it was pretty cool from what I remember (no I never downloaded that KROQ rip so it was my first time listening).

Then of course it was Survivalism.

After Survivalism though, was The Good Soldier, and man that song owned! I really can't remember anything at all at this point, but I do remember that at the time I was like "Woaah."

I don't really remember too much of the song bad.

Then it was Me, I'm Not, which everyone has heard, but after that song, was Capital G and WOAH again. That song is crazy amazing, its just too cool. do you say...dancey I guess. I dunno, it was awesome though.

My Violent Heart was next and after that it was another really awesome track. And like I said, I know I'm not going into much detail and all I can really say is "this song was amazing/awesome/crazy cool" but "The Warning" was a really great track.

I don't remember too much of the next song "God Given" but after that song was "Meet Your Master". It was another one of those songs that really stood out and made me go "Woaah".

Another song I don't remember too much of was The Greater Good, but the song "The Great Destroyer" was like WOW! Honestly I'd say at this point that was probably the best song on the album. Its kinda short becuase as soon as it starts picking up, TR goes "The greaaaat desstroyyerr!!" and then a slight pause, and the rest of the song was instrumental but being as short as it felt, it really made its mark within that time.

Speaking of instrumental, the next song "Another Version of the Truth" was an all instrumental song that got very piano-ish towards the middle to the end of the song. It was pretty relaxed and cool sounding. Quite different from the rest of the album for sure becuase of the more piano focused feel of it, as opposed to the crazy beat driven songs.

Then of course, it was "In this Twilight", and after that was what I would consider to be a somewhat lacking ending to the album. Zero-Sum really didn't feel like a proper closing to a CD that was this amazing. But then again, this is part one of a two part album so I guess its excusable. Anyway, I could be wrong about Zero-Sum, I honestly didn't pay too much attention to it becuase it was hard to. Its sort of instrumental but not really, Trent is just singing either quietly, or whispering or something. And becuase of that it got a little louder in the venue becuase people started talking. Then the album ending, everyone clapped and WOOOO'd and whatnot.

All in all, it was an amazing CD and I cannot wait for it to come out. I know this review was lacking and I don't remember much, if at all, of the specifics of the songs, but I do remember, that at that point in time, I was blown away. It was great stuff and I'd say it was way better than With Teeth and might even be right up there with the Downward Spiral.

Again, I apologize for the badly written "review" and I hope it isn't too hard to understand. I hate writing/typing.
the Mr. Self Destruct remixes on Further Down the Spiral are unbelievably golden. Also, 2 Aphex Twin remixes ftw :D

Yeah, but...

Don't get me wrong, I like them. But you can tell he was just in it for a quick buck.

I mean, his counterpart to a composition of rage and loneliness is elevator music.
Well, they are on an album called 26 Mixes for Cash after all :p
The Beauty of Being Numb is kinda lame I thought, somewhat, but I LOVE At The Heart Of It All.
Oh snap!!! I just got this email:

Bureau of Morality - Year 0000 Search <[email protected]> Tue, Mar 27, 2007 at 1:01 AM
To: [email protected]
<INITIALIZE: DCS1000 v24.5.3>
||||| date-time failure |||||
<IDENTIFIED: [email protected]>



The Bureau of Morality has identified you as A CONSUMER OF DISSIDENT MATERIAL.

This is a one time warning. Any further attempts to view, consume, or distribute un-american content will result in the loss of citizenship increments and/or the imposition of fines, penalties, or imprisonment.

You have choices. Make the RIGHT ones.

For further information on making good choices, visit


Bureau of Morality
One Nation Under God

I have no idea how they managed to get my email adress, unless of course they emailed this to all Spiral members....but that can't be becuase some ETS users who aren't Spiral members also got this email. Either way, this is pretty awesome, I feel so...un-american :p

EDIT: Replying to the email gave me:

This server does not accept incoming mail. Do not attempt to explain, deny, or justify your activities.

Friends, parents, teachers-anyone can try to shake your belief in America. Traitors and dissidents aren't stupid: some of the things they say can sound very reasonable. But...


Remember the cost.
The "And All That Could Have Been" CD with all the live songs is one of my most-played. Some songs like Head Like A Hole sound 10 times better live, plus it has stuff from a variety of albums... it's what I'd recommend getting first if ya haven't really heard NiN before. It was thanks to that CD I became a fan and went and saw them last year... great concert.
If you like piano-based instrumentals and stripped-down versions of songs, Still is a great, great album. And being a fan of "Pilgrimage", one of only two songs that Reznor used a live horn section in, I'm addicted to "The Persistence of Loss".

Trent Reznor from nine inch nails (<3)

Trent is hotter.

In... you know... a non-homosexual way.
Trent is hotter in a homosexual way, too.


Wow man resemblance is great.

At certain angles and hair style, I look like Danny Lohrer. Will get a pic up soon.
ooo go on, we should start a 'which celebrity do you resemble thread'
shall we do it?
I just didn't give in and didn't download and listen to the tracks that weren't leaked and weren't crappily recorded from a listening party.

I didn't came.
It leaked.


Edit- First listen. Wow. I creamed my pants several times over. Cannot get over how ****ing good this is.
Its amazing!

Definately takes a while to get used to, but its awesome
Year Zero leaks? On my Interbutt?

It's more likely than you think.
Amazing. Surpassed my expectations by miles. I can't get over how good "The Greater Good" is... just wow.
I'm saving for April 16th (?). I want to save it... I really do. It's hard.
I'm saving for April 16th (?). I want to save it... I really do. It's hard.

I was doing the same, but since they put it up on the official site I said **** it...

I'll probably just not listen to it again until it comes out, that should work out fine.
Year Zero is a really good album..I like all of the tracks. It surpasses WT in every way
I'm weak.

My thoughts:
