The Daily Citizen - a many people post newspaper

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Join the Universal Union

Is all about crusing the REBELS...
Missing Person Sighting(s)

Seen earlier near the Citadel, unmarked citizen, wearing vastly out-of-date military uniform & strange face apparatus, may be named "Shepherd", seen wandering around aimlessly, armed with older human fire-arms. May be dangerous. Information to the whereabouts of this human will not go unrewarded.

Be aware.

Intrested in the wonderful world of law enforcement? Do you feel a duty to protect the Overwatch, maybe get a hot meal every now and then? For the small price of your independence, you too can become a CP unit. Remember, memory "alterations" are required for higher postions.
New books!​

Barnacles and Lodels is having a sale on new books. Popular novels are gracing your local bookstore down on fanfic lane. We got new classics like our editors novel "Paradise Earth". Forum mod Samon has written an intruiging story called "Dark Awakening". A short brand new book called "Rebels Yell" is just getting started. Edcrab's "Malign Contingency" is also still going strong. Finally "Grey Sky" a ultra cool book, written by an amazing author, is here. Old favorites like "Resistance" by theotherguy is still here selling yell.

So stop by, give these a read, and most importanly COMMENT IN THE THREADS, IT MAKES AUTHORS HAPPY!

Ahem, so come on over and best of its free!
Long absent writer returns to The Daily Citizen after not having showed up to work at the Daily Citizen for a long time. He was declared to be late for work at the Daily Citizen where he works by a large margine by the owner of the Daily Citizen where said writer works.
The writer was later declared redundant.​
Vortigant For Prez???

Earlier today it was announced that Felix, the first Vortigant presidential candidate kicked off his campaign with a parade this morning announcing several propositions for Vortigants everywhere. Despite protests, the presidential debate will commence later tonight. The debate will be broadcasted on most local networks. The live special will be aired on NBC at 8 PM. Daily Citizen news, Ophiguris.

Full communications blackout has been declared by the CCIA. TDC has the only authorization for news processing.

In other news, Felix the vortiguant was killed by [CENSORED] due to [CENSORED] violations.

City 17 - The Overwatch has declared a state of emergency throughout the City 17 region as the Rebel infection have been reported throughout the countryside.

Loyal citizens of the Universial Union are ordered to evacuate the environs of City 17 by 1300 hours tomarrow, as legions of our finest troops deploy to pacify the insurrection.

Those that fail to make the deadline will be subject to a judgement waiver, and will be assumed to be Resistance members.

However this state of emergency will not last long. Reports are already coming in of Resistance defeats everywhere, with as many as 1,000 dead and 2,000 captured.

We are authorized to say that the war aganist the Rebels is within measurable distance of its end, with the total anihilation of the Resistance at the hands of the mighty and glorious armies of the Universial Union.
Rebels WANTED!
Do you want to become a rebel, and kill dose meanie combine??
Want to be in an action packed enviroment, with the chanced of getting pwnd by a headcrab?
Please report to your local trainstation for transportation to Nova Prospekt.. err.. Tkepsorp Avon!

This message was approved by Mr. Breen. I mean, Gordon Freeman.
Hλlf-Life Regiment (But not really, err.. I mean REPORT NOW! OR ELSE!)
Ravenholm Defeated

Today thousands of loyal citizens and brave soldiers of the Universal Union storm the streets in celebration as a confirmed report by Dr. Breen during Thursday night's Breencast that Ravenholm, a rebel infested former mining town, had fallen due to the brave and swift actions of the heroic Combine forces. We interviewed one of the soldiers who fought there this is what he had to say, "Yeah it's brilliant now, I really feel that we've done something to make our planet safer, of course none of this would have happened today if it weren't for the genius of Dr. Breen's tactics and the heroism of my comrades. I wouldn't have made it out there alive if it weren't for them." Dr. Breen himself was not able for an interview due to security reasons with certain disgruntled, unloyal citizens displeased at the demise of Ravenholm. It is believed that Ravenholm was first shelled with headcrab rockets and then a heroic sweep of the Combine forces obliterated any survivors. Unfortunately, this may bring some citizens to act against the Combine. If you have seen or heard anyone talkng of taking action against our heroic defenders. Report them to your nearest Civil Protection booth. As always we encourage citizens to defend their planet on the home front and sign up to be a Civil Protection metrocop. Be wise, be safe, be aware and do the right thing for your planet!
The Combine high command, with whom Earth division has NOT lost contact, yesterday confirmes that City 17 was not vaporised a while back. And citizens who fled the city did NOT do it out of fear of being burnt to charcoal. As for our leader, Dr. Breen is most definitely NOT dead, and Freeman did NOT lead a rebellion against our authority in City 17 and crush it utterly. Nor did the rebellion, which never took place, succeed. Our forces, who were never massacred by freeman, quelled the rebellion which never took place. Antlions are NOT loose in Combine controlled areas.
The Combine high command, with whom Earth division has NOT lost contact, yesterday confirmes that City 17 was not vaporised a while back. And citizens who fled the city did NOT do it out of fear of being burnt to charcoal. As for our leader, Dr. Breen is most definitely NOT dead, and Freeman did NOT lead a rebellion against our authority in City 17 and crush it utterly. Nor did the rebellion, which never took place, succeed. Our forces, who were never massacred by freeman, quelled the rebellion which never took place. Antlions are NOT loose in Combine controlled areas.


"Uhhh...yeah he's toilet......that's right.......the toilet.....everything's fine and under control.............AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! HOLY F*** GET IT OFF ME!!!! IT'S EATING MY FACE!!! MY BEAUTIFUL FACE!!!!!! GAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! *death*
-Turrets in distance-
-Ant lion screams-
"Uhm.. Soldier 1124g?"
"Yes Metro Cop 54456lk?"
"Who's that guy over there with the crowbar?"
"Ohhhh, hold on let me get my explosive barrel."
Owww.... stop hiting me with that crowbar, wait, I'll walk far away from him as possible and hide beind this huge explosive barrell, he won't even think oif using his guns
Incoming Echo Echo Foxtrot Tango, And no, not the dances *zzzsht*


Sigma team, set up a barrier at those stairs, which head to the top, that way, if any antlions burrow through the floor, they won't make it upstairs, Azner, set up heavy machine guns at those stairs anyway, THERE IS NO WAY THEY WILL TAKE TDCHQ! 99.vikram, I need medical supplies, I'm almost out and 15357 is wounded, ríomhaire, I need you to attempt to make radio contact to any roving rebel or combine forces, and get them inside here. I've set up an energy barrier at the door, so now we wait folks, oh, and ríomhaire, tell them to bring food and water!
Incoming Echo Echo Foxtrot Tango, And no, not the dances *zzzsht*


Sigma team, set up a barrier at those stairs, which head to the top, that way, if any antlions burrow through the floor, they won't make it upstairs, Azner, set up heavy machine guns at those stairs anyway, THERE IS NO WAY THEY WILL TAKE TDCHQ! 99.vikram, I need medical supplies, I'm almost out and 15357 is wounded, ríomhaire, I need you to attempt to make radio contact to any roving rebel or combine forces, and get them inside here. I've set up an energy barrier at the door, so now we wait folks, oh, and ríomhaire, tell them to bring food and water!


*Rumble Rumble*

Get out of my office you ****FACE! KAzoh!
Reporter lost in Time Warp!

(City 17, sometime next week) - This intrepid reporter has braved many a battle, protecting Gordon Freeman himself in the Canels of City 17, showering antlions with affection and lead on Highway 17, and participating in the climactic battle of City 17 which has resulted in the fall of the Citadel.

But, my friends, if you can read this, then I am... somewhere. Not dead. I'm not sure. I'm stuck in some sort of time warp, and as far as I can tell... I am replaying each and every one of these battles again, but with some sort of... forewarning about what is coming next. I *know* that the gunship is going to ambush us. But I can't change the future. All I can do is make it happen faster.

Take Nova Prospekt. The first time, i fought my way through it, covered in Combine Guts and Gunship Parts. Antlions were backup as I ran through it, shotgunning soldiers in the face. I took a side corridor I had seen a vortigaunt's memory of, remembering it led to another Laundry block. Instead I was nearly ambushed by a poison headcrab.

That didn't happen this time. Instead, I remembered a harpoon i passed on the way up the cliffside. Soon, an amazing amount of Soldiers and Mrymydons were pinned to walls or otherwise in Nova Prospekt. And Antlions, not shotguns, became my weapon. Turret placement played out before my very eyes. It was as if I remembered what had happened before.

I fear I may never escape. It all blanks out after the fall of the Citadel. Something very wrong is happening, and I don't know what...

Live news as it breaks/is broken/will break etc.
(City 17, sometime next week) - This intrepid reporter has braved many a battle, protecting Gordon Freeman himself in the Canels of City 17, showering antlions with affection and lead on Highway 17, and participating in the climactic battle of City 17 which has resulted in the fall of the Citadel.

But, my friends, if you can read this, then I am... somewhere. Not dead. I'm not sure. I'm stuck in some sort of time warp, and as far as I can tell... I am replaying each and every one of these battles again, but with some sort of... forewarning about what is coming next. I *know* that the gunship is going to ambush us. But I can't change the future. All I can do is make it happen faster.

Take Nova Prospekt. The first time, i fought my way through it, covered in Combine Guts and Gunship Parts. Antlions were backup as I ran through it, shotgunning soldiers in the face. I took a side corridor I had seen a vortigaunt's memory of, remembering it led to another Laundry block. Instead I was nearly ambushed by a poison headcrab.

That didn't happen this time. Instead, I remembered a harpoon i passed on the way up the cliffside. Soon, an amazing amount of Soldiers and Mrymydons were pinned to walls or otherwise in Nova Prospekt. And Antlions, not shotguns, became my weapon. Turret placement played out before my very eyes. It was as if I remembered what had happened before.

I fear I may never escape. It all blanks out after the fall of the Citadel. Something very wrong is happening, and I don't know what...

Live news as it breaks/is broken/will break etc.

Hey, ur in time... IM IN VALVe!!! thank God the CT died and gave me guns... I still have that OCIW...
VALVe confirms Half Life 2 for PS2

Shocking news, VALVe has confirmed a release date for Half Life 2 to be on the PS2. We managed to get some screenshots


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Wtf are you mesz, are you another assasin after Jintor NOOOOOO!!! *rumble rumble*

n00b its always with a 'Rly' ok`Rly
Never! I shall lay my rebellion with bricks of wet nostrils! The cheese shall prevail!
What happened to the friggin' quality of writing around here.
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