The Suprise Is Here! (Proof)

If you don't have something positive to say then do not say it. Those of you know who I am talking to.
They should have made this a test for us and put that screenshot with "soon" at the end of the test and then release it.
What if this is just of the code they left in, when they said that the MP was up to the community?

I hope not. I hope its the ACTUAL Deathmatch...
I cant wait til Team Fortress makes an entrance into the Source engine...

Madone, TFC was the first mod I ever played. Cant wait. CANT WAIT!. :)
Dedatorv said:
If you don't have something positive to say then do not say it. Those of you know who I am talking to.
a forum is about exchanging ideas. if we're only allowed to express half of the possible opinions i don't see the point in running one.
giraffen said:
i guess that some of the magazines must update their reviews then since a couple of them slated hl2 because it had no hl2 themed multiplayer
No, reviews are always "out of box" with no patches. Sucks for them, but they "should" have had it out of box if they wanted to be graded on it
(However, I rather think they don't care too terribly much about the reviews)
What gets me is why they didn't just tell everyone sooner that HL2 was going to come with MP. That way they could have the best of both worlds - happy fans, and magazines not deducting points for missing MP (they wouldn't earn points from it, either, though).
FangsFirst said:
No, reviews are always "out of box" with no patches. Sucks for them, but they should have had it out of box if they wanted to be graded on it
fixed. i don't see why a game should be rerated after it gets patched for the very things it was negatively criticised for ? in that case developer releases game, reviewer spots issues with game, developer fixes them, game gets 10/10 ?
Gamestar (a German PC game magazine []) usually retests games once they've got multiplayer, if it wasn't included in the first place.
Next week we will be releasing the Source SDK, along with a surprise for the community.

'Along with a surprise...' <--- should mean exact the same time with the full SDK.

They already made the screenshot public so it would not be logical if that picture would be only the 'surprise'

I am still hoping HL2DM will be released the same time with the Source SDK (would be the most logical to me)
Yo check this. When I downloaded it off the steam site, the file name was HL2DM.jpeg

I think we can say it's official.
I dont know why i came here tonight, I got a feeling that somethign aint right, Im so scared incase i fall off my chair, and im wonderin how im gonan get down the stairs, clowns to the left of me jokers to the right, here i am stuck in the middle with you guss im stuck in the middle with you
nagual678 said:
a forum is about exchanging ideas. if we're only allowed to express half of the possible opinions i don't see the point in running one.

Expressing opinions is fine. When someone has a different opinion and several people(Not you nagual) decide to respond with "**** You!" is when it goes too far.

Side note: If you guys continue spamming the thread I'll close it in a second.
:) Half Life 2 DM is now released.(this is a message from the future)
Half Life 2 DM has been delayed.(this is a message from the future)
Dedatorv said:
Expressing opinions is fine. When someone has a different opinion and several people(Not you nagual) decide to respond with "**** You!" is when it goes too far.
my bad, i misunderstood your post.under this light, i must say you are pretty much right.

even if it is deplorable that because of some, one's perfectly "legit" post (in terms of compliance with forum rules - i'm not judging the content at all) gets deleted
SO you guys wouldent want a anticitizen 1 map? That would rock! * striders as vichs would rox*
sHm0zY said:
I dont know why i came here tonight, I got a feeling that somethign aint right, Im so scared incase i fall off my chair, and im wonderin how im gonan get down the stairs, clowns to the left of me jokers to the right, here i am stuck in the middle with you guss im stuck in the middle with you
Well you started off with nothinhg and you're proud that you're a self-made man. Then your family all come crawling, slap you on the back and say "Please?"

Why was all this necessary?

:E :cheers:
Maybe we will see that Gauss cannon hud icon finally get used. I mean what would make this better than it already is than having new weapons and stuff.

Im not so sure TFC:S will come out, valve may want to put all those efforts into doing TF2
nagual678 said:
my bad, i misunderstood your post.under this light, i must say you are pretty much right.

even if it is deplorable that because of some, one's perfectly "legit" post (in terms of compliance with forum rules - i'm not judging the content at all) gets deleted

Bow to the power of the mods......

Take Care.