This has got to stop

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Doom³ has an engine, but story? Surely you jest

Oh, story? What story? The one written by a real true to life writer hired by iD, and sotry boarded by their artists who are the best in the industry maybe? Yep, thats the one.

Learn about Doom³ a little before you speak on it.
More proof of valves commitment to the community:

VAC. Which stands for Valve Anti Cheat. They have provided this service FREE. Absofeckinglootly FREE!

They didn't have to do this but they saw peoples complaints about cheaters and have made attempts to stop it. Isnt that nice.

Oh and its about 10 million times more difficult for a company like valve to keep its fans updated even if they wanted to. Because there are so many of them. Hell Doom3 has quite a following. But please I mean this forum is a fan site forum and probably has more members than all the doom3 fansite forums put together. This means that if they did make a post on any forum then the thread would allmost instantly be flooded with fans and none fans making it unfeaseable.

I might post later. I need to eat...
I ddin't say iD provides more informatio nthan Valve, I said iD keeps the community informed on what they are working on and Valve does not. iD has been letting the community in on the development of Doom³ al lalong, yet valve keeps thei rfans in the dark FOR FIVE YEARS!

So what if they did? Is there a Game Developer's Code? "Thou Shalt Tell Everyone What You're Working On"?

HL2 was kept as a surprise. After they announced it, they kept the community just as informed as id do. During those awful, dark, terrible 5 years, what were people doing? Oh yeah, playing HL and it's mods. Tsch, how awful for them.

Now, if Valve had announced HL2 and then didn't say anything to the community, that wouldn't have been nice. But they didn't, did they?
Pseudonym_ said:
Oh, story? What story? The one written by a real true to life writer hired by iD, and sotry boarded by their artists who are the best in the industry maybe? Yep, thats the one.

Learn about Doom³ a little before you speak on it.

Oh yes thats beautifull. Thanks for that. Why dont you:

Pseudonym_ said:
I ddin't say iD provides more informatio nthan Valve, I said iD keeps the community informed on what they are working on and Valve does not. iD has been letting the community in on the development of Doom³ al lalong, yet valve keeps thei rfans in the dark FOR FIVE YEARS!


LOL, please get this man and IQ and a working keyboard, maybe then he can answer all those tricky questions he's been avoiding.
Doom³ wasn'ty kept a secret and there isn't alot of bitching. But your right, I'm sure Valve would have handeled it much worse if they let their fans know what they were upt to. If anyone can turn something as nice as freedom of information into a scandal it's valve.
Pseudonym_ said:
Doom³ wasn'ty kept a secret and there isn't alot of bitching. But your right, I'm sure Valve would have handeled it much worse if they let their fans know what they were upt to. If anyone can turn something as nice as freedom of information into a scandal it's valve.
scandel? wow, i dont think theres any thing i can say to justify how moronic (is that a word?) you are

cheers :cheers:
Pseudonym_ said:
Doom³ wasn'ty kept a secret and there isn't alot of bitching. But your right, I'm sure Valve would have handeled it much worse if they let their fans know what they were upt to. If anyone can turn something as nice as freedom of information into a scandal it's valve.
Like I said, what is your point here? You've said lots of things so far but I don't see a point about any of them.

And on a side note, can you all try to keep this a little friendlier or I'll have to lock.
Pseudonym_ said:
I ddin't say iD provides more informatio nthan Valve, I said iD keeps the community informed on what they are working on and Valve does not. iD has been letting the community in on the development of Doom³ al lalong, yet valve keeps thei rfans in the dark FOR FIVE YEARS!


LOL, please get this man an IQ and a working space bar, maybe then he might be able to answer all those tricky questions he's avoided in the last few pages. :dozey:
Please do tell me what I don't know about Doom³, that I should take my own advice.

The guy claimed Doom³ didn't have a story, He is clearly wrong and knows little to nothing about the game.
Pseudonym_ said:
Please do tell me what I don't know about Doom³, that I should take my own advice.

The guy claimed Doom³ didn't have a story, He is clearly wrong and knows little to nothing about the game.

You missed the point.. change "Doom 3" to "HL2."
It would take so much effort to try and explain what I posted to you that I don't think I will bother.

Maybe someone else can help the poor guy out a little?
Yay, let's kill zombies! "What for, sir?" "CUZ ITS FUN DAMN IT, DO IT NOW."
Doom³ wasn'ty kept a secret and there isn't alot of bitching. But your right, I'm sure Valve would have handeled it much worse if they let their fans know what they were upt to. If anyone can turn something as nice as freedom of information into a scandal it's valve.

Oh, I see

You're just a blinkered Doom 3 fanboy?

This isn't "freedom of information" - neither company has an obligation to provide any information. Both have provided approximately equal amounts of information to the community since their respective game announcements.

Oh, and don't attempt a comeback along the lines of calling me a HL2 fanboy. I'm looking forward to playing both HL2 and Doom3 this year, and follow the development of both keenly.
Then please do tell me in what way I have misrepresented hl2. What lies have i told? Everything I have said about hl2 is true, if I have lied then what lies have I told?
Pseudonym_ said:
Those are major features. hl2 only has one, and not to the extent of Doom³. In hl2 only the occasional surface will have the detail allowed by normal maps, but in Doom³ every surface will be uber detailed and normal mapped. Additionally the AI is much more advanced than most people believe, as you would know if you kept up to date. The sound system is the most advanced in any FPS, and was co-developed by Reznor. The physics system is top notch and rivals any other physics system out there. iD developed it infact because they ddin't consider any 3rd party package was as powerfull as they needed. valve bought hteir physics engine. :naughty:

Well, perhaps a new technology for "souncscapes" doesn't count as a feature. Reznor's work was taken out of the game when Reznor left... besides, he's a musician.. what the hell does he know about FPS sound tech?

What about the AI? it's ability to follow you anywhere? not a feature?

Or perhaps the most advanced and powerful facial animation/lipsynch tools ever to grace a computer game? Oh, I guess that doesn't count either. Let's just stick with D3's bone based simplistic lipsynch and facial animation.

And when will somebody understand that every surface does not need a goddamn bump map? bump maps add depth and texture. there are a lot of things out there that do not need bump mapping, especially with the outdated DOT3 techniques used in D3.

HL2 features full-out DirectX 9 normal mapping on level geometry and characters, and the uses DOT3 bump mapping for extra detail. Doom 3 features DirectX 8 DOT3 bumpmappping on everything, without any variation. Doom 3 features only one generalized lighting shader for every object in the game.

woo, sounds like a lot of variety.

don't get me wrong, i'm looking forwards to playing D3. I trust id and Carmack to make a good scary game.

I just think HL2 will be worlds better.

EDIT: Let's rename this thread to "Pseudonym vs."
When was Half-Life 2 announced? Last year I believe, around Summertime. Damn I was so excited when I would get my hands on the copy. However, they missed the release date. Boo hoo I cried so many times that fateful night. Leaving us in the dark would mean announcing Half-Life 2 with some screenshots back in 1999/2000 and then never saying anything about it again. Good going there, your age has just been reduced to 10.
It's not about weather they have an obligation to give information, it's about wether they are courteous enough to the community to let them in on what is going on.
Pseudonym_ said:
Then please do tell me in what way I have misrepresented hl2. What lies have i told? Everything I have said about hl2 is true, if I have lied then what lies have I told?
oh my god, to many id hit the word limit: heres 1 to lazy

VALVe helps commmunity only for its self, iD isnt a none profit org FYI
Doom3 is the most realistic game EVER's the best realistic plastic I've ever SEEN! (that was a sig)
It's not about weather they have an obligation to give information, it's about wether they are courteous enough to the community to let them in on what is going on.

Which, as I have shown, they've done. So to quote Chris_D:

What is your point?
Pseudonym_ said:
The guy claimed Doom³ didn't have a story, He is clearly wrong and knows little to nothing about the game.

Whats to know? It's the same 'plot' from the first game rehashed with a shinnier engine. Your job, kill everything that moves with a bunch of guns and a chainsaw (an essential piece of equipment on Mars apparently).
PiMuRho said:
Which, as I have shown, they've done. So to quote Chris_D:
Yes, for the fourth time now, what is your point?????
Kadayi Polokov said:
Whats to know? It's the same 'plot' from the first game rehashed with a shinnier engine. Your job, kill everything that moves with a bunch of guns and a chainsaw (an essential piece of equipment on Mars apparently).

I suppose you could argue HL2 is the same thing...and yet...VALVe has made sure to make it not sound so simplistic in their marketing. Plus the first DOOM had zero to little storyline while HL1 had a mega that you were in.

[edit] Wait, you can't say that HL2 is a rehash of the first, so that negates my point. It's true, Hl2 whomps Doom3's story. It's the cliche of "aliens vs. humans where the humans obviously have the intelligence to kill off all of them". HL2 is more, "You think you can beat them...but it's wierd because you don't remember what the hell happened and where they came from and why they're here and if you started it all and who the heck is that farken g-man anyways and who are the combine soldiers and what's their purpose and why is Alyx hot and ..."
Are you KIDDING me.. are you KIDDING me SubKamran. Half-Life 1's ending was practically open, and Half-Life 2 is supposed to expand on what happened in Black Mesa. Doom, however, is the run-of-the-mill shoot-'em-up with a weak storyline. Oh JEEZ I'm on Mars and there are aliens invading. Blast their heads off! And good touch with the chainsaw, <insert your name here>, you dominated.
Well, perhaps a new technology for "souncscapes" doesn't count as a feature.

Doom³ has soundscapes. Most of hl2 is just a random techno track looping when you start to fight, and they call it soundscapes. thankfully in Doom³ you won't have to put up with that shit, the sounds will be atmospheric instead of disrupting the atmosphere.

What about the AI? it's ability to follow you anywhere? not a feature?

Not only can demons follow you, they can sense you with senses other than sight and sound. how many enemies in hl2 will be able to smell you. Oh, not a feature?

Or perhaps the most advanced and powerful facial animation/lipsynch tools ever to grace a computer game? Oh, I guess that doesn't count either. Let's just stick with D3's bone based simplistic lipsynch and facial animation.

Don't kid yourself, Doom³'s facial animation is no less impressive. Infact, the lyp synch for hl2 is nothing impressive. It's done real time, but it doesn't look as good as the end. The lips are rigid and stiff, and move unrealistically fast. It's impressive that its done realtime, but the quality of the end product is lacking.

And when will somebody understand that every surface does not need a goddamn bump map? bump maps add depth and texture. there are a lot of things out there that do not need bump mapping, especially with the outdated DOT3 techniques used in D3.

No every surface does not need to be bumpmapped, the perfeclt yflat surfaces dont. But almost no surface is perfectly flat. This is why hl2 looks so undetailed and flat like every other game before it, while doom³ is one generatio naway from final fantasy graphics, and hl2 is just a small step up form old tech.

HL2 features full-out DirectX 9 normal mapping on level geometry and characters, and the uses DOT3 bump mapping for extra detail. Doom 3 features DirectX 8 DOT3 bumpmappping on everything, without any variation. Doom 3 features only one generalized lighting shader for every object in the game.

this only shows that you know nothing about the game. DirectX 8 has ntohing to do with Doom³. How can you say without variation? The purpose of the normal maps are to provide variation. i would say there is less variation in hl2's flat lackluster world.

hl2 might be a better game, I'm not a doom³ fanboy. I just realise better technology when I see it.
Doom is more of a mindless "go around killing everything that moves" sorta game bit like SS i couldent stand that - they tryed to put a story in the info booklet but it was pants really so id dont have a snoballs chance in hell against Valve :thumbs:
jsc1286 said:
Are you KIDDING me.. are you KIDDING me SubKamran. Half-Life 1's ending was practically open, and Half-Life 2 is supposed to expand on what happened in Black Mesa. Doom, however, is the run-of-the-mill shoot-'em-up with a weak storyline. Oh JEEZ I'm on Mars and there are aliens invading. Blast their heads off! And good touch with the chainsaw, <insert your name here>, you dominated.

Fixed my post, thanks! :)
you people are so clueless. The developers have made Doom³ a very story driven game. I suppose they hired a writter to write "kill the moving things"?

If you kept up with Doom³, you would know it's a very story driven game.
I'm 95% positive VALVe said the AI in HL2 will be able to smell you.

To skip past the rest of your inane dribble..

Pseudonym_ said:
I'm not a doom³ fanboy

Could've fooled me.. :| :| :|
Pseudonym_ said:
Not only can demons follow you, they can sense you with senses other than sight and sound. how many enemies in hl2 will be able to smell you. Oh, not a feature?
they that means it IS a feature
Wow, your ignorance astounds me.

You say "How many things in HL2 can smell you"
Well, if you knew ANYTHING about HL2 you would know that the ant lions can.

You say that the lip sych looks bad. When in fact its incredibly realistic and from the little I have seen of doom3 concerning this area I think it looks better.

Bah, I need to go, I am sure someone else will finish this...
So, Pseudonym, you've played the finished HL2?

"Random looping techno track" - please.....

"how many enemies in hl2 will be able to smell you. Oh, not a feature?" - damn! No smell-o-vision. I'm cancelling my preorder!

"the quality of the end product is lacking." - right....

" This is why hl2 looks so undetailed and flat like every other game before it" - sure....

"i would say there is less variation in hl2's flat lackluster world." - gotcha....
I'm not, I was commenting on the technologies, which has nothing to do with the quality of the final game. It's the morons in this thread that thought they could get at me by bashing Doom³, and all of their comments are un-informed. Nothing they have said about the game is accurate, and so I correct them. If I was on a Doom³ forum and soemone misrepresented hl2, I would correct the maswell.
Umm, one of the things Valve inluded in their description was how enemies can sense you. Including SMELL. And you don't have to smell like a stunk to be smelled, mind you humans don't have the best noses. Think for example dogs.

HL2 has better AI.
I would bet my life on it.
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