True ghost stories

May 6, 2007
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I think everyone has at least had one run in. Post whatever happened to you if you think the best answer for the thing that happened was a ghost.

I'll waste your time with two real quick.

My dad was in the military for 17 years and used to work at one of the office buildings. He always told us that he would hear tables sliding, doors and lockers slamming (the usual shit, I guess) when he had overnight drills there with one other person. It was the grounds of a big Civil War battle, The Battle of Seven Pines, and our street name was, of course, Seven Pines(we'd always dig up small led cannonballs in our yard). My dad had to go in late one night to grab a couple things he left (paperwork? **** if i can remember). My mom, my brother (2 years older) and me went with him. I have no clue why, no damn clue, we never did. When we got into the office, my bro and I decided to race in rolly chairs ( Id say I was about 8 or 9, I'm 18 now so I really can't remember, smoking pot doesnt help either). All the halways were pretty dark, only lit up by red exit signs and the occassional dim ass night light kinda things. We were having a good ol time when my brother was like, dude, what is that? I looked down the hall and it took a second to make out what I was actually seeing. I swear I saw a soldier (not civil war era, more like vietnam era btu's or something:sniper:) with a gun on his back. He was standing there with his arms crossed just staring at us, pretty far down the hall. We were the only ones there, and he was kinda clear and whitish and glowing, pretty typical ghost look I guess, only one I've ever seen in real life to this day. We both verified what we saw later and freaked the **** out.

This other one happened at my old house, too. I was maybe 7 at the time this happened. I think this one is crazier than anything thats happened, just because I have the mental image engraved in my head, and my brother explains it the same way. Only reason I posted this really is bc we were talking about it at his apartment just a couple days ago, and when I told my version, some girl freaked out saying thats the EXACT same way my brother told her a day or so before I came over. Well, back to the point, I woke up really late one night and had to piss like no other. We lived upstairs at this house, and there was no bathroom on the 2nd floor. I was always scared shitless of that house, so I woke my brother up to ask if he would at least walk to the end of the stairs while I did my business. He finally agreed and down the stairs we went. We opened the door at the end of the stairs, which led into the living room. To the left on the other side of the room was a no door opening to get into the dining room, which brought you to the kitchen with another left (leaving the kitchen impossible to see from where we were). Coming from the living room was this extrememly bright green light. The light would sorta "pulsate" if you will, gradually glowing brighter, reaching its peak, only to gradually dim out with only a small trace. It happened very systematically, lighting the whole room, to barely lighting it, to lighting it again. It was greener than green. Like, for real, what the **** could that have been. It was inside our house, no windows in the dining room, and we had no green lights. Even if we did, nothing could make it that bright and consistently pulse. We stared in shock for like two minutes, then slammed the door shut and jetted upstairs. Never saw it again.

I figured I'd put these two because I had my brother there with me and he still swears to it, as do I.
This happened like a few years back, I don't really remember. I guess one of the prerequisites to ghost stories is the timeframe and the little details have to be extremely vague.

So this one time, it was late late at night and I'd fallen asleep on the couch watching TV. Everyone else was asleep, so all the doors in the house were closed and the TV was still on, tuned into some infomercial. The light from the TV was the only thing illuminating my living room.

I'm tired, feel like going back to bed, but I'm thirsty. So I get up, go to the kitchen to grab some milk (I elaborated in a recent thread how much milk I drink; friggin' love the stuff). So I creep down the hall, I dunno why I'm creeping since all the doors are closed and everyone's sleeping anyway, but I'm tiptoeing down this dark hallway to the kitchen with the pale light of the TV behind me and the faint sounds of the show's announcer in the background. Creep across the cold linoleum floor, grab the handle on the fridge, open it up to get some milk.

Except there wasn't any milk. There wasn't food of any kind in there. Just a swirling, red vortex and two malevolent red eyes looking back at me. There was no milk. Only zuul.

I don't remember much after that. I woke up on top of a roof covered in f*cking marshmellow.
My closet door opens by itself sometimes, but that's probably just the wind.

I used to hear a slight whisper too, and I was home alone at the time. Once again, it was probably just a TV I forgot to turn off or something. Meh.
I remember chilling with my cousin at his house. We had been playing pool downstairs when we decided to chill on the couch and listen to some music. Then the volume spikes on the radio. No biggie, probably was an electrical fault. A few minutes pass, then two doors on the same wall start opening and closing in unison. They would slam shut till the doorknob would click, then it would open again, all in unison. The wind was still that day, too. We looked at each other and jetted upstairs.

I talked to my mom about it later and she said a family member of theirs hung himself in one of those rooms.
This isnt really a ghost story, but its creepy as **** anyways. When I still lived with my parents, there was a couple times where something weird as hell happened to me when I slept. It happened like 3 times, probably in a span of like 6 or 7 years, so it wasnt common, but it did reoccur.

Anyways, I would be sleeping, on my back like usual... and then all of the sudden I would be perfectly awake, my eyes wide open. At first it felt like I had a charlie horse (REALLY painful muscle cramps), but it was in every limb. When that happened all my muscles tensed up really hard, and I couldnt freaking move. Then the creepiest shit happened. The room was always pitch black, and my eyes were wide open, but then, with all my muscles tensed out and adrenaline pumping, the darkness of my room would fade away until everything was white. It wasnt like a light or anything... its just a completely blank white, and i couldnt see anything.

And I cant ever remember how I get out of it. I think I end up falling asleep again, or maybe it was a dream every time. But the last time it happened I remembered hitting something with my hand when my arm tensed up, and when I woke up in the morning my alarm clock was broken on the floor.

So yeah... I hope it never happens again. Its always really ****ing painful. I sometimes still wake up with a bad cramp, so I jump out of bed so none of that wierd shit happens, and lean against the wall to wait the cramp out.
This isnt really a ghost story, but its creepy as **** anyways. When I still lived with my parents, there was a couple times where something weird as hell happened to me when I slept. It happened like 3 times, probably in a span of like 6 or 7 years, so it wasnt common, but it did reoccur.

Anyways, I would be sleeping, on my back like usual... and then all of the sudden I would be perfectly awake, my eyes wide open. At first it felt like I had a charlie horse (REALLY painful muscle cramps), but it was in every limb. When that happened all my muscles tensed up really hard, and I couldnt freaking move. Then the creepiest shit happened. The room was always pitch black, and my eyes were wide open, but then, with all my muscles tensed out and adrenaline pumping, the darkness of my room would fade away until everything was white. It wasnt like a light or anything... its just a completely blank white, and i couldnt see anything.

And I cant ever remember how I get out of it. I think I end up falling asleep again, or maybe it was a dream every time. But the last time it happened I remembered hitting something with my hand when my arm tensed up, and when I woke up in the morning my alarm clock was broken on the floor.

So yeah... I hope it never happens again. Its always really ****ing painful. I sometimes still wake up with a bad cramp, so I jump out of bed so none of that wierd shit happens, and lean against the wall to wait the cramp out.

Have you had it checked out by a doctor?
This isnt really a ghost story, but its creepy as **** anyways. When I still lived with my parents, there was a couple times where something weird as hell happened to me when I slept. It happened like 3 times, probably in a span of like 6 or 7 years, so it wasnt common, but it did reoccur.

Anyways, I would be sleeping, on my back like usual... and then all of the sudden I would be perfectly awake, my eyes wide open. At first it felt like I had a charlie horse (REALLY painful muscle cramps), but it was in every limb. When that happened all my muscles tensed up really hard, and I couldnt freaking move. Then the creepiest shit happened. The room was always pitch black, and my eyes were wide open, but then, with all my muscles tensed out and adrenaline pumping, the darkness of my room would fade away until everything was white. It wasnt like a light or anything... its just a completely blank white, and i couldnt see anything.

And I cant ever remember how I get out of it. I think I end up falling asleep again, or maybe it was a dream every time. But the last time it happened I remembered hitting something with my hand when my arm tensed up, and when I woke up in the morning my alarm clock was broken on the floor.

So yeah... I hope it never happens again. Its always really ****ing painful. I sometimes still wake up with a bad cramp, so I jump out of bed so none of that wierd shit happens, and lean against the wall to wait the cramp out.

I get muscle cramps too now and then, usually in the back of my legs. It sounds like you had sleep paralysis mixed with serious muscle crampage D: No?

I've never run into anything weird enough to remember, so no stories from me :(
Sounds a bit like hypnagogia, hypnagogic paralysis, but the "darkness fading into white" is troubling. You should definately get that checked out.
Except there wasn't any milk. There wasn't food of any kind in there. Just a swirling, red vortex and two malevolent red eyes looking back at me. There was no milk. Only zuul.

I don't remember much after that. I woke up on top of a roof covered in f*cking marshmellow.

I don't get
I once woke up with my light on and blood on the switch. But apart from that (which can easily be explained away - I sleepwalk sometimes, and I did have a cut when I went to bed) none.

Naudian he was joking...I think!
Krynn, I get cramps in the back of leg sometimes, but never a creepy wight light.
I can't wait till Angry Laywer comes and tells his stories...the matchstick one really creeped me out...mostly because theres no logical explanation.

EDIT: Wait, I thought of one again. When I was very little, I used to see this multi-coloured huamnoid shape walking through walls and doors and stuff in droad daylight. Since niether of my parents saw it, I assume its just my imagination.
Except there wasn't any milk. There wasn't food of any kind in there. Just a swirling, red vortex and two malevolent red eyes looking back at me. There was no milk. Only zuul.

You've been watching too much Ghost Busters LOL:P
Have you had it checked out by a doctor?

Sounds a bit like , hypnagogic paralysis, but the "darkness fading into white" is troubling. You should definately get that checked out.

The last time it happened was just a few days before a doctor's visit, so I told him about it. He basically said it might be hypnagogic paralysis (I had forgotten the name), and to let him know if it happened again. He also said it was most likely me just getting ultra cramps and freaking out about it. I still dont see how that whiteness would happen though. Anyways it was a little over a year ago and it hasnt happened again yet. I seriously hope that was the last time.
When my parents were away for a week, me and my sister was in the house. One night when I went to the bathroom to go to the toilet, I flashed my head around to my parents room for a brief second (the room itself was not lit, but light from the landing was casting into the room), I was sure I saw a sillourette of a figure sleeping in the bed.

When I woke up in the morning, I was going to ask my sister if she was sleeping in our parents bed (which she sometimes do when our parents are away), however she asked me the question before I asked her, which is bizarre becase I never sleep in their room. But she said that she didn't sleep in their room, because she thought I was sleeping their.
its funny how ghosts have nothing to do but play with lights and scare little kids.....damn ghosts
You'd do the same thing if you were a ghost. What else are you gonna do?
that kind of my people really believe there are ghosts just wandering around causing trouble?
I don't believe that ghosts wander around causing troule, simply because they are a myth. However Angry Lawyers' matchstick one is very creepy, theres no explanation or anything.
A lamp above my brother's (died in a car accident 9 years ago) picture in the living room was found turned on after one night to which my dad swears that it wasn't on the night before. It was just sitting there in the far corner under the dim morning light and looked well creepy.

Plus my dad keeps this metallic file cabinet tooked away in the corner of my room, it was there when my room was originally his study, it was too heavy to move to we just left it there. Well on rare occasions, when im just quitely watching tv or something, it sounds as if someone strikes it, because it randomly lets of the massive sound, and from experimenting, a sound like that canm only be made if someone hits it bloody hard. I usually sit there looking at it from 2 mins with a 'wtf' expression.
so you think that your brother turned the lamp on?
Why would he do that? My comptuer tured itself on once, just electrical surges. Nothing paranormal about that.
or maybe it was a ghost who wanted to play counter-strike
First person to find my Matchsticks post and repost it here wins an eCookie.

-Angry Lawyer
Why would he do that? My comptuer tured itself on once, just electrical surges. Nothing paranormal about that.

That happened with my laptop once, I could have sworn the battery was flat though :O

The only other weird thing that happened to me was when me and a few mates were camping in a field, it was about 3am and we were lying by the fire. From then until we dropped off to sleep there were bright blue flashes of light that illuminated the whole sky, never found out what they were. Same brightness every time, but no pattern in the repitition. Any theories?
Aurora Borealis?


or GHOSTS!!!!!!!!
I'd try my hardest to play video games if I was a ghost. Maybe manage some guitar, too.

Alot of people don't beleive in ghosts just because it sounds crazy and theres no real proof. Either your there when it happened or your not, and not many people word's can be trusted. I've known alot of skeptics, who make a reason for every single thing and wants living proof. Once something happens to them, something there is NO explanation for, they usually end up beleiving. I swear their out there. I've looked into alot of theology, which is all religious (christianity) and theres alot of shit that really makes sense. It explains what happens to the soul after death, redemption, revelation, the works. A year or two ago, my bro and some of our friends were in the basement playing texas hold em. We have this room beside us seperated by a red curtain which we smoked in all the time. Well, we're all sittin around gettin drunk and high, when out of nowhere, this plaque comes flying from behind the curtain. It whizzed right by my bro's head and slammed with a BOOM on the wall next to me. In all, there was maybe 6 or 7 of us present, and we all looked at each other with the same o shit expression. We flipped the curtain back, and of course just darkness. Crazy thing is, I read alot in many scriptures that a warped mind (anything that alters the mind) draws the attention of "bad" spirits, more so attracts them. We were all pretty buzzed if not further, and the plaque had a really big cross on it. Pretty damn crazy.
One night I woke up and rolled over, and looked at the stack of books on the table next to me. A white nearly transparent figure opened my door, stepped up to the stack, and knocked them on the floor, and ran out. Woke up the next morning and indeed did find the books on the floor.

But I blamed my dad anyway.

One of my aunts has a haunted house. You always hear footsteps and the like on the stairways, electronics randomly turning on and making sound (creepiest was a keyboard playing a laughing sound intermittently during the night), and even an old guy walking through the house, and when you talk to him he walks outside, you walk outside and he's gone.

Everyone that's visited has experienced something like this, I've only heard the keyboard and footsteps, my sister has experienced some other freaky crap.
so you think that your brother turned the lamp on?

Well i dont really believe in ghosts but my dad is always the last person downstairs and he always turns all the lights off, kinda weird that the lamp above my bro's picture, which was definately off the night before, is switched on the morning after. Could be an explanation, but from where i was standing in the living room when it was still pretty dark (around 7ish during winter), with my bro's face in a dim light staring back at ya, scared the hell out of me.
My brother and I live in the same house. Last September one of our friends pasted away. He was more my brothers friend but I was also a friend of his. Anyway, this just started last week. In the morning sometimes you can hear soft footsteps going towards my brothers room. Now I'm not sure if this is just the house heating up or something else, but it does sound like there is someone walking in the hallway towards his room. Kinda weird, but neat at the same time.

Our friend was a good friend of the family for around 12 years or longer. He would always stay in my brothers room when he came over, sleeping on the floor with a sleeping bag when they were younger. So anyway, I'm not sure, but it does sound like footsteps.
Wo that is creepy, that'd freak anyone out.

Its like a David Blane magic trick, there is no possible way of explaining it.
I've seen God and I've seen Hell. All I can honestly describe to you in "looks like" terms for God in any sense of language is.. circular? Three times over. and even that is horribly inaccurate. It's just the closest I can get with language at all.

I know I am going to be cast into Hell and I already know what that seperation is like. And because of that I see God as so selfish. It also fills me with blinding apathy in many situations.
I've seen God and I've seen Hell. All I can honestly describe to you in "looks like" terms for God in any sense of language is.. circular? Three times over. and even that is horribly inaccurate. It's just the closest I can get with language at all.

I know I am going to be cast into Hell and I already know what that seperation is like. And because of that I see God as so selfish. It also fills me with blinding apathy in many situations.
I almost wish I knew wtf you're talking about...
Well my post doesn't really fit "ghost" stories.. but it fits in with the supernatural and such so I posted it as my story.
Well my post doesn't really fit "ghost" stories.. but it fits in with the supernatural and such so I posted it as my story.
But it's not a story. It's two paragraphs that are talking about something as though we all know the back story. Elaboration and explanation might help.