True ghost stories

Ive always sworn i saw a sillouete of someone in my conservatory once (at night, and french doors seperate it from the living room). I actually ran for the phone and pre-dialed 911, then did the whole splinter cell creep to the doors and turned the light find nobody.

Also, id wake up sometimes in my room and just...sense that there was someone in the corner. Always looking over my shoulder kind of thing.

Ive never believed in ghosts, until i heard one and then had a freakish thing happen the same night.

Basically, my uncle's house in South Africa had an extension hall with rooms running off it, and it was about 50 metres long (so quite long, big rooms). Now my aunt and uncle (around 50 years old each) have always sworn that theyve heard weird things happen, dogs freaking out, doors closing, lights coming on etc, ever since the extension was made about 5 years ago.

Now, 2 years ago, i was 18 and we stayed there for xmas as a holiday. It was our 3rd night in the new extension, and what woke me up i dont know, just one of those times where you just wake up for no reason, then fall asleep again.
Anyway, i rolled over and tried to go to sleep again. Then i heard what i thought sounded like a small person, like a child, running softly in the hallway, back and forth 2 times. I then heard an extremely quiet giggle, so i sprang out of bed, threw the door open and looked both ways in the hall. The door at the end was closed, as were the other rooms. And no, we had no kids in the house for xmas at all, or for the 4-5 weeks we were there.
Oh, forgot to mention i was sleeping in the same room as my older cousin, and he had his pitbull terrier sleeping in the room too on the floor (2 beds in the room). Mike woke up to me throwing the door open, asked what the hell was going on etc, so i told him and we just laughed and went to sleep again.

Dont know how long later, we both woke up to his dog growling this really deep growl like ive never heard a dog make before, and jessie was just staring at my cousin's cupboard, standing up, head down and leaning forward. Mike and I kind of looked at each other confused, and said her name a few times, to no avail.
Then, a sleeping bag dropped out of the cupboard without the cupboard shaking or any noise it couldnt have been something like a mouse inside it, and we checked it by throwing everything out of it.

now how the ***k did that happen???

I moved out of the hall the next day, ***k sleeping in there again...

Now my aunt told us the next xmas (basically xmas of 2006) when we went again (we kind of go every year, most of my family is in SA) that she was on her own in the house one night, watching TV and the bar room door slowly creaked open. No wind in the house as the windows were all shut. She sprang up, and said she saw a sillouete but with no lower half...that she said looked like a little girl. She then said outloud something to the effect of 'you have no business here, we have done nothing, leave now', the 'girl' disappeared and my aunt swears from that day on nothing weird has happened.

Even my mum has been haunted in Milawi. She woke up one night when she was about 16 to see a man coming out of the cieling, even after she turned on the light screaming, so she sprinted to her parents room and bashed on the door, trying to open it but it was locked. She was screaming and screaming, so her parents woke up and asked what was wrong through the door as they were still in bed. She screamed for them to unlock the door, so her mum opened it and told her it wasnt locked...that it hadnt been locked since they moved in 14 years ago...

Think hauntings kind of runs in my family?

I still dont believe in ghosts though, as ive never actually laid eyes on one...if you do even 'see' them :S
Im still adamant that its your mind just playing tricks and linked to your subconcious...either that or people are just lying and nothing happened, or its simply ironic these things happen.

Im terrified of the dark when i know im by myself in my house though, for example. Have to search each room as i turn the light off, then look down my corridor before i close my bedroom door. Oh, and i always look at the windows too, ive always imagined turning a light off only to see someone just standing in the window looking at me...
Just remembered actually, a while back, middle of the night i awoke. I lay awake for a while and i really cannot explain what it was, but i just felt an overwhelming urge to open up the curtains and look out the window, only to find a white cat perfectly silhoetted in the dark, sitting in the middle of the road looking directly up at me with its eyes glinting and wide open. I shut the curtains immediately and didn't want to open them again.
I only have 2 experiences in my lifetime. I'm confident that my latest experience was a ghost and the first time maybe not. My parents like to go antique hunting and I decided to go. So anyways I already looked through the place and was pestering my mom to go. So I stop and look at the front page of an old magazine. I then felt a hand go on my right shoulder and hold my shoulder re-assuring like, lightly. Now it felt like a big hand and it felt real, like a giant put his hand on my right shoulder. I quickly look to my right thinking somebody wanted my attention. At that moment the feeling vanished and nobody was there! I then realized it got a tad bit colder in the room. So I asked my mom "did you just put your hand on my shoulder?" and I'm thinking "why would she do that"? She says "no I didn't, why"?

Then I tell her what just happened and how freaky it was. She says "yeah that happened to me and your father the first time we were here too. Freaky is'nt it"? At this point I'm expecting things to explode and fall over lol! The first time was when I woke up very tired making me think I was seeing things. I hand started to appear in thin air. This hand was violently ripped off and rotting by the looks of it. Bit's of flesh jiggling, bloody, a broken bone in the center, dead looking fingernails, and rot. In fact I would say it was torn off. So at this point I rub my eyes because I can't believe this and notice it's slowly making it's way to my face! Even more weird it was making a fluttering noise like a trapped bird. I start yelling and my mom comes in and puts on the lights and it just dissapears.
The first time was when I woke up very tired making me think I was seeing things. I hand started to appear in thin air. This hand was violently ripped off and rotting by the looks of it. Bit's of flesh jiggling, bloody, a broken bone in the center, dead looking fingernails, and rot. In fact I would say it was torn off. So at this point I rub my eyes because I can't believe this and notice it's slowly making it's way to my face! Even more weird it was making a fluttering noise like a trapped bird. I start yelling and my mom comes in and puts on the lights and it just disappears.

Wait a minute, you were attacked by Thing Adams? :O
Wait a minute, you were attacked by Thing Adams? :O
Yeah probably that size. It just felt like a hand without pressure meaning it must have been some tall guy. *I think you mean Lurch btw. I'm 5'10" btw.
I think a lot of this is psychological, if not all of it.

It's extremely interesting to look at it from that viewpoint.

A few months ago I had a terrible hangover and my stomach was still full of cider and rubbish the night afterwards, although I had been sick. Anyway, they say people can hallucinate when they eat off food or whatever. When I went to bed, sober, I was very drunk the night before, I had pretty weird hallucinations, when you close your eyes, you know you can sometimes make out patterns and the like, well I could see full faces and they kept reappearing a different face every time and slowly got scarier and scarier, ie. Noses bitten off. Then, when I opened my eyes, I made out the same things, just like you can make out patterns in the dark with your eyes open, but I started seeing some very scary things, I was terrified, but at the same time I knew it wasn't real.

It's happened once before, but to a lesser extent, again when I had a hangover.
But it's not a story. It's two paragraphs that are talking about something as though we all know the back story. Elaboration and explanation might help.

There isn't a whole lot to it. I was sitting alone at a homie's house at around 11PM at a table. Just happened to be looking in that direction listening to music when I went through the experiences I mentioned in the post. I described God as best I could and saw Him for about a minute and a half, during which time about two tears rolled down my face but not out of sadness I was just so happy. Then He was slowly moving from me and then ripped completely away and I saw what Hell was and what it was like just for that tiny brief amount of time, about 10 seconds. I wanted to just break down crying when I saw what that 10 seconds was. Then just thrust upon me when I thought about it was all this new knowledge and I realized I learned it as soon as I had seen God, and part of it was that I was going to be in Hell. And I was so angry at God at why He could do such a thing to people and I realized how selfish He is and I can understand the blasphemers logic. That's when I realized that's what I am and I felt content in knowing I found my place but anger and rage at what it was.
There isn't a whole lot to it. I was sitting alone at a homie's house at around 11PM at a table. Just happened to be looking in that direction listening to music when I went through the experiences I mentioned in the post. I described God as best I could and saw Him for about a minute and a half, during which time about two tears rolled down my face but not out of sadness I was just so happy. Then He was slowly moving from me and then ripped completely away and I saw what Hell was and what it was like just for that tiny brief amount of time, about 10 seconds. I wanted to just break down crying when I saw what that 10 seconds was. Then just thrust upon me when I thought about it was all this new knowledge and I realized I learned it as soon as I had seen God, and part of it was that I was going to be in Hell. And I was so angry at God at why He could do such a thing to people and I realized how selfish He is and I can understand the blasphemers logic. That's when I realized that's what I am and I felt content in knowing I found my place but anger and rage at what it was.

Lay of the mushrooms....
Hey I only wrote what really happened. I didn't force any of that shit on you and could say far worse things about some of the stuff you guys have written but wouldn't. It's on you whether or not to believe it I don't get any benefit out of 'tricking you' or anything like that. If I was lying what good does it do me?

Drugs wise however I was very high on crystal meth though but I don't think that's related because it doesn't produce effects like that. Blaming it on that would be like seeing aliens while high off weed (and you really did see them in this example) and then everyone goes "OH ITS JUST THAT BUD YOU SMOKED STOP WORRYING"
*I think you mean Lurch btw. I'm 5'10" btw.

Welll after reading your post...

I got a very vivid image of this guy flying through the air aiming for my neck:rolling:


Welll after reading your post...

I got a very vivid image of this guy flying through the air aiming for my neck:rolling:

Yeah it looked like this:
Only with a broken bone sticking out of the end.
RakuraiTenjin said:
I was high, saw God, now I'm going to hell

Don't trip. I know some guys who can protect you.


Hey, sometimes shit happens, and who ya gonna call?
Just so you know:

Angry Lawyer, I hate you so much right now. Your story is keeping me from sleeping D:
I have no stories, for it is I who does the haunting. I do not think any spirit would like me much, either.
When I was younger I would go out on warm Florida nights and gather up friends, and tell them we are being followed, or show them moving lights in the sky.
I was really a terror. I was proficient with stealth, and would move things around while people were occupied. I still do it, actually. I would follow someone for minutes without them noticing, stand right behind them and move objects they are using. When I can barely contain myself I move to a corner and keep still so they run across me and give a shriek, wondering how I got there.
People often refer to me as a ghost.

these ghost videos always give me chills.

Aside from hilarious, what the hell is that supposed to be?
I don't really believe in paranormal stuff, by the way - I can accept that it's more than likely something mundane. I've just never quite worked out what happened. I could have had a psychotic episode or something and done it myself. Whatever caused it is reason to be frightened, though.

-Angry Lawyer
I was driving through the Forest of Dean, and I could see a green glowing light in the woods.
Hey I only wrote what really happened. I didn't force any of that shit on you and could say far worse things about some of the stuff you guys have written but wouldn't. It's on you whether or not to believe it I don't get any benefit out of 'tricking you' or anything like that. If I was lying what good does it do me?

Drugs wise however I was very high on crystal meth though but I don't think that's related because it doesn't produce effects like that. Blaming it on that would be like seeing aliens while high off weed (and you really did see them in this example) and then everyone goes "OH ITS JUST THAT BUD YOU SMOKED STOP WORRYING"

If you "know" these things why don't you convert? Also, why doesn't He send everyone these things so we can know the truth. But then, only the pre-ordained enter heaven.

I don't really believe in paranormal stuff, by the way - I can accept that it's more than likely something mundane. I've just never quite worked out what happened. I could have had a psychotic episode or something and done it myself. Whatever caused it is reason to be frightened, though.

-Angry Lawyer

didn't your mum see it too?
Yeah, but it could still have non-supernatural causes.

1) Someone broke into my room. Possible, but unlikely, becuase the windows were locked. Unless someone came through the actual house and went up the stairs while I was in the lounge, and managed to avoid detection.

2) My mum played a prank on me. Very unlikely, because she'd be unable to keep something like that secret for the last 7 years.

3) I went nuts for a moment, and found a bucketload of matches and did it myself. Possible, because we have had people in our family with problems. However, my parents don't use matches, which makes it hard to find them in my house.

None of them really make sense, to be honest. It's just one of those things that happens and will never have an explanation.

-Angry Lawyer
I used to think that was a fake video untill I went to the Barton Mansion website and saw the stills whatever the **** came out the closet thing.


He had a lantern when you first see him but it like disappears within seconds, and look at his ears

Well I read their story of what happened and I find it interesting that they said that the front door of the house was supposed to be boarded up but when they went there a few pieces were missing (enough to get through). So I think that what they saw was some sicko playing dress up in an abandoned house and probably got a kick out of scaring these dudes to death.

However considering that they measured the door and it was about 6,5 feet high, and that guy had to hunch to get through, well that's one big mother****er:eek:
Yeah that pic is pretty god damn spooky, plus you can tell the the dudes filming aren't acting, they were ****ing bricking it and no wonder when you got a 7ft translucent entity with ****ing pointed ears and a latern that disappears before your eyes, emerging from a closet in front of you.

Plus if it was just some weirdo playing a prank, they would be a lot more clear than that since the torch is almost in its face.
Wow, your stories are creepy as hell. I don't wanna watch that video at all, as I know I won't be able to speel tonight if I do.
If you "know" these things why don't you convert? Also, why doesn't He send everyone these things so we can know the truth. But then, only the pre-ordained enter heaven.

I already am Catholic to begin with. There's nothing that can be done about my destiny and where I'm going. It's already set in stone. Nothing will change it.

And yet you realize in your last two sentences what enraged me so. That fact. ****ing selfish.
I'm really surprised that there hasn't been any other groups investigating the mansion.

It's begging for it.
Lets send there and we can light it with matchsticks and other shit.

Green lights in woods=playing too much runescape.
I'll go and visit that mansion once I get a car.
I already am Catholic to begin with. There's nothing that can be done about my destiny and where I'm going. It's already set in stone. Nothing will change it.

And yet you realize in your last two sentences what enraged me so. That fact. ****ing selfish.

Yeah, and near-death experiances are always true :rolleyes: You realize muslims and jews and stuff have similar visions, but of their own religion, meaning no NDE can be correct. So don't worry RakuraiTenjin, you proboaly won't do anything after death. Because you'll be dead.
Yeah, and near-death experiances are always true :rolleyes: You realize muslims and jews and stuff have similar visions, but of their own religion, meaning no NDE can be correct. So don't worry RakuraiTenjin, you proboaly won't do anything after death. Because you'll be dead.
You can easily tell that pointy-eared bloke is a person dressed up. He couold be standing on stilts or anything. I watched a program on faking ghost stories, its not that hard.
I already am Catholic to begin with. There's nothing that can be done about my destiny and where I'm going. It's already set in stone.

If you're Catholic then you should know God gave you free will.
If you're Catholic then you should know God gave you free will.

Actually, if god knows all, He already knows whats going to happen. So when he "creates" someone he already knows what they're going to do. It is confirmed in the bible (check with a bible expert, I think its in the later parts) that only the pre-ordained can enter heaven.
so why do people bother praying if there is a divine plan?