True ghost stories

Because the vast majority of Christians either don't understand the "pre-ordained" explanation, are otherwise immensely ignorant to their own religion, or are simply desperate to get into heaven.
Once, a while after my father died, I was having some family problems - my uncle had moved in and started boning my mother, expecting me to call thim 'dad'. One night when I'd stepped outside to get away from their slobbering I saw the ghost of my father, who told me that he had in fact been murdered by my uncle putting poison in his ear.

True story!
Actually, if god knows all, He already knows whats going to happen. So when he "creates" someone he already knows what they're going to do. It is confirmed in the bible (check with a bible expert, I think its in the later parts) that only the pre-ordained can enter heaven.

The Bible seems to support the idea of both free will and destiny, at least IIRC.

In other words: Who gives a shit, the damn thing obviously doesn't make any sense.
Actually, if god knows all, He already knows whats going to happen. So when he "creates" someone he already knows what they're going to do. It is confirmed in the bible (check with a bible expert, I think its in the later parts) that only the pre-ordained can enter heaven.

Isn't it one of those paradoxes? Like the one "can an almighty being (God, for example) create a stone that he wouldn't be able to lift?"?
Once, a while after my father died, I was having some family problems - my uncle had moved in and started boning my mother, expecting me to call thim 'dad'. One night when I'd stepped outside to get away from their slobbering I saw the ghost of my father, who told me that he had in fact been murdered by my uncle putting poison in his ear.

True story!
Something's rotten in Brighton...
Once, a while after my father died, I was having some family problems - my uncle had moved in and started boning my mother, expecting me to call thim 'dad'. One night when I'd stepped outside to get away from their slobbering I saw the ghost of my father, who told me that he had in fact been murdered by my uncle putting poison in his ear.

True story!
I think you may have a classic theatre production on your hands.
Isn't it one of those paradoxes? Like the one "can an almighty being (God, for example) create a stone that he wouldn't be able to lift?"?

Yep, it also means god is an evil bastard who tortures people endlessly for fun.

The Bible seems to support the idea of both free will and destiny, at least IIRC.

In other words: Who gives a shit, the damn thing obviously doesn't make any sense.

QFT, the whole thing is full of these ridiculous things.
Once, a while after my father died, I was having some family problems - my uncle had moved in and started boning my mother, expecting me to call thim 'dad'. One night when I'd stepped outside to get away from their slobbering I saw the ghost of my father, who told me that he had in fact been murdered by my uncle putting poison in his ear.

True story!

lolol, most entertaining post in quite some time.

K, I got something to tell you guys, and I've never been quite right sense this...

My mom was going to walmart, and I was to be home by myself. I was 10 years old at the time. It was about 8:00 PM, and I was getting in the shower. I shampooed my hair, and i swear, as soon as I washed it off, and turned around there was a face and had what looked like cataract in both eyes, mouth wide opened, and it looked like a man from the 1800's. It disappeared after... not even a second. Think I was imagining things, I showered and got ready for bed. I got on my computer and swore I heard heavy breathing behind me. Though I had left my light on, it was suddenly turned off. I turned around to see a 6' tall figure looming over me, head cocked back, mouth wide open, same face as I described before, and before I could react it started to screech this noise I'll never forget. It sounded as loud as a jet plane. it started lower than a blue whale's song, and slowly climbed to such a high pitch a mouse couldn't top it. Being so terrified a just sat there cowering over the figure in front of me. Finally when I could bear the noise no longer I ran and turned on my lights. My light bulbs suddenly popped, and in a flash of light the figure appeared right in my face and disappeared. My light switch has been backwards ever sense, and sometimes have dreams about it and wake up with my ears ringing. And this house I'm in was built by my family when i was 2, so I don't understand where this ****er came from, and decided to scare the hell out of a 10 year old.

Well, that's mine. :/
Sounds like you had an experience, often times these things are simply the imagination. Have any other members of your family experienced anything like that in the house? Anything similar? If not, then you probably went crazy for a few minutes.
Imagining something that graphic? How on earth..
I don't think I've ever had an encounter.

But if I ever do, I'll just shout "ZOMBIE GOASTS LEAVE THIS PLACE!"
Sounds like you had an experience, often times these things are simply the imagination. Have any other members of your family experienced anything like that in the house? Anything similar? If not, then you probably went crazy for a few minutes.

I told my mom when she got home and the first thing she did was go get the Tylenol, and the thermometer. XD

My bro had an encounter where he was downstairs sitting on our 20 year old big screen T.V. (we have more recent one, but that was my great grandmas... she was filthy rich.) He was sitting on this TV, and all the sudden it came on, and roared like I told him mine did. But I'm sure he probably kicked the on button sense we lost the panel cover, and we don't have cable hooked to it, so just loud fuzzyness. And I remember feeling like I'd fallen on the floor when that happened, so maybe I was more tired than I'd realized? We'd just watched the poltergeist, where that midget chick reels that woman into the closet with the rope, so maybe that inspired my ... passing out nightmare? I dunno, weird though. Still don't know how it could have changed my light switch, even my father noticed it. Though my light bulbs had been, ahhem, "Blown out" for some reason I don't recall anything about light bulbs being replaced from that...

Maybe I went crazy, rewired my light switch without having any conscious thought, and no electronics knowledge. :D
I told my mom when she got home and the first thing she did was go get the Tylenol, and the thermometer. XD

LOL. If something like that happened to me I don't know how I would react. Though if it would appear in the room while I was at my computer I probably would try to clobber it with the chair. Take that ghost! *Bonk!* XD
...turned around there was a face and had what looked like cataract in both eyes, mouth wide opened, and it looked like a man from the 1800's.

...I turned around to see a 6' tall figure looming over me, head cocked back, mouth wide open, same face as I described before, and before I could react it started to screech this noise I'll never forget.
Van Halen's gonna get raped by a confederate soldier.
Very easily. Just look at alien abduction stories, complete bullocks. Yet, people still imagine them. :|

Alien abduction stories happen when their asleep, so most logically its a dream, just rednecks take it literal. Its not like when they have a dream of being chased or being somewhere naked, it really happened that night. But alot of ghost stories happen when their awake, which makes it a little more believable, especially if ones happened to you before. Its just hard to figure out the fake from the true. Just no evidence. If you're there, you're there.
Alien abduction stories happen when their asleep, so most logically its a dream, just rednecks take it literal. Its not like when they have a dream of being chased or being somewhere naked, it really happened that night. But alot of ghost stories happen when their awake, which makes it a little more believable, especially if ones happened to you before. Its just hard to figure out the fake from the true. Just no evidence. If you're there, you're there.

More believable doesn't equal more true (or false as the case may be). The idea is just a silly superstiton from medival times. A lot of this can be explained away by physcology and science (eletromagnetics and stuff like that)
More believable doesn't equal more true (or false as the case may be). The idea is just a silly superstiton from medival times. A lot of this can be explained away by physcology and science (eletromagnetics and stuff like that)

In no way does it being more believable justify anything. I definately agree there, never implied anything different. Thats why its more of a if you're're there kinda thing. I was more comparing it to the credibility of "abduction stories" where people are dead asleep in dream land. I don't really beleive those, so I can't blame the people that don't beleive ghosts and my take on them. Although many of the countless "paranormal" experiences people have "had" can be explained away to natural occurences and a runaway mind(overactive imagination), I just strongly feel electromagnectics and stuff did'nt create a soldier standing at the end of the hall that both me and my brother saw (1st post on this).
Thats my favorite kind of "ghost story/happening", the ones from skeptics. Seems to have a satisfying explanation. Some things just happen to them that cannot be explained what-so-ever, but they give a great point of view on it. Not related to skepticism, but more towards the unexplained, my dad once was in the shower at our old house at seven pines, when he looked down and saw three claw marks form across his chest. I was young and remember him talking to my mom about it freaked the **** out, but still keeping kinda as calm as he could(from what I can remember). I've asked him about it recently and he finally told me in detail what happened (did'nt want to scare the undropped balls out of me at the time, so he never told me untill now, i guess). He's been in the military for 17 years, recently got a doctrine in theology, and is extremely close to getting his Phd. This is one man that would'nt lie.
Im afraid there is just some things that science simply cannot explain, no matter how hard people try.
Well saying that the brain, when completely starved of oxygen and pretty much dead, can generate visions to which the host can see, hear and touch, more so than usual (which i add has never been backed up with experiments because they would be insane). When we sleep and dream we dont experiance anything like the latter visions, and thats when the brain is fully opporational. Its worse than an historian called Talyor saying that Hitler didn't start the war, but was merely exploiting a large range of opportunities.

It just really pisses me off when scientists claim there is an explanation for everything and try and explain it using a ridiculous theory, im sorry, but it just doesn't cut it, some things just cant be explained. Its ok to say that maybe its this or that, but no they are certain there is theory behind it.
Well saying that the brain, when completely starved of oxygen and pretty much dead, can generate visions to which the host can see, hear and touch, more so than usual (which i add has never been backed up with experiments because they would be insane). When we sleep and dream we dont experiance anything like the latter visions, and thats when the brain is fully opporational. Its worse than an historian called Talyor saying that Hitler didn't start the war, but was merely exploiting a large range of opportunities.

It just really pisses me off when scientists claim there is an explanation for everything and try and explain it using a ridiculous theory, im sorry, but it just doesn't cut it, some things just cant be explained. Its ok to say that maybe its this or that, but no they are certain there is theory behind it.
There is a perfect explanation for what you described, and I'm pretty familiar with Talyors works, you want to discuss them go ahead and make a thread, otherwise don't just bring it up like that.
Its all been said before though, i was saying in the context of paranormal activity within this current topic. I was asked to state an opinion, i did so, no offense intended.
See, i disagree. I have witnessed the power of the brain. A while ago someone posted a topic about OBE's (Out of body experiences). Basically, it involves putting yourself in a state of relaxation to where you physically fall asleep but mentally are awake. This process starts by you getting this electricity feeling all over your body until you feel yourself sort of separate. I did this the same day I heard about it. I went downstairs, laid on my couch, and just relaxed myself by doing these exercises which i read helped. In a matter of minutes, i felt the electricity in my whole body and suddenly i felt as if I was floating. As soon as I tried opening my eyes i heard a big CRASH and jumped off the couch.

Another time I tried I was in my room in bed. I did the same thing and relaxed myself. I felt the electricity and when I opened my eyes, its like I was seeing the world with a different set of eyes. I cant even explain how cool it was. I sat up and saw my room like it was 100 times clearer, and my vision was somewhat zoomed in. It only lasted like 10 seconds until I snapped back into reality.

Anyway, the thing I was trying to prove is that the mind is a powerful thing.
But these scientists who "claim there is an explanation for everything and try and explain it using a ridiculous theory" know what their talking about, y'know, they have degrees and stuff. I point you to this wonderful site again

It does say, "Science cannot ultimately explain why some people have near-death experiences" so I'll give you that, but simple logic defeats the idea. Muslims have visions of Allah, Christians of Jesus, etc. so no NDE can be credible.
Thats my favorite kind of "ghost story/happening", the ones from skeptics. Seems to have a satisfying explanation. Some things just happen to them that cannot be explained what-so-ever, but they give a great point of view on it. Not related to skepticism, but more towards the unexplained, my dad once was in the shower at our old house at seven pines, when he looked down and saw three claw marks form across his chest. I was young and remember him talking to my mom about it freaked the **** out, but still keeping kinda as calm as he could(from what I can remember). I've asked him about it recently and he finally told me in detail what happened (did'nt want to scare the undropped balls out of me at the time, so he never told me untill now, i guess). He's been in the military for 17 years, recently got a doctrine in theology, and is extremely close to getting his Phd. This is one man that would'nt lie.

Well there you go. It just goes to show that if you have a degree in nonsense and superstition you'll be prone to spout nonsense and superstition.
That was a bit harsh wasn't it? :P
I'd like to add that just because he didn't lie doesn't mean it actually happened, the human mind is a very complex thing, but some can't fathom that a lot of things are simply inside the head.
See, i disagree. I have witnessed the power of the brain. A while ago someone posted a topic about OBE's (Out of body experiences). Basically, it involves putting yourself in a state of relaxation to where you physically fall asleep but mentally are awake. This process starts by you getting this electricity feeling all over your body until you feel yourself sort of separate. I did this the same day I heard about it. I went downstairs, laid on my couch, and just relaxed myself by doing these exercises which i read helped. In a matter of minutes, i felt the electricity in my whole body and suddenly i felt as if I was floating. As soon as I tried opening my eyes i heard a big CRASH and jumped off the couch.

Another time I tried I was in my room in bed. I did the same thing and relaxed myself. I felt the electricity and when I opened my eyes, its like I was seeing the world with a different set of eyes. I cant even explain how cool it was. I sat up and saw my room like it was 100 times clearer, and my vision was somewhat zoomed in. It only lasted like 10 seconds until I snapped back into reality.

Anyway, the thing I was trying to prove is that the mind is a powerful thing.

I see, but when the brain is dead?

and yeah the scientists who state the theories will be inteligent and experts in those fields, but its the way they state their theory as fact (not all of them do it), rather than a scientific opinion which in the case of near-death experiance, paranormal activities which cant be explained, should be kept at opinion. Thats what iritates me.