What do avatars make you feel???


Jan 15, 2004
Reaction score
i was just wondering... what kind of effects do people's avatars have on you?? how do you judge a person.. is it what they type, how they type, what theyre name is or even what their avatar looks like??

now i know this sounds a little strange, but the first thing that gives away someones personality is - for me - their avatar. i guess its just like they say: first impressions are everything. This is also why i get annoyed when people change their avatars, because i cant remember what theyre name is... only what theyre avatar looks like :LOL:

well thats what i used to do, anyway. now i try and remember peoples names over their avatars, but their avatar still gives me a good indication of what they are like, and what they are like. For instance... i can tell what letters likes because of his avatars, and the fact that even when they change they still keep a constant theme going ;)

but i was just wondering what you think of people when judging by their avatars. I would quite like to know what people think of me just from my name and avatar, as mine is a very unique style. And in the same respect, i would like to know whether people generally have the same first impressions as other people.

But lets keep the comments positive, no "you sound like a freak because your name sounds dodgy" kind of comments ;)
a suicide bomber, i doubt you would save the world with that attitude.

Burnzie, your avatar makes me think you're an ATOM-BOMB LAYIN' MUTHAF*CKER, MUTHAF*CKER!
thats right muthafu*ker

yours makes me think of jurassic 5
Nobody knows what mine means, except me. Muhahahaha.
Well, avatars are closely related to my impression of a person and the "relation" i have with that person. Other than that, it's the general attitude of the person that sort of reveals what kind of person he is. When I scroll through a page on a forum I check the avatars to see who've written what etc.

When the person's got a photo or image of someone in their avatar, that person makes me think of them and thus when they say something I imagine that person saying it... I used to only use Bruce Willis-avatars in past forums, people told me they were reminded of me whenever they saw a picture or movie or something with Bruce Willis.. heh

I try to keep a sort of theme with my avatars, what I like or something fun, or just something cool.

Also the way people type when chatting etc gives away a little, if they use perfect english with capital letters etc or use "your" instead of "you're" and "there" instead of "their" or "they're"..

My impression of you. Hmm, your avatar is a slick and neverending explosion of your name, what i like especially about the avatar is how the name returns like it's dropped from the sky. It sort of portrays you as an effective "being", the downside is that I don't think of you as any special sort of face or anything, more like just a name and a bloke living in England hiding behind the name. :)

However the way you talk and chat portrays you as a very effective person, you clearly show your views in your posts and if you don't like something, you make sure to tell everyone how much crap it is. And if something is good, you raise it to the skies. On IRC you're among the most interesting persons to chat with ;)

That's my impression of you, so far.

This thread is great, by the way, I've been thinking on making a similar thread before, and it'd be VERY interesting to see what people's impression of me is!
Mine is abstract, I don't really even know what it is and I drew it :)

nw's avatars always make me think 'leet'.

Darkstar... oh I just now noticed that was the J5 logo :D

Letters' avatars make me think 'ffs'.

Suicide I always just looked at your avatar and thought of a really bad flash animation on newgrounds.com

No offense, I like it though :p

Edit - CrazyHarij, I'm not sure why but I always see through your avatar, not in a bad way though. I think you're a very mature and tolerant person ^_^

I mean, comparitively.
crazyharij all i can think of when i see yours is hordan freeman, and who i is?

my avatars are just random, what ever i find. i like my current one alot so it will probably stay that way for a while

bad hat, i have no idea what yours is, but it makes more sence than nw909's
Bat^Hat always makes me think of a sombrero, or a guy with a sombrero. :)

Darkstar's avatar and his name give a very sci-fi, robotic feeling.

nw909.. minimalistic and "cool", the postcount sort of makes me think of a person with a monkey that types stuff for him constantly.

Pobz.. enigmatic, eastern mystique.. the name doesn't give that impression, that's more of just a randomly or made up name, it has a little german cling to it IMHO.

burnzie's avatar screams "don't **** with me" in an amazingly cool way.

Mechagodzilla's old avatar with a godzilla sort of stuck itself into my mind, and his general attitude and impression gives me the image of a strong person with alot of creativity.

I've been thinking on changing my avatar to something better, but whenever I touch it slightly 3 people yell at me to change it back.
Bad^Hat's avatar reminds me of a holly leaf!
Shuzer.. the best nickname ever, however your current avatar is pretty stylish but your past avatars suits you alot better, like that lego microwave dude and the one before (forgot it but I remember being very confused when you changed it)
My avatar indicates the oppressive nature of my duties, and how I will ban you without thinking twice about it. Good-day!

Abom said:
My avatar indicates the oppressive nature of my duties, and how I will ban you without thinking twice about it. Good-day!


No shit, sherlock.. I was thinking of saying the exact thing before but I was afraid of getting banned.

CrazyHarij said:
Shuzer.. the best nickname ever, however your current avatar is pretty stylish but your past avatars suits you alot better, like that lego microwave dude and the one before (forgot it but I remember being very confused when you changed it)

:) I have restored the said avatar for you, Harij! HAIL HARIJ!
er.. lol, yeah
burnzie's avatar is by far one of the coolest. I mean, Pulp Fiction goes down in history as a cult-classic and one of the best films ever made. So, whenever I see burnzie's avatar I automatically think of...well...Jules.

Here's one of Jules' most memorable lines in the movie...

Jules: "There's a passage I got memorized,
seems appropriate for this
situation: Ezekiel 25:17. "The path
of the righteous man is beset on
all sides by the inequities of the
selfish and the tyranny of evil
men. Blessed is he who, in the
name of charity and good will,
shepherds the weak through the
valley of darkness, for he is truly
his brother's keeper and the finder
of lost children. And I will
strike down upon thee with great
vengeance and furious anger those
who attempt to poison and destroy
my brothers. And you will know my
name is the Lord when I lay my
vengeance upon you!" :sniper:

And mine, well, as you can tell...nothing new. Though I find Alyx rather attractive and serves well as my avatar.
pure class all the way, my fav movie of all time
Just out of curiousity what do you think of my avatar (and perhaps me). I made it myself, based on a sketch I drew in chem class.
all i know is that if jesus were on these forums, hed have my avatar.
spookymooky said:
Just out of curiousity what do you think of my avatar (and perhaps me). I made it myself, based on a sketch I drew in chem class.

Abstract, and.. weird. :)
Starcraft pwns....I stole this from someone on the g4 forums because I am uncreative and lazy.
I hope people don't see my avatar and think of me from that, because I am nothing like what my avatar would indicate in real life or on the forums (at least I don't think.) :(

Bad^Hat's makes me see someone who is ready to jump into a conversation at a moments notice. Which is a good thing.

CrazyHarij makes me think of someone who is a mature adult but who still seems to have a sense of humour that is entertaining for younger people. (That is a good thing IMO).

Abom's avatar makes him look like a cool headed moderator who knows the rules and how to handle situations.

Out of everyones avatar though I would have to say I like Munro's the best when it comes to how an avatar represents someone. The fact that he shows himself as the pointy haired boss lets everyone know that although he is the boss he is has a good sense of humor and it allows everyone to feel more at ease when he is around. No I was not trying to suck up with that either. :p
Abom said:
My avatar indicates the oppressive nature of my duties, and how I will ban you without thinking twice about it. Good-day!


100% truth :D
harij's makes me thik, like, "wtf??"

shuzer's makes me think what a huge fsking newb he is

abom's makes me think "commie" :p

babyheadcrabs I think "scribbles"

burnzie's... makes me think of regulatin'. you know. start controllin shit. up in this mahf***a.
my avatar is a pic of me jumping over a fire on easter at a friend's house. i'm a little eccentric and crazy. it's a funny pic, and that's why i chose it.
So Harij imagines Ms. Spears saying what I say... that's gotta be weird. :p

And Bad^Hat... FFS...
CrazyHarij said:
Bat^Hat always makes me think of a sombrero, or a guy with a sombrero. :)

Odd, like I said on the chats, the name Bad Hat is based on a Spanish cartoon character :)

burnzie said:
bad hat, i have no idea what yours is, but it makes more sence than nw909's

LOL, it's ascii. Also whenever I see nw I think '4chan' :)

Shuzer said:
Bad^Hat's avatar reminds me of a holly leaf!

With eyes? Okay so it was supposed to be a bull :) See? The points represent legs, a tail and horns, and the star above it's head (where the little beady eyes are) was just for fun... makes it look like a zodiac sign or something crazy.

CrazyHarij said:
Shuzer.. the best nickname ever, however your current avatar is pretty stylish but your past avatars suits you alot better, like that lego microwave dude and the one before (forgot it but I remember being very confused when you changed it)


That's all I thought whenever I saw Vincent :D

Long live the lego vader!

Abom said:
My avatar indicates the oppressive nature of my duties, and how I will ban you without thinking twice about it. Good-day!


Abom = A bomb, ready to go off :D

spookymooky said:
Just out of curiousity what do you think of my avatar (and perhaps me). I made it myself, based on a sketch I drew in chem class.

Actually it makes me think of more cheap animation, like Suicide's :D

LOL I really don't mean that like it sounds but that's all I can think of, those crappy stick animations that flood newgrounds and the like ^_^

blahblahblah said:
Now, common. Who doesn't love Alf?

I love cats.

"I **** on the first date" anyone? (see attach)

Foxtrot said:
Starcraft pwns....I stole this from someone on the g4 forums because I am uncreative and lazy.


The Mullinator said:
I hope people don't see my avatar and think of me from that, because I am nothing like what my avatar would indicate in real life or on the forums (at least I don't think.) :(

Bad^Hat's makes me see someone who is ready to jump into a conversation at a moments notice. Which is a good thing.

When I see teh bebbeh I think, mmm... lunch.

And yeah that is true of me... IRL too, but it usually gets me a kick in the nads.

Letters said:
And Bad^Hat... FFS...

Spear Britney!

Deadline said:
Mine is ummm... errr... well...

Fear me!!!

Antonio Banderes is a puss =3

That is all.
Bad^Hat said:

That's all I thought whenever I saw Vincent :D

Long live the lego vader!

VADER!? That's Sadako! It's the lego equivalent to Fenric's avatar :)

..and all I have to say about Letters' avatar:

Britney's Spears
freeman youve got a poo stain on your mouth.