What do avatars make you feel???

Do you like her music, or do you just like her? ;)
Toxic is in my main playlist. It's got some nice bass in it. :)

I've yet to buy a CD, though. :O
i've only just put one on and the expression represents me and my confusion of todays society
Jackal hit said:
btw, dr freeman, yours makes me think of mortal kombat. :D

ah yes, Mortal Kombat.. my all time fav fighting game :)

Jackal ur avatar is an eye? cause thats what i always think of.. its nicely done with name and all :)
Thanks DarkStar. That's what I was going for.
Mine is a long running inside joke that makes a little sense. It's a ninja panda, a long running clan of panda's whose populace is dwindling. They are a rare sight, for their evasive skills and abilities to turn a blade of grass into a disguise are unmatched. Anyway, it's kinda a weird symbol for me at my school, so i thought it was appropriate for the forums.

Blag...I see yours and i think, wtf...?

Darkstar, your's makes me think of the 'retro future.' Ya know? What they thought the future would be like back in 1940...Just the way it isn't exactly a crisp clear picture (which by no means is a bad thing) but it is somehow futuristic...i think too much.

Dr. Freeman...Yeah, Mortal combat. Specifically, in the movie, where the huge guy with four arms gets punched in the sack...

Cybersh33p, i think...what's he all about? communism? capitolism? a mixture? I think he may be a bit dodgy, but he also may be very open minded.

Dopelgofer - easygoing...don't ask why

Letters - Ugh...then i see the post count, and think it could be a joke.

Shuzer - A crappy star wars video created with legos. It's not a bad avatar though.

Anyway, there's the impressions your avatars leave on a guy who can look at each avatar in an unbiased way; i haven't had time to read your posts and how you act, so that doesn't alter my opinion.
Moejoe said:
Shuzer - A crappy star wars video created with legos. It's not a bad avatar though.

It's NOT StarWars!~~!!!111 lol

It's Sadako, from Ring. Check the attachment for the original picture
Shuzer, I never did understand yours... and I still don't.
Shuzer said:
It's NOT StarWars!~~!!!111 lol

It's Sadako, from Ring. Check the attachment for the original picture

Ohhh, i get it now. It's just, the guy reminded me of Darth Vader. Anyway, i wasn't sure exactly what flashed for a split second in the avatar.
i've always liked letter's avatars. there's nothing like taking a good idea and running with it :)

and mine, i like that one too. It's art, by the way, referencing my field of study.
Letters said:
Wait a second... is that a butt?! :O

woah, i think it is.

...yes, that's an ass. an ass smoking a cigarette.
Spiffae said:
woah, i think it is.

...yes, that's an ass. an ass smoking a cigarette.

Nothing wrong with a bit of ass smoking.
Shuzer said:
It's NOT StarWars!~~!!!111 lol

It's Sadako, from Ring. Check the attachment for the original picture

jesus. christ.

Moejoe said:
Cybersh33p, i think...what's he all about? communism? capitolism? a mixture? I think he may be a bit dodgy, but he also may be very open minded.

so, in other words, YOU KNOW NOTHING!

yours makes me think "yyyeaaaaaahhh"
crazyharij, i love ur new avatar btw. I think it would fit more with mechagodzilla though, as he allways has avatars with monsters in. ;)

and zap branigan is farrowlesparrow.
Spiffae said:
woah, i think it is.

...yes, that's an ass. an ass smoking a cigarette.

It's not my ass and I don't know whose it is. I don't want to meet the person either. Imagine waking up from a night of drinking with your ass looking like that.
Maybe he woke up one night from drinking and his face looked like a painted ass...Stranger things have happened.
sorry to bring up an old thread but...

can we make a game similar to pokemon using our classes?

if so, i bet my suicidal ant lion can WH00P the ass of your prowler!!!

hell, it could even have a chunk at a super mod... run in there forty two!! use your suicidal rush atack!!! hahahha!!! ant lions 0wnz0rs!!1

oh no! your hurt forty two!!! time to bring on the crappy sad manga scene of some prat hugging his pikachu!!

anyone want to make a flash game out of this?? that would r0x0r!!!
Dont know what i really think when i see my avatar, an unhappy solider mabye.
lol, thanks darkstar :)

me to pressure said:
i agree but...

whats up with all the great stuff? stop being so darn happy!!!!

damn it, my suicidal ant lion would OWN your great ant lion anyday!!! bring it on!!! you have more posts than me, so yours is stronger... plus as he has the "great" attribute he gains an additional bonus... but mine cannot fear due to his suaicidal nature, and will fight till the end!!! this'll be a good match!!!
I don't think many ppl will even imagine WTH is my avatar....
Clearly Suicide Moderators, Super Moderators and the final evolution, Administrator, would destroy you...Since they have so many special powers.

I'm thinking aobut this too much :)
Sprafa said:
I don't think many ppl will even imagine WTH is my avatar....

The guy on the picture is Oskar Schindler from the movie "Schindler's List".

Do anyone know what guy I have on my avatar? :E
Sprafa said:
I don't think many ppl will even imagine WTH is my avatar....
isn't that laim neeson playing oskar schindler in schidler's list?

edit: doh, too late

loke, that's BETTY! (aka master pain)
Hmmm avatars make me feel horny :eek: *runs away*
My avatar is obvious I think. I just made it myself, that's all to it. Gordon is my hero :)
Lil' Timmy said:
loke, that's BETTY! (aka master pain)

Hehe, right. :D

"It's Betty you son of a pig... Betty.", love that sentence. :)
/me disables board avatar function

*innocent whistle*
I usually try and form an opinion based off someone's actions, their manner, their approach to situations in life... their wanton disregard for accepted moderation standards :LOL:

'Course, if I see a guy with a tasteless avatar it tends to sway opinion- as does a signature. LONG LIVE OBSCURE QUOTES!

I often go without an avatar on forums but I felt left out :( Wish I could have used my bordered super-size version...
I only use avatars to id people quickly. It's like a persons face on the forums. As for my own avatar, I'm not sure how many people could tell me what it is and exactly where it comes from :)