what do you want to see in cs hl2 port

I want next feature in CS:S: you may sell your gun on buyzone by "g" button :)

Shield? Who uses shield?
I'd like to see those eyes Valve spent so much time developing for HL2. You know, like the G-Man's.
Make backpedalling much slower that running speed.

Currently its too easy to run backwards whilst shielding and never be outflanked.
Remove the awp, it was never used in the gameplay and never would be even if it had no bugs.

please remove. everyone would be so happy !
I'd like to see the shield removed. It only makes you angry when someone buys it on a public, and, actually, no one buys it for the tactic posibilities it offers but just to laugh at the terrorists
I think keep the shield but make it able to be penetrated by the MG and the AWP and to a lesser extent by the Automatic Rifles, but not by pistols (maybe Deagle) or SMG's

Also make it so that unprotected areas of the shield (ie the feet when not crouched) will recieve damage when shot.
cliffe said:
What would you guys think if we gave the shield the boot?

Man look , you sure know everyone hates shield , cause they ruin the public games...I know you dont care for what i'll say now , but cpl was sisabled it as you know , cause they think something is wrong with it ...

So i would suggest another thing , why dont you try bringing balance ? Neither delete the shield , or add something to the terrors , molotov , a special grenade , a pack with more ammo , something , i'm not talking about a LAW , but for a 1 extra gun to balance the game...I'll tell you now about something you wont care for their opinion , but i believe cpl is fans and fans make cs , maybe CPL and others have said , CZ wtf it sux , 1.6 steam blahblah , i believe that we will hear the same thing about the cs:source , and with that way you lose fans , and cash , its useless , try making the same thing we always loved man , or i believe the things will get like this...cs:s release , a great game AWSM , CPL(ect) does not aprove it , many fans buy it , we play it ,we make a ton of modes and and packs,and thats it , it will not get loved , i expect an answer , and tell me if i'm wrong...Hey wtf i'm a 16year old who loves your work and is a noob to cs , i know nothing about HL2 , you , so i cant advise you , but be right beside you and tell you what i see...I'm also sorry for my bad english,ask me if you didnt anderstand something...

With great respect...

Make it a game rather than trying to be realistic. Gameplay over realism even if it is impossible (such as quick swtich, or quick scope). Going over on Realism will kill any game because that's not what any sane, none war fanatical, person wants.

Remove shield, useless junk really.
Remove Auto-Snipers.
Make Quickswtiching and Quickscoping possible again with all guns.
Increase movement speeds on walking, running, and crouchwalking.
Improve deagle accuracy to remove random shots when stood 100% still.
Replace the knife model. Make it look more deadly. Like old knife.
Only able to buy 1 flashbang + shorter flashed length (speeds up gameplay IMO)

HLTV (seperate issue really i know): more accurate to the game (anims etc..), ability to have a shoutcast streamed from a HLTV server in sync with the gameplay. Angled camera points at each bombsite and bomsite entrances, and spawns, which will aid shout casters in the eSport community. (<3 TsN).
I'm afraid I can't even se why the shield was added and I think it would be better without it.
I don't get you people. The shield was a great addition to cs. Is it just that you don't like easy kills? I mean, the only thing that's easyer to kill than a shielder is an afk.
cliffe said:
What would you guys think if we gave the shield the boot?

I would love if you removed the shield. You do not use it in matches (pcw, CW etc.) the only thing its there for is that its annoying when someone use it at public, its virtual impossible to hit them and the just sit there in a corner. if you're not gonna remove it atleast make it easier to hit the one wearing the shield!
Yes please take away the shield and hide it in a doungeon somewhere never to be seen again. And by the way, while you're at it, take away the awp-delay for crying out loud!
Away with the shield, it has no competitive purpose whatsoever and about the most annoying thing to see on a public server. Put your effort into something worth developing instead.

Bring back the old knife, or at least give it to the CTs while the Ts might keep the new one. Seems alot more fitting.

Also, whatever you do, do NOT remove boosting, that'd be a real bummer. Just worried because it's not been shown yet.
Don't take it away

There is no good in taking it away, maybe a serveroption that could disable it since it now has a lot of errors and easy ways of exploit.

Maybe the shield shouldn't cover your feet, and you should be able to shoot in their feets? maybe make some changes on the width also. Just to make it slightly not that good.

As it is now, the shield is to good. Well, no clan got any good tactics how to "kill" a shield anyway. Maybe if you reduced its life, like if it takes over 300 damage it will start leaking? And you lose 10% of the HP you get hit by.

There are a lot of ways making it less overwhelming, but maybe some more discussion on whats best. I would go for all of the above either way.

Maybe include one of these ordinary wargames effects? You get tired by wearing the shield and slow down after a while of running with it infront. Notice: Not if you only wear it but "undefensive".

Then you could run up a shield with knife easier, and the lack of it would lose. But you could still do some creepy tactics with it. The teamwork would increase a lot with a better balanced shield.

Also a last suggestion is a "shield-killer". A gun, maybe not too good in other purposes but killing shields. Maybe add that to the famas? I can see clans buying a famas each round just to prevent the CT's from shielding 'em out at the CPL or any other big event.

Take care!

Nallen, Gamedia.se
Daveh said:
Make it a game rather than trying to be realistic. Gameplay over realism even if it is impossible (such as quick swtich, or quick scope). Going over on Realism will kill any game because that's not what any sane, none war fanatical, person wants.

Remove shield, useless junk really.
Remove Auto-Snipers.
Make Quickswtiching and Quickscoping possible again with all guns.
Increase movement speeds on walking, running, and crouchwalking.
Improve deagle accuracy to remove random shots when stood 100% still.
Replace the knife model. Make it look more deadly. Like old knife.
Only able to buy 1 flashbang + shorter flashed length (speeds up gameplay IMO)

I agree with the realism, i mean should players get tired after running around for to long, or if they get shot in the legs they wouldn't be able to walk etc? No beacuse it would be annoying and pointless.

Remove shield. < agree
Remove Auto-Snipers. - they should be left in, just power and acc removed (not as bad as the old ones, but much worse than they are now), as you can run around with no scope and kill people easly :/ but its nice to have the option to buy them even if no one uses them.

Make Quickswtiching and Quickscoping possible again with all guns.
Increase movement speeds on walking, running, and crouchwalking.
Improve deagle accuracy to remove random shots when stood 100% still.
Replace the knife model. Make it look more deadly. Like old knife.

I'm not sure about the movements though, as the objectives would become usless (de_maps) beacuse the cts would always have time to run to the site and kill all the ts etc. But i think it could be speeded up just a little

Only able to buy 1 flashbang + shorter flashed length (speeds up gameplay IMO)

I can see how just having 1 would speed it up (not to sure about it though :D). But a shorter flash time, in clan wars you would have to get like 3 people in pos to throw a flash to bind them for a long space of time, making the game slower.

I agree with other points to but

People saying 'you should aim the game at pros' etc etc i can see your point and agree with it. But you cant just kill of public play beacuse if this game is going to be a round aslong as the orignal. ( 5 years +) the current pro's wont be playing. And if the cs community is smaller there will be less money invested by soncers, making e-sports slower growing. So you need to give the public play some attention, im not sure of the soloution to this as the needs are diffrent so maybe like a league version of cs or make it all customizable as someone has suggested.
cliffe said:
What would you guys think if we gave the shield the boot?


YESSIR, give the shield the boot. Worst mistake ever in the history of CS :/
Except maybe the jumping-usp? :D

BTW for gods sake keep the delay on the AWP. I didn't like it at first, but it's actually balanced the game a lot ! I'm saying this even though, I used to be an AWP whore :O

cliffe said:
What would you guys think if we gave the shield the boot?


Dont you think you should do this question in a place where CS players go more often , like Steam Foruns ? Im here just because i found an article asking the same question in CSNation . I think this is something to ask to the CS Fans , the CS community , dont you agree??

cliffe said:
What would you guys think if we gave the shield the boot?


I would be on my knees licking ur balls right now :P
:bounce: :cheers:
yea i agree the shield should be taken out. thanks for asking cliffe. :)

also, while some of the suggestions are good, i don't like it when i see people using "realism" as a pro for something. i have to ask, was cs meant to be perfectly realistic? there's a reason more people play cs than the latest tom clancy installment.
In all of the CS: Source vids the CZ sounds are used right? Hope they change them before the actual release. I noticed the Colt Silenced sound was different though. Thoughts?
Do not RUIN a great game, LISTEN to the community with CS Source.

CS Source has the potiential to be an absolutely excellent game, and has the ability to further 'eSports' as we know it to a higher level. Currently, Counter-Strike (CS) is the largest eSport in the world, and is the most popular and played game to date. The Counter-Strike community is composed of millions upon millions of gamers, most who have been playing CS for years now. They have lived through the changes (both good and bad) that Valve has made to the game, but with the recent 1.6 update (by 1.6 update I mean 1.5 -> 1.6) a large amount of gamers have decided to quit CS entirely. There have been countless updates recently (the biggest being the new delay on the awp scope, which drastically changed the game in the competitive scene) which have caused even MORE games to drop the game that they have loved for years. With CS Source, Valve and those developing the game need to LISTEN to us, the main community, those who play the game on a usually daily basis, and are involved in the competitive scene. The game will only progress if the competitive scene adapts and moves with it, and the 'noobs' in the public servers who think it would be fun to camp with a shield in a corner should not have as strong as an opinion. Now to specifics, these are the major points I can think of right now that should be put into effect immediately:
a) REMOVE THE SHIELD! The shield does NOTHING for the game, and provides a very unfair advantage for the CT's, and the T's have no weapon to counter-attack it. The shield is BANNED from use in online leagues, LAN tournaments, and is mutually agreed that it should never be used in scrims between teams. Even in public servers, not many 'noobs' decide to buy a shield, and out of all the pubs I have been in, I have seen maybe a total of 2 shields being used at once, and that is VERY rare. GET RID OF THE SHIELD FOR CS SOURCE, DO NOT HAVE A SHIELD.
b) I have been watching and viewing alot of screenshots and movies for the new CS Source, as I am constantly trying to see how this will effect the current CS community. First of all, I have seen the more 'realistic' models and... are they a joke? They look like my grandfather walking down the street (he has scoliosis and physically cannot look up, his spine is curved) and they just make me laugh when I watch the videos, I can't take the game seriously for THIS reason. Why is there such a focus to make a great game more realistic, when it will only cause public outcry and annoyance that a game they have loved for years is changing so much for the worse. Don't focus on making the game more realistic, focus on making the current features better and focus on keeping CS the biggest and most played game in the world. Do not make the models 'bent' or 'hunched' over, keep them the same standing straight.
c) Do not introduce any VEHICLES into CS Source. Please, any trucks, tanks, cars, submarines, airplanes, WHATEVER the vehicle may be will completely ruin CS as we know it, and will do NOTHING but harm to the game. I gurantee if vehicles are introduced into CS Source the game will not be nearly as successful as it could have been, simply because all of the current CS players would not want to play it, nor will most be able to adapt to it. There was a forum post on GotFrag.com (a popular eSports website) that asked about the concept of vehicles in CS Source, and it was unanimously agreed upon that any vehicles in CS Source would ruin the game, and many people expressed that they would not purchase CS Source if vehicles were in the game.
d) Listen to the MAIN (by main I mean the majority of the players in the competitive scene) community for CS Source. If CS Source is going to replace the current Counter-Strike, then it needs to simply improve upon certain features, graphics, and netcode, and should not DRASTICALLY change the game with any 'added realism' (laugh) or new unfair weapons (a rocket launcher or anything to that effect).
If your going to do something, do it right, don't fail with CS Source.
cliffe said:
What would you guys think if we gave the shield the boot?


I think it would be an excellent move getting rid of the shield, most major competitions have banned it, and to be fair its like giving players limited "godmode" access.

In my opinion the addition of the shield was a total mistake!

Get rid of it ASAP!!!
PLEASE remove the shield. Its only a nuisance and shouldn't of even been in the game in the first place. And PLEASE remove this delay from the awp! It only slows down the game even more, which makes it drastically boring! And why wait till CS:Source to implement these changes? Do it now!

*P.S. www.gotfrag.com would of been a better place to ask the question.
Unless it has NO exploits, and the hitboxes are extremely accurate so a pistol shot to the feet would easily harm the player (alongside the anti-shield weapon additions suggested earlier), I would say it's not properly designed to belong in Counter-Strike: Source (nor Half-Life: Counter-Strike). To be honest, I love the shield as your partner has the potential of being a bulletproof human wall for another CT to hide and shoot from behind (while the shielding CT can provide information on the T's location). Sadly, this doesn't work in CS and somehow the shield user and the partner CT dies rather quickly. Actually, even if this theory worked properly, there needs to be some sort of counter the T's can use aside from grenades (so one T can deal with the one shielding CT). And then there's the exploits, etc. I wanted VALVe to remove the shield from Half-Life: Counter-Strike temporarily until all exploits and issues have been fixed, and then re-release it. It's a great tool to use provided it was properly designed.
cliffe said:
What would you guys think if we gave the shield the boot?


make something like that:
sv_shield 1 - shield is enabled
sv_shield 0 - shield is disabled

Everyone can choose now!

cliffe said:
What would you guys think if we gave the shield the boot?


IDEA 1= If you want to keep the Shield, LIMITED people in the CT Team can buy it, otherwise everybody in the game is going to use it and that's suck for the gameplay. And you can be able to kill shooting through the Shield window, and do a certain health for the shield life.


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And terrorists not able to take those shields in those kinda missions... It will add realism to the game, shield is just for invasion (assault) while the "DE" missions the CT team got to stop terrorists so they can't use the shields and yes, the stronger guns. Take this idea with you
The shield, ah yes, the ultimate glitch.

Well to start, I like the shield, although it definitly needs some work. Heres what I have to say....

1. Fix all the glitches/exploits/cheats/bugs with it, once and for all, this shield seems to be just one big glitch.

2. The hitboxes on the shield right now, ARE PERFECT! If you play on a fully updated server, then you can see that the hitboxes on the shield right now are excellent.

3. The shield needs to stay, without it, cs_maps are useless.

4. The shield needs some balancing, if a terrorist has the bomb and shield, they can't plant the bomb with the shield guarding them. But a CT can defuse with the shield guarding them, giving them quite an advantage.

Really if you remove the shield, then remove the cs_map gameplay, because its just a deathmatch.
grecco_diego said:
IDEA 1= If you want to keep the Shield, LIMITED people in the CT Team can buy it, otherwise everybody in the game is going to use it and that's suck for the gameplay. And you can be able to kill shooting through the Shield window, and do a certain health for the shield life.


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And terrorists not able to take those shields in those kinda missions... It will add realism to the game, shield is just for invasion (assault) while the "DE" missions the CT team got to stop terrorists so they can't use the shields and yes, the stronger guns. Take this idea with you

All of your inane babbling did bring up one good idea. Shields on cs_ maps only doesn't seem like too bad an idea :)

CZ: Source also makes no sense, and if you were keeping up with CS:S, you'd know those models are old, and that the models are clearly not on their priority list.
The shield itself wasnt the problem The continuous glitches with the shield, and the lack of a T "response weapon" or equivalency was. Fix those, and the shield would be good.

I think there's a vocal group on here espousing the "support the esports community" which pretty much equates to "don't change anything, ever". Unfortunately, while it may be good for the 3-5% of cs players in the esports world, stifling product development sucks for the rest of us weekend warriors.

In Source, I'd like to see:

Flashbangs knock out audio, like they do video. Maybe even a dizzy effect.
Enhancements to mounted weapons, machine guns, r/ls. One of the weak spots of CS now.
Addition of new, official maps. Not huge, beautiful maps, but midsize, playable maps.
Increase of maxplayers, without worldspawn issues.
And... most importantly - a solid, well-maintained anti-cheat system.

On a side note - what would suck is if CS:Source was finished prior to HL2's release date, but was embargoed until the HL2 release. Give it as a bonus to those who pre-buy HL2 or something.

Good luck and thanks for asking for feedback.

i practically got blasted to pieces over my last post by some guy who totally contradicted himself with the first line of his own post....so.....

i have some ideas....

a) add "bullet time". Max Payne + CS! COOL!

b) remove the following:

i) jump delay
ii) awp delay
iii) walk-shoot delay
vi) random recoil. Wait a min, JUST REMOVE RECOIL!
vii) shields
viii) dual barettas
viiii) all pistols except glock, usp, deagle.
V) all subguns except mp5
iv) all rifles except ak47, m4, awp. gailil and famas
iiv) para. What a load of crap.

OR you can remove just one thing

one thing to balance it all.

Just remove the ****ing awp. and in return, make the scout a 75 damage hitting rifle.

yeah you heard me, remove the AW ****ing P

because this will,

a) result with those awp whores leaving CS.
b) it will totally noob-fy the game
c) no more sniping the shit out of ppl from 800 meters away
d) no more kaboom-kaboom irritating sound effect
e) all other weapons will get some use

but don't mind me, i made this post because i wanna piss off people who have been whining about the changes to the awp.

AWP is a noob and coward's weapon. The best players in CS use the knife on a regular basis. Anybody can own somebody with the awp because it's a scope, point, click weapon.

Hell....you guys even seen a headshot with a knife? Now that's skill.

yeah yeah yeah...flame me....i don't give a shit. Nor i'd be replying.

losers. :cheese: