what guns do you want to see in EP.3



A.M4 A1
G.Barett 9MM
H.Desert Eagle
ew, too many real guns for HL

Only 5 real guns should ever be in HL games

Although a flamethrower might be fun... but you don't really need one with the gravity gun and a gasoline container...

I would like a new bio weapon, although it probably won't happen
to replace an existing gun,instead of a crossbow,I'd like an M82
instead of the handgun,lets see a Deagle
I would love to try portable version of autogun from Ep.2 :-D
And maybe the sniper rifle... We need at least one new weapon.
Valve can put in whatever the hell they want. As long as they make it tie in, its fine with me.
Combine Sniper Rifle :D
No more real weapons... If you want real weapons, go play CSS or something.
Well the Combine Sniper Rifle is locked in place as we learn in Episode 2. Doubt we'll get to use one of these unless we are charged with a defence section. The Autogun required a MASSIVE power generator to keep going; sure Gordon can hold a lot of stuff, but that thing? Nope.

The Immolator.

You heard me right. >:}

Wait, thats not even a gun. Bah.
Well the Combine Sniper Rifle is locked in place as we learn in Episode 2. Doubt we'll get to use one of these unless we are charged with a defence section. The Autogun required a MASSIVE power generator to keep going; sure Gordon can hold a lot of stuff, but that thing? Nope.

It wasn't that big...
Guns are overrated. Look at the fun to be had with Portal, with just the one device.

I am a bit sick of cars though, especially how unrealistically they both drive, and sound.
I hope we get to control the helicopter for a bit in the begining. That would be nuts.
I want a gun that shoots multiple rockets and goes pew pew.
We'll probably get to use the Combine Sniper Rifle in the Episode Three. They probably wouldn't have shown it to us if we were not going to use it later (in keeping with Valve's policy of showing us new things before we interact with them).
The Ar3 ;)

I do wish the automatic rifle was a little more fun to use however. Even though I have grown to like the AR2 alot, I remember using the MP7 on my first playthrough quite a bit for no other reason than that it was more fun to shoot.
The Ar3 ;)

I do wish the automatic rifle was a little more fun to use however. Even though I have grown to like the AR2 alot, I remember using the MP7 on my first playthrough quite a bit for no other reason than that it was more fun to shoot.

It feels more powerful in Ep3 for some reason.

I think, one of the combine mounted MG's would be cool. Maybe a rebel replacement for that godawful xbow.
Combine Sniper as a mounted gun, with the possibility of picking it up late in the game
Grenades that doesn't roll 500 feet off the landing point.

I also missed the gluon gun... And the SNARKS!!!
Thing that shoots hunter darts... or not.

That reminds me of the hive-hand (or alien gun) in HL1...

I'd like to see that too if it is not overly powerful (they vaporizes hunters theoretically...)
I'd like to see the portal gun and the pistol that Alyx uses in EP 2, apart from that I don't see any real reason why the weapon selection should change.
Try binding it to MWHEELUP and MWHEELDOWN -> Super-Rapid Fire depending on how fast you can roll your Mousewheel up and down. :sniper:

Interesting... flechettes fired this way does NO DAMAGE to hunters at all. Guess they're counted as friendly fire.
Meh, the weapons are too well balanced to introduce new ones now, unless they're something radically different and useful.

What I would like, though, is a bigger ammo cache for the AR2. Maybe 90 spare rounds instead of 60 and just make the ammo a bit more sparse, too much backtracking to stock up as it is.
Crowbar should be replaced by the Ice Axe

The Gluon Gun should make an reappearance

The crossbow should be replaced by an electromagnetically accelerated sniper rifle railgun
Gravity gun.
Rocket launcher.
I want to get a really good sniping section with the crossbow. You don't get to use it as a sniper enough.
I'd prefer a sniper actually. The crossbow is too slow. I'm not very patient as you can tell :p.

That's why I loved the sniper from OF. Straight, simple and accurate
Portal gun, definitely.

You can do a quick hack to mod Half-Life 2 with a portal gun. Some YouTube videos on it.

Only problem is, the npcs don't "react" to them
The Crowbar must remain. I'd actually like to see use of the crowbar with deformable environs and cracking ice, really push that cinematic physics engine to the limits ;)

And yes, the arsenal is great as it is, it just needs to be more fully utilized. I'd like to see more time with the 357 and a larger ammo pool, or a sniping section with the crossbow as riomhaire mentioned.
bring back the cool halflife 1 stuff!! And the stuff from the hl2 beta too! (like sticky bombs, they were fun as hell to play with)

Even if this stuff has no real use they're all still fun :p
Personally I wouldn't want to see all the Half-Life stuff stuck back in. Would be quite silly, just to have it all appear again. But I would like a couple of appearances. Most of the unique weapons would've got destroyed or lost, like the tau cannon etc. But wall mines are a must. Maybe different of course. Sticky bombs would be fun. I often have an urge to stick something similar to a satchel bomb on a combine's head. Would be awesome to see him running around screaming :D.

And Omg! Crushenator! Can't believe you're still around! :eek: