what guns do you want to see in EP.3

A new combine weapon and A new resistance weapon, nothing contemporary.
Replace crossobow with a proper sniper rifle. I'd like a long-range weapon that's actually worth a crap.
The world is captured and you expect people to create modern advanced sniper rifles?
well,lets at least use the combines mounted sniper
as for an smg replacement,how about the original MP5 look-a-like?
the MP7 clone acts nothing like an MP7,but,if Valve keeps it,lets see a use of the red-dot scope mounted on top
Heh the MP7 still manages to launch 40mm grenades from its 4.7mm barrel somehow.

I still want to see a magnum pipe rifle with a scope on top replace the xbow.
If it fits the story, a segment with the portal gun would be really nuts. Especially if, provided the AI was done well enough, you had to cooperate with Alyx to complete some kind of portal-based objective. Don't ask me how that'd work, though. :)
i personally would like to see more real weapons:

replace AR2 with SCAR or HK416\417, USP 9mm is fine, but I'd rather see the .45 version, USP Tactical, replace SMG (MP7) with M4 CQB of some sort or replace it with Mac-11 and remove the nade launcher

I will annihilate the entire Combine empire if Valve just gives me back my hivehand.
Heh the MP7 still manages to launch 40mm grenades from its 4.7mm barrel somehow.

I still want to see a magnum pipe rifle with a scope on top replace the xbow.

Do we actually know the caliber of the grenades? It is the future after all.

the MP7 clone acts nothing like an MP7,but,if Valve keeps it,lets see a use of the red-dot scope mounted on top

I think that is just an aiming sight with no magnification to it.
I'd like it so you can modify your weapons.

I also have another theory! Since every episode you start without any weapons, VALVe are probably going to make the chopper crash.
Am I the only one who hated the hive hand? It was pathetic, slow and useless.
As long as there's no guns from CS it'll be all good.
The hivehand was great.

I would like to see the Snarks and SLAMS. Snarks could be modified that when picked up and thrown with the GG, they explode on impact. It would be great to send hordes of them against ememies. They could be used as a distraction so you could pass w\o fighting directly. Plus, i just wanna see the animation of Alyx stumping on them when they go for her.

Tau Cannon would be great to have on foot. Bending the ray through corners is great. They could have it's ammo tied to the H.E.V energy, so using the weapon will drain the armor, that will balance the power of the cannon. Besides, there are way too much H.E.V battaries laying around so picking them up when the armor is full will add "ammo" for the tau cannon.

Other than that, new alien\combine\resistance-science weapons. The Hunter's dart gun is a good idead but they need to decrease the damage done to Hunters by their own darts. It would be cool having enemies dodge the darts.
The hivehand was great.

I would like to see the Snarks and SLAMS. Snarks could be modified that when picked up and thrown with the GG, they explode on impact. It would be great to send hordes of them against ememies. They could be used as a distraction so you could pass w\o fighting directly. Plus, i just wanna see the animation of Alyx stumping on them when they go for her.

I was thinking it would be cool to have an all-in-one sort of gun
think of like a grenade launcher, with the rotary drum and stuff (like the demoman's shit in tf2)... combine could use them to launch gas grenades or something like that
so you kill them and take it, and you can shoot their gas grenades or flashbangs or whatever too. But the gun has 5 or 6 barrels on its drum, and each barrel holds a different kind of ammunition
black hole grenades, hopwires, sticky bombs, snarks, bait (chumtoads), etc... basically anything that might seem like a waste to have as its own weapon
so primary fire shoots whatever out, and secondary fire cycles between the 5 or 6 ammo types
I'd prefer a sniper actually. The crossbow is too slow. I'm not very patient as you can tell :p.

That's why I loved the sniper from OF. Straight, simple and accurate
The crossbow is numerous kinds of awesome. Pulling off a good shot with that is one of the most satisfying parts of HL2 combat. Plus, any weapon that can staple your foes to the wall has got to be a good thing.
The crossbow is numerous kinds of awesome. Pulling off a good shot with that is one of the most satisfying parts of HL2 combat. Plus, any weapon that can staple your foes to the wall has got to be a good thing.

A staple gun would be awesome. For close-combat :D

I agree, the crossbow shouldn't be taken out. I can quite easily headshot a combine... as long as he's standing still. I know, as you do you, that people don't just stand there like that, and there reactions and where they're going to go are much harder to predict. That's why, at places like the petrol station on Highway 17, I don't feel quite so satisfied when I do hit them, and just annoyed when I don't.
Wa...? No... I said we should have a sniper.

There are already combine snipers as you see in HL2.
I actually think that the Hivehand was one of the reasons that the later part of Half-Life 1 became intensely dull. You just sit behind whatever cover you can find for five minutes, press the fire button and listen for the death screams. It doesn't look or sound interesting, and the way you come across it is surely the most anticlimactic weapon pick-up in Half-Life history. For the sake of making the game retain its entertainment factor, I usually keep it stowed away when I play.
Are enemies not weapons!

Also, ssshhhh!!!
I actually think that the Hivehand was one of the reasons that the later part of Half-Life 1 became intensely dull. You just sit behind whatever cover you can find for five minutes, press the fire button and listen for the death screams. It doesn't look or sound interesting, and the way you come across it is surely the most anticlimactic weapon pick-up in Half-Life history. For the sake of making the game retain its entertainment factor, I usually keep it stowed away when I play.

When i got it i thought it was going to be awesome. In the end it turned out to be my least used weapon, closely in line with satchel charges, wall mines and snarks. It sucked bigtime. If it had more ammunition i might have used it.
Actually, modifying weapons would suck, I think the following would be good:

Crossbow reloads a lot slower (It's way too powerful, it needs to be nerfed.)

More puzzles for crowbar (Like that you're able to use it to wedge stuff, and throw it and stuff.)
Do we actually know the caliber of the grenades? It is the future after all.
any grenade that gets shot from a gun barrel is a 40mm,thats the biggest nade that can fit a M203,so,until ZX25's are made for production and purchase,its an M203 with 40mm grenades
plus,the SMG,.357,shotgun,pistol,and rocket launcher are based on real guns
.357=.357 colt navy
shotgun=12 gauge pump gun
rocket launcher=Anti-Aircraft Launcher
I want to see those weapons. You know, the ones that kill people, and are actually useful instead of being mostly for show. Also I'd like to have just enough to make it through the game easier, and not have the unrealistic feeling the game has by a mobile invisible arsenal on my back by bringing it to extream proportions. :D

AK47, machine gun, M16, and a deagle will do it for me actually. :p
I want to see those weapons. You know, the ones that kill people, and are actually useful instead of being mostly for show. Also I'd like to have just enough to make it through the game easier, and not have the unrealistic feeling the game has by a mobile invisible arsenal on my back by bringing it to extream proportions. :D

AK47, machine gun, M16, and a deagle will do it for me actually. :p
I would agree 100% except,I need some kind of sniper rifle
I think a AGM L96 would do it,also,since it kinda made the game,the crowbar
I would love to find some new sort of weapon from Aperture Science on board the Borealis.
I highly doubt there will be a sniper rifle we can actually use added. I believe they said in the dev commentary that adding a sniper rifle adds a slow, stealthy element which doesn't fit in the game.
Plus, I would rather have Alyx use it as she has better aim then I probably ever will.
how bout that red dot on the SMG,it would be hilarious if your 100 feet away and the soldiers see a red dot light up on their chest seconds before they die
SUCKS EGGS!!! good, but the SMG has got an red target thing, but i dont think theyll introduce it now, thats what the crossbow is for
i like the crossbow
it can stick ppl to the wall
and we dont need any modifications to the smg no one really uses it......
they mainly use the GG or the crossbow
i like the AR2

oh oh!
theres a idea(got it from the staple gun)
a NAIL gun!