what guns do you want to see in EP.3

Though the community has been hungering for the Combine Sniper Rifle, if we get to use it I bet it will be mounted and short-term.

To be honest, the sniper rifle is rather boring to use. You just zoom, and click to kill some one. It's basically the 357 with a scope and single shot.

This is the beta version though so it will most likely be radically changed if it's put ingame.
No, it doesn't. The episodes continue a story. Think of it as taking one long game and breaking it into parts.

gabe newell (you know, that dude who founded valve?) has explicitly described the episodes as hl3
To be honest, the sniper rifle is rather boring to use. You just zoom, and click to kill some one. It's basically the 357 with a scope and single shot.

This is the beta version though so it will most likely be radically changed if it's put ingame.

No, it doesn't. The episodes continue a story. Think of it as taking one long game and breaking it into parts.

Sequels continue a story as well. HL2 is a complete game. The one long game would be the episodes combined. Just because the themes and game technology aren't as revolutionary as HL1-HL2 doesn't mean the eps can't be looked at as a complete game. It does have acts are separated into the appropriate beginning, middle, and end catergories.
All the episodes equal a full sequel but not HL3. Makes sense?
No, it doesn't. The episodes continue a story. Think of it as taking one long game and breaking it into parts.
You're saying exactly the same thing in my view.
gabe newell (you know, that dude who founded valve?) has explicitly described the episodes as hl3
He meant it in the essence of saying 'Half-Life 2: Episodes are the Third Half-Life game'. Anyone who believes that Valve will abandon, skip or otherwise neglect the 'Half-Life 3' title because of a statement made in some obscure interview no one is even bothered to dredge up, is wrong.
I think they could make use of portals in Ep.3, if somehow they made it so you had to place portals for Alyx to climb through, and at the same time placing you on the other side of, lets say a clif, so you cant go through it yourself.
gabe newell (you know, that dude who founded valve?) has explicitly described the episodes as hl3

This is true, but regardless of what he has refered to it as, the title on the box still says Half-Life 2: Episode 2. So whenever they get around to whatever comes after Episode Three (full game or more episodes) it will be called HL3 or some other naming convection (such as "HL:Revenge of the Combine"). ;)

Regardless, we should stop hijacking the man's thread and get back on topic.
I wonder if Valve will ever go back to full-length games, or if they'll stay with episodic gaming forever.
Valve has proven that episodic gaming can be 'done' but still may not be the best method of development. Most people like to buy that box and have a 'full' game. Episodic development may be best reserved for what would typically be an expansion pack.