What Is Cheesiest Pick Up Line You Have Ever Heard?

Thus bringing an unceremonious end to a once brilliantly fun thread. Thanks, Azner.

edits: Also:

You want to go back to my place, order a pizza and ****? What, you don't like pizza?

It feels like I posted here last month.
I didn't realize the thread was so old until I saw my post, which I don't even remember making.
Bah who cares, keep going with the pick up lines.

It's funny.
*staring at arse*
"Nice seat. Can I ride it?"

*disinterested look*
"Man, I'm bored. Wanna F***?"

No tried them yet, but who knows? They may just work... :naughty:
since i know, now i shall say...

"Mommie says im special"
You want to go back to my place, order a pizza and ****? What, you don't like pizza?

Better version is

"Let's go back to my place, order some pizza and ****" (pause)
"hey just kidding! we can order chinese instead"

Just say:

'Suck me bitch!'

If she says now..cock slapping time :naughty:
guy: hi, who are you here to see?

girl: no one in particular, just here with friends. how about you?

guy: oh well i'm just here with my friend and his band, they've just deserted me to go and set up. i tell you what, if you keep me company i'll buy you a drink.

girl: alright :) deal.

the two of you talk, exchange numbers at the end of the night.

go on a couple of dates, maybe for drinks, then later a kind of late lunch and a film, then you go back to hers and spend the night together.

lol, cheesiest line, EVER!!
That is not cheese, swiss ppl make it more cheesier
"Hellre en boll-kalle i kanalen än en kall balle i analen." I said that at a party once. It's not exactly a pick-up line, but I was so drunk I though it would work. I'm planning on trying "Hellre en tårta i vasken än en tårta på tasken" next time.
"Hellre en boll-kalle i kanalen än en kall balle i analen." I said that at a party once. It's not exactly a pick-up line, but I was so drunk I though it would work. I'm planning on trying "Hellre en tårta i vasken än en tårta på tasken" next time.

Farawaynese for "buttsechs?"?
I just bought a boat.

You wanna be my first mate?
"Babe, you turn my floppy disc into a hard drive."

That said, I never use pickup lines. I usually just introduce myself, smile, and be polite. Whoever said "nice guys finish last" had no idea what he was talking about.
God there are so many...I think the lamest one I have ever heard was:

"Hey Baby, I lost my number can I have yours?" Man my ex was lame back then. :(
Wanna come home and play with my Wii?

Well, not actually a pickup line YET. But I will be using it soon. Oh yes. :naughty:
You like video games? Cuzz I have a [insert size] inch joystick you can play with!
Thus bringing an unceremonious end to a once brilliantly fun thread. Thanks, Azner.

edits: Also:

You want to go back to my place, order a pizza and ****? What, you don't like pizza?
You must get rejected a lot.
Mommie Says Im Special

Why cant i be pretty like everyone else

And i wont hear a pickup line until 7 years later and really understand one...
And you say that because... yours was so much better?

Who? me? It usually works to quote people or use names.

I just wrote it because I thought it was funny. I don't use cheezy pickup lines, especailly ones that refer to video games.
"Wow! I never knew there was anyone as good-looking as me in the world!"

"Wanna get jiggy with Mr Biggy?"

First one worked. :|
"How about you sit on my lap and we talk about whatever pops up?"
holy ****

the word of the day is legs. lets go back to my place and spread the word.

i like every bone in your body, especially mine.

hey baby, can i tickle your belly-button from the inside?

ive got the F, the C and the K. all i need is U.

if you were a car door i would slamm you all night long.

ive got the hot dog and and youve got the buns..
2 year old thread! 0_0
How or why the hell do people bump year old topics?
He was obviously searching for cheesy chat up lines on google and found this thread and signed up just to add his own. o.0
let me lick you. let me taste you. let me feel and eat away your breasts. let me spread your legs apart and consume. KFC FRIED CHICKEN!!!!!