What is HL2DM missing?.. How can you even call it that? Many of our thoughts...

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Pro[pH]et said:
sonicst0rm & s3pReMiSis,

I hope you two don't sit around wondering why AG is such a small community. You two have just spewed the biggest pile of elitist crap I have ever read.

I have been a part of HLDM/AG/OP4 as long as anyone out there. I can see what you two were wanting; 1200 servers full of newbies trying to learn HLDM for the first time. You two want a leg up on everyone. You don't want to have to learn all over again. You and those who think like you just want HLDM:S/AG:S. Don't tell me you want anything different because you don't. Your motivations are selfish.

HLDM/OP4/AG are 6 years old for god sakes. Let them go, move on.

When HLDM came out there were all kinds of complaints of unbalanced weapons. AG didn't even come along till Valve patched out all the great stuff about HLDM.

It's 2004, move on!

I like an old school DM game like HLDM and I was hoping HL2DM would bring that style back. Come on, you want the tau cannon back too :). I bought the half life silver package because of HL:Source. I thought it would include the multiplayer...oh well. They'll probably port it soon an we'll all be happy. Sprinting is analogous to the lonjump in hl2dm, but jumping still seems very limited. New game, whatever. Even my dad was very surprised they took out the tau cannon. That was the title's signature gun. I think they might add it in the next patch (hopefully) because the xhairs are in the font file, theres a model for it that a player can hold, and theres about 500 complaint posts on the steam forums..."where's our railgun", "we want the tau back" etc... That has to be the key thing thats missing from the gameplay. Its fun just spawning zombies in killbox and 5 jeeps lol.
Apos said:
It's called quickswitch. That said, I do think that Valve will change the default weapon spawn selection to a gun. It's the way it is right now in part so that everyone realizes and tries out play with the gravitygun.

There's still a massive delay in switching weapons, i'm usualy half dead before my mp5 comes out.

HL's movements are alot more complex than HL2's right now... one just has to downlaod the di clan avi, or one of nachy's avi's (don't know links). And you dominate on hldm pubs cause we stopped playing there :/

join an ag server, see how you do... pw is usualy efilflah
if u can find anyone playign tdm ofcourse
Apos said:
It's called quickswitch. That said, I do think that Valve will change the default weapon spawn selection to a gun. It's the way it is right now in part so that everyone realizes and tries out play with the gravitygun.

What weapons you start with is up to the map creator. That is not a default mod setting.

sonicst0rm said:
Come on, you want the tau cannon back too

I don't want the tau back. I like the fancy movement you can do with the tau but that is it. I hate WG for sure. I think the AG2 team should make the grav gun do the movement the gauss does in hldm and leave the gauss gun out completely. :D
Pro[pH]et said:
What weapons you start with is up to the map creator. That is not a default mod setting.

I don't want the tau back. I like the fancy movement you can do with the tau but that is it. I hate WG for sure. I think the AG2 team should make the grav gun do the movement the gauss does in hldm and leave the gauss gun out completely. :D

sv_wg 0

and there's wallgauss in hl2 already anyway if i wasn't mistaken when i killed a guy from behind a wall with the buggy...
what is with you people and saying HLDM takes skill like wtf?? i played it yesterday fo like the 7th time in my life (i play dod for multiplayer goodness) and i dont see the skill in jumping around with the tau cannon and gibbing people. i can just join a game and kill people while jumping its not that complicated!

s3pReMiSis said:
You sir are the typical "noob". Wahh wahh this game is too hard I want people who walk slow so I can have a chance. Go play CS.

So Fatal1ty is just a noob? I dont think. Me, and many others are the "fatal1ty's" of HLDM. Our community is small, and everyone pretty much knows who the best players are. LAN's show everything.

ps. So far I havent seen much skill involved in HL2DM. I think I've played in 10 or so FFA and always finished on top. Its easy, and boring.

Soo.. you're so good you have your own line of computer hardware now? Funny, I don't recall seeing a sperminator motherboard come out. Hmm. Oh, and "small community" and... "best players" in the usa is kind of a contradiction. And... how am I the one crying if you're the little baby who can't adapt to a better game? You're just mad cuz HL2DM is more realistic yet retains all the fun of the original, and only adds to the experience and you can't take the fact that you've been proven wrong. 99.9% of us like it just fine. They didn't even have to give us DM, it was a GIFT... and yet you complain.
Oh, and that fatality kid... I've seen him get whooped countless times. He's not as good as you've read. He only plays one game. I've seen better players.... ones who use their heads and use teamwork in games rather than stick to unreal tournament which literally... takes no skill. I know a lot of you pride yourselves on "getting good" at a game, but really... playing a game is not really a skill. Anyone can do it. So, spermie, stop waving it around, because no one's impressed. :)
madcow555 said:
Soo.. you're so good you have your own line of computer hardware now? Funny, I don't recall seeing a sperminator motherboard come out. Hmm. Oh, and "small community" and... "best players" in the usa is kind of a contradiction. And... how am I the one crying if you're the little baby who can't adapt to a better game? You're just mad cuz HL2DM is more realistic yet retains all the fun of the original, and only adds to the experience and you can't take the fact that you've been proven wrong. 99.9% of us like it just fine. They didn't even have to give us DM, it was a GIFT... and yet you complain.
Oh, and that fatality kid... I've seen him get whooped countless times. He's not as good as you've read. He only plays one game. I've seen better players.... ones who use their heads and use teamwork in games rather than stick to unreal tournament which literally... takes no skill. I know a lot of you pride yourselves on "getting good" at a game, but really... playing a game is not really a skill. Anyone can do it. So, spermie, stop waving it around, because no one's impressed. :)

an FPS without DM is not an FPS at all

btw aim is a skill, it's good hand eye coordination, and knowing which wepaon to use when along with ability to control a map even if you've never played it. the amount of aim needed depends ont he game, like you need less aim to be good in CS than if you played UT, Q3, or HLDM.

and to the person who said hldm requires no skill.... you need help

Yes... I "need help" because I don't find moving and clicking a mouse challenging. ::rolls eyes:: :LOL: Maybe I just find shooter games to easy. Knowing what weapons to use is common sense... not a "skill". Would you fight someone with a rocket launcher with a knife? If you were feeling silly maybe.. or had a death wish. Would you use a manipulator in room devoid of objects to throw? That's common sense too. I don't think aim is a skill either. If someone can place the mouse cursor on the hl2 icon to start the game, they can just as easily shoot someone in the game. Doesn't take any hand-eye coordination really. It's all about being comfortable with the mouse sensitivity and adjusting it based on whether your aiming is too erattic, or too slow and not keeping up with the others. I notice it's usually easy to overcome someone if you run circles around them. Also, learning individual opponents habits, and surprising them by exploiting their weaknesess is the way to become #1 in any game. If you follow a certain pattern each time... that you "learned" by "skill", then you become predictable and easy to beat. You just can't use real tactics in a DM type game. You die, you respawn instantly... you spawn in front of someone, you shoot them, or they shoot you before you have a chance to move. All for bragging rights over a measly thing as a "score" which means nothing in the end. I enjoy tdm at least a bit more than dm cuz you can work together. I think dm is mindless and too simplistic. I think a good objective-based mode would be excellent with HL2MP. I think with mods, HL2MP definitely has the potential to the most fun, addicting, and genuinely fun online game to play ever made. And that's exactly what Valve intended for the community to do.
lG-88 said:
Apparently anything released by valve is automaticly flawless and perfect....

Well I Am happy to see your coming to terms with your problems.
The elistist bullshit seems to follow me to every forum I visit. :flame:

Like said before: THEY DID NOT HAVE TO GIVE IT TO US. They just did so.

Again. HL2DM is a different game. Diff-er-ent ga-me. Now there is sk-ill and pla-nn-ing invloved. You know, res-son-ing? The times when you think "Oh, there's a door on the floor, maybe it can sheild my advance". Or is the mental process a bit much? It must be if you have to whine so consistantly.
Listen everyone. Despite what you may think:

There was skill and tactics in HLDM, lots of them.


There's DIFFERENT skills and DIFFERENT tactcs in HL2DM

There is no more skill or tactics in either.
Thanks badger. Summed it up pretty consisively. Madcow, learn to play the game before u make dumbass comments like how it takes no skill. HLDM is tried and true, one of the games that takes the most skill. HL2DM, as we can see, is more of a spamfest and doesn't take as much skill. We will give it more time, but I was hoping to see something a little bit different.

Whats sweeet about it is u can use vehicles :)
sonicst0rm said:
Thanks badger. Summed it up pretty consisively.

and then you go on to contradict him
maybe because he gave a nice and fair statement, while you're too busy going 'omg hldm rulz u sux'
lG-88 said:
sv_wg 0

and there's wallgauss in hl2 already anyway if i wasn't mistaken when i killed a guy from behind a wall with the buggy...

Well, I am talking out of my arse a little bit since my good machine will be down for a couple more weeks so I have yet to play SP or DM for HL2. ;(

The question comes down to is the tau an existing entity in HL2DM SDK?

I'm just not that excited about forcing a weapon down our throat because 'it was the best thing about hldm".

I don't get the impression the Tau is a true weapon in HL2.
lG-88 said:
you need less aim to be good in CS

Hands down one of the stupidest things I've ever seen anyone say in regards to a tactical shooter.

In Counter Strike, if you miss... congratulations, you're more than likely dead.

As far as this DM takes skill and such. Not really, and I'm a fairly decent player myself.

Reflexes/Hand eye coordination != skill

Skill is something reflected by a base of knowledge, you don't need skill to have fast reflexes. A person's effectiveness at a fast paced game is determined by natural attributes such as hand eye coordination and reflexes first and knowledge of the game second.

Sure, you get better by playing. I'll admit that, but it's not like it requires this great wealth of knowledge.

Apparently clogging the stairs in overwatch is a "newb move." Yes.... because controlling the higher ground is stupid. Espeically when the higher ground has the rocket launcher, a health kit, and a battery. Yup, real "newbish" tactic... thats why my team's score is higher than yours.

Another couple of things.

Half-Life is by far not "slow." Even without sprinting you're still running helluva fast for lugging around a bunch of crap and being shot at. If anything, HL2DM is faster, theres alot more crap going on than in HLDM, what with everything flying about, and the general chaos that ragdoll physics tend to create.

A few more thoughts before I go;

You were all green once. I bet you got upset when someone treated you bad because you were new. The only way to end this cycle is to be big about it and stop being such a damned prick.

If you don't like the game don't play it.

If you're so great, thats great, I don't care about your probably highly exaggerated scores.
It's on the buggy. The code is there for it.
Pro[pH]et said:
Well, I am talking out of my arse a little bit since my good machine will be down for a couple more weeks so I have yet to play SP or DM for HL2. ;(

The question comes down to is the tau an existing entity in HL2DM SDK?

I'm just not that excited about forcing a weapon down our throat because 'it was the best thing about hldm".

I don't get the impression the Tau is a true weapon in HL2.

The Tau is mounted onto the buggy. You can spawn a buggy in multiplay if cheats are enabled.

Other than that, it's a pretty simple weapon and can't be that hard to program and or model.
Again, if it's just a skill-less spamfest, then why do you get such a good score? You WANT to claim that it's just pointless nonsense that no one can get ahead on, but your own ego won't let you claim that this means you (the super skilled player) couldn't dominate everyone else like you would on any HLDM public server. And so your whining doesn't even make any sense.
Thanks for the information about the buggy thing. That was my understanding.

As I have said at the AG2 forums I'm not that against the tau and what it can do for movement. I'm way against the tau shooting through walls because of how fast it can chase off new players. (now I am getting off topic)

For anyone who thinks that by playing hldm 6 times they have the movement mastered, you are deceived.

Here is a little avi a member of the AG community made. He claims to be average at best in the AG community. AG is advanced HLDM.


89.2 mb

Codec is included.
Seen that movie, can jump like it :E (I'll make one of me in op4 actually :) )

<3 Jimmy
Prototelis said:
Hands down one of the stupidest things I've ever seen anyone say in regards to a tactical shooter.

In Counter Strike, if you miss... congratulations, you're more than likely dead.

As far as this DM takes skill and such. Not really, and I'm a fairly decent player myself.

Reflexes/Hand eye coordination != skill

Skill is something reflected by a base of knowledge, you don't need skill to have fast reflexes. A person's effectiveness at a fast paced game is determined by natural attributes such as hand eye coordination and reflexes first and knowledge of the game second.

Sure, you get better by playing. I'll admit that, but it's not like it requires this great wealth of knowledge.

Apparently clogging the stairs in overwatch is a "newb move." Yes.... because controlling the higher ground is stupid. Espeically when the higher ground has the rocket launcher, a health kit, and a battery. Yup, real "newbish" tactic... thats why my team's score is higher than yours.

Another couple of things.

Half-Life is by far not "slow." Even without sprinting you're still running helluva fast for lugging around a bunch of crap and being shot at. If anything, HL2DM is faster, theres alot more crap going on than in HLDM, what with everything flying about, and the general chaos that ragdoll physics tend to create.

A few more thoughts before I go;

You were all green once. I bet you got upset when someone treated you bad because you were new. The only way to end this cycle is to be big about it and stop being such a damned prick.

If you don't like the game don't play it.

If you're so great, thats great, I don't care about your probably highly exaggerated scores.

Tell me what's harder to hit? Someone crouched down camping in a corner or someone flying across the screen. Someone runing slowly around a corner or someone long jumping or gaussing around a corner. Yeah maybe you're right stationary objects are so much harder to hit.

Knowledge is what wepaon to use... do i finish him off with the mp5? or does he have too much hp and i should use the crossbow? Should i follow him? or is there a faster way to where he's heading? I just spawned, where should i go first?

Oh and lol hl2dm is faster? obviously you've never been in a 32 person stalkyard server. Only slow maps are the big ones, like boot_camp.

btw no one treated me bad when i sucked, cause i wasn't a dumbass about it.
lG-88 said:
Tell me what's harder to hit? Someone crouched down camping in a corner or someone flying across the screen. Someone runing slowly around a corner or someone long jumping or gaussing around a corner. Yeah maybe you're right stationary objects are so much harder to hit.

Knowledge is what wepaon to use... do i finish him off with the mp5? or does he have too much hp and i should use the crossbow? Should i follow him? or is there a faster way to where he's heading? I just spawned, where should i go first?

Oh and lol hl2dm is faster? obviously you've never been in a 32 person stalkyard server. Only slow maps are the big ones, like boot_camp.

btw no one treated me bad when i sucked, cause i wasn't a dumbass about it.

madcow555 said:
Yes... I "need help" because I don't find moving and clicking a mouse challenging. ::rolls eyes:: :LOL: Maybe I just find shooter games to easy. Knowing what weapons to use is common sense... not a "skill". Would you fight someone with a rocket launcher with a knife? If you were feeling silly maybe.. or had a death wish. Would you use a manipulator in room devoid of objects to throw? That's common sense too. I don't think aim is a skill either. If someone can place the mouse cursor on the hl2 icon to start the game, they can just as easily shoot someone in the game. Doesn't take any hand-eye coordination really. It's all about being comfortable with the mouse sensitivity and adjusting it based on whether your aiming is too erattic, or too slow and not keeping up with the others. I notice it's usually easy to overcome someone if you run circles around them. Also, learning individual opponents habits, and surprising them by exploiting their weaknesess is the way to become #1 in any game. If you follow a certain pattern each time... that you "learned" by "skill", then you become predictable and easy to beat. You just can't use real tactics in a DM type game. You die, you respawn instantly... you spawn in front of someone, you shoot them, or they shoot you before you have a chance to move. All for bragging rights over a measly thing as a "score" which means nothing in the end. I enjoy tdm at least a bit more than dm cuz you can work together. I think dm is mindless and too simplistic. I think a good objective-based mode would be excellent with HL2MP. I think with mods, HL2MP definitely has the potential to the most fun, addicting, and genuinely fun online game to play ever made. And that's exactly what Valve intended for the community to do.

You are by far the biggest idiot I've ever seen. lol, you sound like you have no idea what the hell your talking about. Please, dont speak again. Thx.

edit: I think i may use part of your moronic post as my sig :LOL:
lG-88 said:
Tell me what's harder to hit? Someone crouched down camping in a corner or someone flying across the screen. Someone runing slowly around a corner or someone long jumping or gaussing around a corner. Yeah maybe you're right stationary objects are so much harder to hit.

Knowledge is what wepaon to use... do i finish him off with the mp5? or does he have too much hp and i should use the crossbow? Should i follow him? or is there a faster way to where he's heading? I just spawned, where should i go first?

Oh and lol hl2dm is faster? obviously you've never been in a 32 person stalkyard server. Only slow maps are the big ones, like boot_camp.

btw no one treated me bad when i sucked, cause i wasn't a dumbass about it.

You sound stupider, and stupider by the moment.

Stupid enough, that you do my work for me.

I thank you sir, for you have allowed me to once again be lazy.
so HL2DM doesnt require any skill...
and i suck at HL2DM...
does that make me retarded?
Prototelis said:
You sound stupider, and stupider by the moment.

Stupid enough, that you do my work for me.

I thank you sir, for you have allowed me to once again be lazy.

You lost me there..... maybe you should clear up how I "proved" you point. Until then, your an idiot.
Pi Mu Rho said:
It's on the buggy. The code is there for it.

apparently in the SDK there's code showing it coming off the buggy into a handheld form.
lG-88 said:
You lost me there..... maybe you should clear up how I "proved" you point. Until then, your an idiot.

Oh no, I didn't have to do any work.

You just made yourself look stupid enough that I didn't even need to prove my point. Your was invalidated by default.
To any forum HLDM/AG player

The whole idea of a new version of a game is to make it "new". That means you are going to see many new changes, and your either going to like them or not. That is why you don't have to play it and find another game.

I dont see how you can say the gravity gun is "noobish" when no one has even come close to tap into all of its techniques and abilities yet. It could easily surpass what we thought of the tau (gauss cannon). As for the speed, there again you either accept it or find/make a new mod. Its definitely not AS exciting like ag or hldm was, but it still has its own very style.

I will say one thing though, the fact they left out the tau kinda disapoints me a lot. It was by far the most amazing and unique weapon any game could of possibly come up with. I love the manipulator, but why not also have the tau cannon as well? Valve besides people complaining about it what other reason was it left out for?
Prototelis said:
Oh no, I didn't have to do any work.

You just made yourself look stupid enough that I didn't even need to prove my point. Your was invalidated by default.

Ok so your retarded, i get it now. Nice how the valve lovers never have anything toa rgue about.. it's always "i'm right, your wrong", or "your an idiot so i win".

Go post on the Steam forums, they could use more idiots posting there.
intangible said:
The whole idea of a new version of a game is to make it "new". That means you are going to see many new changes, and your either going to like them or not. That is why you don't have to play it and find another game.

I dont see how you can say the gravity gun is "noobish" when no one has even come close to tap into all of its techniques and abilities yet. It could easily surpass what we thought of the tau (gauss cannon). As for the speed, there again you either accept it or find/make a new mod. Its definitely not AS exciting like ag or hldm was, but it still has its own very style.

I will say one thing though, the fact they left out the tau kinda disapoints me a lot. It was by far the most amazing and unique weapon any game could of possibly come up with. I love the manipulator, but why not also have the tau cannon as well? Valve besides people complaining about it what other reason was it left out for?

As far as I can tell Valve Removed:

Tau Cannon
Long Jump

They added
Gravity Gun
Cool Physics

the game is ok. All the noobs are happy, but they will all leave since the revolver kills on one shot now LOL. I just go hide and go 100 and 10 in like 15 minutes. Next they will bitch about that and stop playing the game. I can see it now "HLDM2 was shitty, the first person to get the revolver and hide would own the server" LOLOLOL Valve spent about 5 minutes making this game. Anyone who tries for "Well now the game is more realistic" is retarded. The game is not supposed to be hence the gravity gun and the aliens. I dont see any frekin aliens or gravity guns in real life. LOL Like Suprem says the game is too much like other DM games. Will I play it? Yes. I will get good at what there is to get good at, but I am still trying to figure that out. For the most part I completely agree with suprem ty.
they also removed exploding crossbow bolts, zoomable magnum, egon (gluon gun), bunnyhopping, number of secondary fire 20mm grens on the machine gun been reduced to 3 from 10, secondary fire for the pistol (faster shooting, less accurate), hive hand, snarks, cooking off grenades, power of shotgun toned down,

err i think thats it :D
The slow bolts suck u cant hit anything at long distance (Which is what its for ...). Relies on a little too much luck if u ask me.

Wouldnt that be sweet if DM was included in HL:Source?
forgive me for being so bold as to be honest in my very first post on these forums, but if you ask me, the gauss gun even making an appearance in HL2 was kind of silly as, if i remember rightly, it was an experimental weapon developed by one of the scientists at Black Mesa, which would suggest that only one of them exists.
now, as you are no doubt probably aware Gordon has all of his weapons removed from about his person by the G-Man at the end of the game and he doesn't really seem like the kind of chap that works somewhere with a "lost and found" room, and if he did i doubt that the scientists that made it has access to it.
i also seem to remember him saying something along the lines of him not really wanting to make weapons, so it seems unlikely he would make a new one.
also, i've noticed that in the topic it says "What is HL2DM missing?", why is that even there and why is nobody taking any notice of it?
instead of bitching about what a bad job people think Valve made of it, why don't they instead be sensible and a bit more grown up and make valid recommendations rather than express their displeasure in HL2DM being different from HLDM?
I hardly think Valve are going to listen to a bunch of people whining about there not being something they want in the game not being there, but perhaps they would listen to actual feedback.
so to follow my own example and to perhaps get this topic back on the topic it strayed away from with the very first letter of the very first post i would like to say the following;
i enjoy HL2DM, it can at time be very fast and hectic and you have to constantly be aware of your surroundings so that you don't get slammed in the back by a filing cabinet.
obviously the game does need more maps, but it doesn't really need them right at the beginning (UT2004 has over 100 maps, i've had the game for half a year and still haven't played on all of them).
so, what is HL2DM missing? well, i'd like to think nothing as something that exists as it is technically isn't missing anything, but ofcourse there are things that would improve it, such as Fast Weapons Switching being applied to weapons changes made with a mousewheel or any other keys/buttons bound to next and previous weapon instead of just the numbered keys which i doubt hardly anyone actually uses.
that's about it really, thanks for taking the time to read this rather long post (if you did that is)...

Firstly, im no old skool HLDM player who wants HL1DM: Source, I just said that it would be good to include the Tau/Gauss since HL2DM does need some more variety in the weapons (come on - we've got the pistol, magnum, mp7, combine rifle - all bullet firing weapons). Also, in case you hadnt noticed, or played the Singleplayer game, that gun mounted on your buggy - its a gauss. Therefore, Ive also got no idea why youre talking about the Gman.

Also with regards to UT having over 100 maps as you say. Quality over Quantity my friend. Like you say you havent played most of them - maybe because some are much better than others?

s3pReMiSis said:
You are by far the biggest idiot I've ever seen. lol, you sound like you have no idea what the hell your talking about. Please, dont speak again. Thx.

edit: I think i may use part of your moronic post as my sig :LOL:

You must not get out much kiddo. First of all, calling someone an "idiot" without any backing statements other than... oh, I don't know... how about... misspelling "you're", "don't" and "thanks", kind of makes YOU look like an idiot. I have to say I've seen people much dumber than you... but not by much. :rolleyes: Please, come back when you complete kindergarten.
madcow555 said:
You must not get out much kiddo. First of all, calling someone an "idiot" without any backing statements other than... oh, I don't know... how about... misspelling "you're", "don't" and "thanks", kind of makes YOU look like an idiot. I have to say I've seen people much dumber than you... but not by much. :rolleyes: Please, come back when you complete kindergarten.
Dude, that post is made a zillion post's back, drop it. You know your own worth and I am suprised you get defensive like this on a forum. Just let the dude rant if he wants to.
Cons Himself said:
Also, in case you hadnt noticed, or played the Singleplayer game, that gun mounted on your buggy - its a gauss. Therefore, Ive also got no idea why youre talking about the Gman.

that's my point exactly, the Gman took it from gordon, so how did it end up in City 17 all those years later?
okay, so the scientist probably did make another one, i just like to use rational thought...
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