what this guy says about halflife2 may be true...

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Jul 13, 2003
Reaction score
I, for one can't wait for halflife 2 so dont get me wrong here on what I post from a "not to be named website", but he hits home with this one. There are potentially better games for us to feast on while we wait for halflife 2....here it is:

"Over the past few weeks or so, I’ve been hearing alot of talk about FarCry at various forums that I hang out. Seeing as how the release of the single player demo was a couple days ago, activity on said forums has been increasing dramatically. In an effort to see what all the buzz is about, I downloaded the demo. After playing through the first level, I can see why this game will get alot of attention.

For starters, screw Valve and their Half-Life 2, and screw Id for their Doom 3. All they seem to care about is hype and marketing. I haven’t seen alot of hype or marketing for FarCry, and it looks and plays fantastic. The graphics are definitely next gen. On my ailing Athlon 1.4 (tbird!) with a meager 512mb of ram and an ancient geforce 3 ti200, I can’t even run this game at medium details (I can, but I get a very poor fps). Granted, my demo seems locked in at Direct 3d, and I was playing at 1024x768x32, so your performance may vary. However, what I saw was the most lush, detailed fps world that I have ever seen. If possible, this thing looks even better than Unreal 2.
The level that you start in during the demo, is a beach front of some tropical island. The atmosphere was captured beautifully, with the sounds of sand, surf, and wind. The occasional tropical bird would squak or fly overhead adding to the detail. Of course, I don’t play First Person Shooters to admire my surroundings.
Combat is your standard “see enemy, shoot enemy, next target”, but this time around the AI controlling your enemy is truely advanced. Running into a group of bad guys and trying to peg them all will be very painful to you instead. I know it’s really cliche, and most developers never hold true on “revolutionary AI”, but even I was impressed by what I saw. I remember back when Soldier of Fortune 2 was announced to be the best thing in AI since Half Life. How you could hide in the jungle, and sneak up on unsuspecting guerillas. Yah right. If you’ve ever played SoF2, it was usually the AI seeing you through the bushes, and throwing grenades with more accuracy than Robin Hood. That said, in FarCry you actually CAN hide well enough in the bush that sneaking up on a small group of enemies is possible. But they do have good hearing, so stepping on a twig during your crawl could alert them. Also, sniping of one guy who happens to be talking to another guy, will actually alert the other guy that something really bad is gonna happen. In fact, if you are hidden well enough, they will stop looking for you and check out their dead comrade.
One of the coolest graphical effects I’ve seen to date is not only the way they die (the ragdoll physics are phenominal) but the way their momentum actually affects where they land. I shot one guy with my M4, who happened to be standing a foot or two from the edge of floor, that had water below it. One of those rice huts you see that are built on water. The guy flew back, off of the hut, and into the water. It splashed, and he actually sunk a bit (thanks to momentum and gravity) before rising back to the surface, bobbing their lifelessly. Then, of all things, you could see the blood as it dissipated into the water. Normally I don’t get so excited seeing blood, but the effect of seeing it actually dilute in the water really shows the power of this engine. As well as the developer’s attention to detail.
This game will definitely fall into the category of “Next Gen” FPS games. While you may need a computational powerhouse to get the full effect, I’d say it’s worth it. And those of you who can run this game at full steam, I envy you because you are in for a visual treat. Like I said, screw HL2, screw Doom3. We have a working “Next Gen” game right here; in fact it’s even due out before Hype Life 2, and Damn 3. Give this demo a try, you won’t regret it. "
Far Cry demo was pretty cool, but how does it make HL2 any less cool?
It sounds cool, but it doesn't give me the impression that it will be revolutionary. It sounds like FarCry just has some refined graphics, AI, and physics, nothing phenomenal or revolutionary.
Ahnteis said:
Far Cry demo was pretty cool, but how does it make HL2 any less cool?

My thoughts also. I'm not sure what the reviewer is hoping to achieve with his 'screw this, screw that' policy. Also the bit about revolutionary AI made me laugh. Valve pretty much inspired all the AI work done by developers since HL¹ with the stuff they did with the Marines and Black Ops ninjas, so I'm thinking that they will have taken things a touch futher with HL².
Maximus - about the bobbing body on the water - did you not see the very first set of e3 videos for HL2, namely the techdemo? Ooo what a surprise, there are things that bob in the water there too......

As as for "screw"ing HL2 and D3, why? It's not like Far Cry is the master game, it's not perfect and i'm sure there are areas in Far Cry that are damn poor compared to areas that are in HL2 and D3

*EDIT* Oh i didnt realise that it is an article, sorry Maximo :eek:
why do we have to screw any game.... i'm gonna play hl2, doom 3, far cry, and stalker, and all good games that come out for that matter... there's only one thing i'm screwing, and i'm not getting into that here...
Murray_H said:
Maximus - about the bobbing body on the water - did you not see the very first set of e3 videos for HL2, namely the techdemo? Ooo what a surprise, there are things that bob in the water there too......

As as for "screw"ing HL2 and D3, why? It's not like Far Cry is the master game, it's not perfect and i'm sure there are areas in Far Cry that are damn poor compared to areas that are in HL2 and D3

look all he's saying and all I am saying is this sucker is out in the next month or two with all these features that halflife 2 will have, but you can enjoy them early while you wait for halflife 2 ( for all we know it could be another year off). Im not saying get this game in replacment of halflife 2 ..no no...I am saying add this to your collection along with halflife 2, because it is alot of fun.....and YES it is revolutionary in the fact that the game lets you see as far as the eyes can see unlike any game I have every played.....for example: you start off on this beach and work your way up the mountains and valleys to the top where this satallte dish is. Whats amazing is that when you get up there and look back to where you have traveled...you can see the beach you started at way the hell down and far far away....its really cool.
i hate to say i do agree, with the article, Painkiller and Far Cry are new comers and have no relide on hype. they have stayed rather quite even tho their games are amazing. i am getting tired of HL2's drama based hype. but Doom 3 isn't doing much hype since they have stayed rather quite.
Umm, maybe i'm the only one but i wasn't so impressed with far cry. Sure, the graphics are great. It is one of the most polished FPSs i've ever seen. The sound is really good, the physics are pretty good, the AI is advanced, but it does NOT make for really fun gameplay. You've all seen the Barricade vid. You know the part where they are attacking, and there are combine soldiers behind the car, and then more behind force fields? well, in Far Cry, You've got five enemies running pell-mell around behind whatever cover they can find. sure, that's good AI... they are hard to hit, they return fire well, but it doesn't make it any fun. I was perpetually taking potshots at guys behind trees or behind rocks. There was rarely any way to grenade anyone, whenever someone heard you they would call for backup, and then you'd just have 10 guys hiding behind cover.

Sound is good, Graphics are good, AI is good, but arguably counterproductive. The thing is, the game just doesn't come together for me. Sure, it's a nice way for me to show off my 9700 pro. The thing is, besides the occaisonal cool moment, the gameplay never has that amazing feeling that good FPSs have, (e.g. Half Life, NOLF, Freedom Fighters) If HL2 plays anything like the videos that we've seen, it's going to have the right mix of good AI and good gameplay. I think the far cry developers created a stunning AI system, and then just created a landscape for the AI to work on. That's not level design, that's simulation. Every enemy in HL2 is going to be there because it maximizes the gameplay potential of a room, an area, or an encounter. That's what i want, not Far Cry's "Next Gen" baloney. If next gen means taking the careful art of level design and gameplay balancing out of FPSs, count me out.

And to Pitbul, HL2's "drama based hype"? What hype was that? You mean the one movie ever shown of the game, at E3 2003? because besides that, there has been no drama, there has been no hype. Far Cry was at E3 2003 as well. So was Doom 3. if any game is "rather quite" it's HL2. The HL2 hype has been largely non-existant so far.
i understand whats being said, but when you say screw hl2 and doom 3, it's kind of implicating that we should buy them. If the article is just saying play this, it's good, well duh, i already knew that...
what the hell are you talking about Spiffae?? The gameplay is awesome......I was so immersed into this game and its very open ended...you can get to the top of this mountain many different ways......halflife 2 will be linear
I like the part about Valve only wanting hype. Is it just me or have we not heard anything from them in a very long while?
Spiffae, I agree with you completely, the graphics, the sounds, and the AI were great, but it wasn't, "addicting" like games such as Half Life, or for those of you who play it, Diablo 2. I sure hope HL2 is all it's cut out to be.
Farcrys phsics isn't as great as what i thought.

But HL2 valve have been working on phsics loads! so it is going to be SWEET AS!!

Also half life to is going to have a Weight thing going on.....Where if you stand on some random plank of wood and it doesn't hold your weight then it will break!!

Far cry graphics is great.

The Soldiers...Well they don't Blink so don't like that lol. And their fingers are too squared
Ahnteis said:
Far Cry demo was pretty cool, but how does it make HL2 any less cool?
Same way how Valve stole audience from ID since last E3, it's all about marketing and advertisting.
I dont think he hits the nail on the head.

His opening statement on how HL2 has been hyped like Doom 3 made me LOL. HL2 has only been "hyped" for about 9 or 10 months. And when you consider Valve has been silent 5 months out of this 10 month hype-life (since September) with exception of about 3 screenshots it would seem to me the only one hyping HL2 would be in this guys mind.

I didn't bother to read whatever else he had to say after that.
Hehe what an idiot, seriously.

For starters, screw Valve and their Half-Life 2, and screw Id for their Doom 3. All they seem to care about is hype and marketing. I haven’t seen alot of hype or marketing for FarCry, and it looks and plays fantastic.

The hype started by gamers may not have been that big, but the developers did everything in their power to promote the game. Valve and id did pretty much nothing besides showing up at E3 and releasing some video's.

The graphics are definitely next gen. On my ailing Athlon 1.4 (tbird!) with a meager 512mb of ram and an ancient geforce 3 ti200, I can’t even run this game at medium details (I can, but I get a very poor fps). Granted, my demo seems locked in at Direct 3d, and I was playing at 1024x768x32, so your performance may vary. However, what I saw was the most lush, detailed fps world that I have ever seen. If possible, this thing looks even better than Unreal 2.

Even better than Unreal 2? Wow, that sure is an accomplishment, outclassing a 1,5 year old DX8 game. Kudos to the creators.
And poor performance at medium with a geforce 3? That's not really that great, Doom 3 won't perform much slower altough the effects are much and much better.
HL2 will run at high detail, possibly scaling down the texture sizes.

The level that you start in during the demo, is a beach front of some tropical island. The atmosphere was captured beautifully, with the sounds of sand, surf, and wind. The occasional tropical bird would squak or fly overhead adding to the detail. Of course, I don’t play First Person Shooters to admire my surroundings.

Birds that leave a small puff of blood when hit. It takes more to impress me.

Combat is your standard “see enemy, shoot enemy, next target”, but this time around the AI controlling your enemy is truely advanced. Running into a group of bad guys and trying to peg them all will be very painful to you instead. I know it’s really cliche, and most developers never hold true on “revolutionary AI”, but even I was impressed by what I saw. I remember back when Soldier of Fortune 2 was announced to be the best thing in AI since Half Life. How you could hide in the jungle, and sneak up on unsuspecting guerillas. Yah right. If you’ve ever played SoF2, it was usually the AI seeing you through the bushes, and throwing grenades with more accuracy than Robin Hood. That said, in FarCry you actually CAN hide well enough in the bush that sneaking up on a small group of enemies is possible. But they do have good hearing, so stepping on a twig during your crawl could alert them. Also, sniping of one guy who happens to be talking to another guy, will actually alert the other guy that something really bad is gonna happen. In fact, if you are hidden well enough, they will stop looking for you and check out their dead comrade.

The AI has it's good moments, but also very awful moments. They work good together in teams, and coordinate their movement. But their individual actions are pretty bad. Running up to an enemy in the clear open doesn't qualify as 'good tactics'.
It's funny, you CAN sneak up to an enemy, but even if you throw a grenade into the group, they immediately know where you are, even if they didn't yet spot you. Do they smell you or something? And then they have x-ray vision, shooting through bushes and accurately hitting you. The apparently also have the feeling that fragging your team mates with grenades helps with catching you, don't really know why though. And when you shoot their buddy next to them, the reactions are mixed, some of them seem to think they're taking a sudden nap with a large red bullethole in their chest, and just stand their waiting for their portion of the led. Others nicely run up to a boat, but yet again, they know where you are, even when you took them out on a long distance with a single shot.
The AI overall is pretty good, nothing stunning though.

One thing this guy doesn't speak of but I'd like to point at was the promised freedom, I don't see it anywhere. I would like a FULL island, which doesn't have preset routes or cliffs you can't get up to.

One of the coolest graphical effects I’ve seen to date is not only the way they die (the ragdoll physics are phenominal) but the way their momentum actually affects where they land. I shot one guy with my M4, who happened to be standing a foot or two from the edge of floor, that had water below it. One of those rice huts you see that are built on water. The guy flew back, off of the hut, and into the water. It splashed, and he actually sunk a bit (thanks to momentum and gravity) before rising back to the surface, bobbing their lifelessly. Then, of all things, you could see the blood as it dissipated into the water. Normally I don’t get so excited seeing blood, but the effect of seeing it actually dilute in the water really shows the power of this engine. As well as the developer’s attention to detail.

HL2 has advanced ragdoll effects, and it simulates boyancy like Far Cry. You could do that stuff in HL2, what's so special about it? And the diluting blood is a simple particle effect. But it does look good yes. I'm happy theu changed the horrible blood effects from a while ago, these look good.

This game will definitely fall into the category of “Next Gen” FPS games. While you may need a computational powerhouse to get the full effect, I’d say it’s worth it. And those of you who can run this game at full steam, I envy you because you are in for a visual treat. Like I said, screw HL2, screw Doom3. We have a working “Next Gen” game right here; in fact it’s even due out before Hype Life 2, and Damn 3. Give this demo a try, you won’t regret it. "

I didn't regret, kinda hard regretting a free download. But the game that wipes the floor with HL2 and Doom 3? Never. I'd give the demo 8.2/10. It's a good shooter, nothing revolutionary though. HL2 and possibly Doom 3 will bring a lot of new gameplay, and a decent story too.
And has this guy forgotten about STALKER or something?
*im gonna get so banned for this....*

From the far cry Demo and The Hl2 Beta i declare i had more fun in the beta.

Far cry's physics are a joke compared to Hl2's.

and just to nitpick, the enemies in farcry dont "bob" in the water, they sink a bit then come back up then just lie their motionless, bobbing would be continously moving.

Take out Far cry's water ripple and it suddenly becomes a ver sub par shooter.

(and hl2's water effects look 100X better, trust me on this)
You're not going to get banned, Dougy, stolen build discussion is allowed, just no spoilers or screenshots (or links, or any of that :))

As for FarCry not being addicting, maybe for you, but I've NEVER clocked in as many hours on a single level demo as I have in FarCry. It's addicting, to me. There's something about crawling through some bushes, watching the shadows fall on my weapon and sniping a guy in the distance.. the draw distance is great when it comes to sniping.

The game, for me, has a very "Goldeneye feel." I'm not sure if anyone else feels this, but, the way it plays reminds me of Goldeneye for the N64, only better (graphically, AI, etc).

Either way, I'm buying HL2, FC and STALKER. All 3 of them. In no way should you "screw VALVe" for not releasing HL2, or any of that.
For the record, I agree with Dougy, the physics in FarCry aren't anywhere nearly as good as HL2's, but the vehicle physics are spot on in FC, imo.

Edit: Dougy, I disagree on the water effects. If you've tried the proper reflection mod that was posted in the FC forums, you'd see they're on par with eachother.
Dougy said:
*im gonna get so banned for this....*

From the far cry Demo and The Hl2 Beta i declare i had more fun in the beta.

Far cry's physics are a joke compared to Hl2's.

and just to nitpick, the enemies in farcry dont "bob" in the water, they sink a bit then come back up then just lie their motionless, bobbing would be continously moving.

Take out Far cry's water ripple and it suddenly becomes a ver sub par shooter.

(and hl2's water effects look 100X better, trust me on this)

As long as your not giving out spoilers you shouldn't get banned. I'd second you about HL2 physics, frankly they piss all over anything else out there from a great height.
I have yet to try the FC demo out, so I can't post any opinions about it , but that guy seems to be kinda weird.. I mean, Valve isn't responsible for all the hype , it's their fans that are.. The fans go wild on every forum causing the hype while all valve did was releasing some videos at E3.
that might be all and good but far cry sucked

Radeon 9800 xt intel 2.8ghz system
Shuzer said:
Edit: Dougy, I disagree on the water effects. If you've tried the proper reflection mod that was posted in the FC forums, you'd see they're on par with eachother.

I've not played the "beta" but even from the videos it is clear to me that HL2's water is the best i've ever seen - not only does it reflect, it refracts too. That is pretty darn good :)
Shuzer said:
Edit: Dougy, I disagree on the water effects. If you've tried the proper reflection mod that was posted in the FC forums, you'd see they're on par with eachother.

i compared Far crys demo water to Half lifes beta/blink video water.

i think Far cry will have to pull a miracle to equal half lifes water IMO.
Murray_H said:
I've not played the "beta" but even from the videos it is clear to me that HL2's water is the best i've ever seen - not only does it reflect, it refracts too. That is pretty darn good :)

So does FC's water.. :) Like I said, on par with eachother from what I've seen and played
BLEH!!! You haven't even played HL2 so how can you say FarCry is "awesome" "amazing" when you dont even have anything to compare to!
Oh, i c this was already discussed ^^ sorry but i say EVERYTHING to do with Valve + HL is TOTALLY revolutionary. It DID take Valve 5 years......
WaterMelon34 said:
BLEH!!! You haven't even played HL2 so how can you say FarCry is "awesome" "amazing" when you dont even have anything to compare to!

Did you just say what I thought you said? People can say whatever they want about FarCry. The point is that it IS awsome and amazing right now, because no other game is here to challenge it! Just because it has nothing to compare too at the moment does not make it any less of a game. Your love for HL2 and Valve is clouding your judgement, and is making you into one of those losers that say that the Phantom Menace was a good movie!
WaterMelon34 said:
r u saying HL2 sux?

Did you read my post? Did I say anywhere that HL2 "sux"? Have you played the game? no. Do you know for a fact that HL2 will not suck? Do you think I bothered to sign up with this Forum, and achieve over 220 posts whilst thinking the entire time this game sucked?
I played the Far Cry demo and i just think the it feels like Serious Sam with vehicles and few extra gimmicks. Good fun and all but really there aint that much too it. Its the same thing as every other game i've ever played. The graphics are really good (Half Life 2 water is better of course, But Far Cry's water makes me actually WANT to go in)but everything else is cheesey, the guns are ok (Falcon pistol is awesome) the vehicles are pretty good, but the game is still linear, theres like 3 ways to get to the satelite place, but i dont see whats so good about the AI.

Its the same as every other game. I fire the sniper rifle at the 2 guys talking on the beach and miss and they just stand there and continue talking half the time. The only thing thats good about the AI is that most of the time they are pretty damn accurate, which sucks cus none of your guns are very accurate. The only thing that can make the AI feel intelligent (to me) is that theres tons and tons of places to hide and tons and tons of bushes and trees always in the way. I'd say Far Cry's graphics are on par with Deus Ex 2's graphics. I quite liked that game's graphics and fancy pixel shading.

Oh and the sound is dodgy for me, some kind of bug that makes every sound have some kinda static noise effect. And the water doesnt refract nearly as much as Half Life 2, and theres no bouyancy in Far Cry, for like 2 seconds there's bouyancy and then they just lie flat on top of the water. The demo's good but i wouldn't say it could steal anyone's thunder, Unreal 2's thunder maybe, that game was sorta crap, but not Doom 3's or Half Life's
Everyone needs to stop saying that halflife 2 is better....

You can not say anything to a game that does not exist yet and don't give me any crap about the beta being better there dougy fresh. I guess we can fairly wait until both games are out on retail to compare, but even then about a year and a half from now, yes halflife2 might beat it with a thing or two, but who couldnt do that after a year and a half of new implemented technology.

and SERIOUS SAM comparison??? please ...serious sam is a glorified Doom1 game...same monsters...kill fest. You can't put down Far cry until you play the full game. This level they display is the 3rd level....the story might be great...this is just a one level game and I thought is was jaw dropping. The shadows on the gun as your going through the jungle is amazing.....don't say halflife2 is better because its simply not available yet to play...so for now...the far cry (the halflife 2 killer)

OH and can you see far distances in half-life2 and actually go there??? no its a picture in a skybox...
maximus0402 said:
You can not say anything to a game that does not exist yet and don't give me any crap about the beta being better there dougy fresh. I guess we can fairly wait until both games are out on retail to compare, but even then about a year and a half from now, yes halflife2 might beat it with a thing or two, but who couldnt do that after a year and a half of new implemented technology.

and SERIOUS SAM comparison??? please ...serious sam is a glorified Doom1 game...same monsters...kill fest. You can't put down Far cry until you play the full game. This level they display is the 3rd level....the story might be great...this is just a one level game and I thought is was jaw dropping. The shadows on the gun as your going through the jungle is amazing.....don't say halflife2 is better because its simply not available yet to play...so for now...the far cry (the halflife 2 killer)

OH and can you see far distances in half-life2 and actually go there??? no its a picture in a skybox...

I don't understand why you can't accept Dougy's opinion that he had more fun with a pre-alpha (or whatever) HL2 build than the FarCry demo. Some people have gaming preference, and I can see why he liked HL2 more. However, I enjoy/ed both equally, and personally, I want FC more than HL2. But still, you really should respect other's opinions on such things.

I do agree that the SS comparasion was a little far-fetched. I'm not sure how some played the FC demo, but for me it was all about stealth and taking it slow, getting in the jeep, and having the most fun I've ever had with a vehicle in a game.

One last thing, where do you get this "year and a half" figure from? If FC hits its date (which, it might not, seeing as how it's pretty buggy, needs alot of optimization and other fixes before its ready for a public release, IMO), it won't be a year and a half off of the FC date. HL2 will come out this year, it's already been stated by Vivendi in their 2004 releases, but labeled with a TBA. If the game was delayed past this year, or for another year and a half, that would be suicide for VALVe.
Im just saying what i've played of both games , Serious Sam, and Far Cry, just feels to me, like they are exactly the same to me. Far Cry was jsut better in terms of graphics and to me it felt like every other game i've played. I remember PC GAMER said RED FACTION was going to be like HALF LIFE 2 before they even saw anything about Half Life 2, back in 2001, now come on, Red Faction was crap and they were basing their opinions on a game they've only previewed comparewd to a game they wouldn't see for anything of till 2003.

Now whilst i can't give a full comparison of Half Life 2 and Far Cry, i can give a comparsion between Serious Sam and Far Cry from what i've played of both of them, whether or not they're complete, rfom what i've played they still feel the same ya know? Absence of plot (and AI in my opinion)? Lotsa mindless shotting? Cool surroundings? that kinda thing? And in Far Cry you can barely go anywhere of course because if you want to explore the other side of the island a helicopter flies at you and kills you, even if you shot the gunner 50 times with a P50.

and how can you say you can't go there in Half Life 2 if you havent played it?
yah yah See Haf-Life has something far cry doesnt..........An SDK and MODS! LOTSA LOTSA MODS!
Estevan said:
yah yah See Haf-Life has something far cry doesnt..........An SDK and MODS! LOTSA LOTSA MODS!

You'll be able to mod FarCry.. there are minor mods (not game changing, obviously) going on right now, for the demo :)
Sparta said:
Absence of plot (and AI in my opinion)? Lotsa mindless shotting? Cool surroundings? that kinda thing? And in Far Cry you can barely go anywhere of course because if you want to explore the other side of the island a helicopter flies at you and kills you, even if you shot the gunner 50 times with a P50.

and how can you say you can't go there in Half Life 2 if you havent played it?

Not alot is known about the FC plot right now, and you can't make a plot assessment from a demo.
As for the AI, did you have it on hard? The AI is pretty good in FC, better than most games. Lotsa mindless shooting, couldn't you put Half-Life in this category? Think how many times you had to shoot the same aliens over and over..
Cool surroundings, well, what's wrong with that? Anyhow, I just can't see the comparasion between FC and SS, SS is much more of a kill everything that moves, FC is more of a "if I did this, they'd radio for backup, and I might die.. I should go in stealthfully."
actually the AI in far cry was pretty cool, I'm really impressed with the game and the visuals on it.
Although the AI wasn't the best I've seen it was done in a good way, it just needs to be further tweaked in my opinion
This post reminded me how awesome Far Cry demo was...

I'm gonna play it after 24 I think :)
Far Cry is good (the demo is entertaining enough anyway), but it's no Half-Life.
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