What will you do when HL2 in finaly installed!


Companion Cube
Aug 7, 2003
Reaction score
so what are you gunna do first after you got all your crisps and snaks ready and
got all your controls sorted out?

well i really wanna know what this multi players and i dont know if i want to play the multi player first and find out what it is or weather im gunna start playing the game. but i keep getting this feeling that if i start playing the game im gunna stop and play the multi player :)
I'm gonna plant some daisies...

what do you think?
I'll pinch myself, it'll have to be a dream, since HL2 is never going to come out :(
/me sobs quietly in the corner
Well I plan to play all the way through the singleplayer before I even look at the multiplayer. Yes it will be hard. But I don't wanna get side tracked from the greatest game to come out in five years. So I will unplug from the internet so I don't catch any online spoilers or get temped by the idea of playing it. Then I will disappear for a few days and come out ready to play the multiplayer....
i will take weeks off work...

tell me gf i got no money and sick...or just tell her the truth and say "half...Life...2" i think she will understand. lol.

get food, drink ready.

And just sit bk and enjoy the ride.

O and tell me family..."if u want to watch please take a seat and dont say a word.
wendle said:
Well I plan to play all the way through the singleplayer before I even look at the multiplayer. Yes it will be hard. But I don't wanna get side tracked from the greatest game to come out in five years. So I will unplug from the internet so I don't catch any online spoilers or get temped by the idea of playing it. Then I will disappear for a few days and come out ready to play the multiplayer....

Sounds like a good plan :thumbs:

I too plan to play SP religiously.. the last game I did that with was Max Payne 2, can't get myself to play anything recently. DX:IW makes my mind wander, I can't get myself to like it :|

Anyhow, so yes, SP all the way through, then MP. Actually, I'll probably check out the HL2 reviews after I finish SP, just to see what the industry thinks of VALVe's (assumed) masterpiece

The only other game I plan on doing this with is FarCry, but, HL2 seems so much more exciting
Is this a trick question?
Once it's finally installed, I'll start it up, config my controls/settings and then play.

chu said:
I'm gonna plant some daisies...

what do you think?

mr. negative strikes again!


haha buy a few crates of red bull to keep me awake ahh nice pillow on the seat so my arse dont hurt from sitting down for ages :)
i think we should have a compotition... who ever compleates the game first gets ummmmmmmmmm... i dunno... a pat on the back :p
I've never actually stayed up through a night to play a game... but I just might...
Single player.

Multiplayer does not exist till singleplayer is completed. I will avoid all aspects of HL2 related websites as I will probably be too busy playing HL2 to even look at them.
Ill probably check out the options and then look at the multiplayer menu and options and then start to play single player. Once I get to a really hard part of the game, no matter how long that will be, I will then quit and play Mplayer! :)
Well, when its installed, I'm going to go prepare for gaming. I'll have all my snacks, a glass of pepsi next to me, some more snacks, and everything and anything else I'll need for the next few hours. Then, I'll hit "Play" and make sure my chair doesnt go anywhere ;)
Geez, I am happy they are planning for a summer release, because I have a month off of school :)

So with my month off I can get 1/3rd of the sleep the body normaly needs to get by with.. All these years of staying up till 3am will finaly pay off!
I think I will slowly put the disk in with extreme caution, read the liscence agreement (maybe not), watch it install the files on my computer, click on the finish button, take a second to take it all in, start the game up, be blown away, play for several hours, force myself to stop so I can go to bed. :stare:
I am going to create a strict play regimen. I will play sp for one hour every day until I have completed the gamne. That way I can savor the game I eill have waited so long for. Once I finish, I will kiss my life goodbye and play multiplayer all day everyday. Until I get bored, then I'll play Doom3, Stalker or Farcry until I have the craving again.
Get bored...what? How do you get bored with HL2?

It rawks so hard that I'm not bored of it despite the fact that I haven't even played it and won't for quite a while.
This is a tough one.
1.) Skip school and obtain the Specail Edition from nearest store
2.) Try not to crash while driving home
3.) On the way home, stop at grocery store and purchuse large amounts of caffinated beverages (Coke!) and munchies. (Not to many though, because sipping Cola is less of a distraction than eating food)
4.) Drive home to my completly defraged computer with charged mouse and the area all nice and clean (I'm sure we all know, intense gaming can get messy)
5.) Pop the DVD edition of HL2 into the drive EXTREMELY carefully and take a stiky note and stick it on the drive labeled "Designated HL2 Drive"
6.) Install, click finish. Unplug cable connection (don't want multiplayer to interfere eh?) and restart the computer.
7.) Click on the HL2 icon and gleefully watch the intro credits. Marvel over the menus and configure controls. Then set difficulty to...."difficult"! and hit START!
8. ) Oh yeah I forgot to close my door and lock it with the message posted on the door, "Half Life 2...Do not disturb or headcrabs will enforce."

That pretty much does it for me
Once its installed its gonna pretty damn hard to stay away from the main directory of the game! I can't help myself cos I always end up poking around and looking at models n stuff lol. I'll probably ruin the ending by accidently finding the last boss!

But the options are endless :-

1. Play singleplayer,
2. Snoop through directory,
3. Play multiplayer,
4. Snoop through directory,
5. Snoop for Coop options,
6. Make a HL2 map!!!
barring that i dont die on the incredibly fast drive home the first thing ill do is check out the cool box the collectors edition comes in. then ill go through the goodies it comes with. by this point ill be so excited that ill examine everything carefully. once im ready to play, i want my house to be empty, snacks ready, and volume up. im guessing the first time through the game(out of the many im sure), ill set it on medium, b/c i want to play through the game without worrying about health and stuff and just focus on the content. after i admire the opening sequence, ill probably just gawk at the first area for an hour while i mess with everything. i want to take my time with the game. i know that once i get the pistol i will keep reloading the scene and shooting everything in site(that part with the boards in the tech demo looked like so much fun).
Shuzer said:
I'll pinch myself, it'll have to be a dream, since HL2 is never going to come out :(
/me sobs quietly in the corner

I agree.. ten character limit ..
i will uninstall it right away and install DOOM III

PS: suck my weener gabe
Go straight to the MP.

I never did like HL or the gay story.

All I care is about the MODS. CS2 WHERE ARE YOU??
1) Format PC
2) Install all the drivers and optimize
3) Install HL2
4) Play, and be happy
Hobbit said:
Go straight to the MP.

I never did like HL or the gay story.

All I care is about the MODS. CS2 WHERE ARE YOU??

/me doesn't understand
He doesnt like the actual story and is only buying the game to play online mods with it.

All i'll be doing is making sure i dont break my disks i really hate taking CD's out of the case especially when you have to play tug a war to get them the heck out safly ;)
When i install HL2 and see the HL2 Icon on my Desktop
I would get shocked and died.
I'll install it, and as soon as the little bar has finished filling, and the "Do you want to play this game now?" prompt (or whatever) has come up... I'll book myself on a one-way flight to Zimbabwe.
I'll call in sick
Surprise my wife with a beauty salon arrangement for her and her girlfriend for 2 days
Buy a lot of redbulls (thanks for the tip)
Make sure all kinds of food/sigs are within hand reach
Keep the cats away from the game room
Stare at the in game menu for quite some time with a heartrate of 160+ and sweaty palms..
left click 'new game'
I'll play, with a glass of cool water by the side of my mouse mat. I wont touch MP 'till I've finished the game as I hate spoiling the surprise of the weapons / equipment in new games.

/me shakes his fist at his curiosity
i'll probably install it, play for 10 minutes, get a call and go out with my friends, then go out with my girlfriend, come back the next day, play a little more then go to university, and play it more when i get home.
I think I'll give in to an elaborate rant about todays youth and how everything was better back then and how those young wippersnappers think they know everything!!
then I'll take a sip of prune juice and fall asleep while the game is installing until raindrops pounding against dark windows wake me up again at 3 am.

Things could get ugly at Valve HQ !!! :p
while installing the game, my computer would problably error out (always happens when i really want a game), i would restart, reinstall, play for 10/15 minutes and my computer would freeze, restart and from then the bugs would end and i could play hl2
I probably gonna reinstall my PC 2 days before the release. Make sure everything is worked out fine (gfx drivers, audio working, cleaning mouse, testing some o/c parts)

First Installing the game, then read the hl2 manual, hitting hl2.exe (ofcourse watching the intro first) then browsing the hl2 menu and changing stuff. (If there is a training map, I will play it before the game) I'm not sure if hl2 is gonna be released in the vacation (I hope so) playing it like 8 hours a day (If I don't have to go to college or work) planning the finnish the game in 3 days. Gabe mentioned 36 hours gaming time. While I'm playing I will not browsing hl2/gaming related websites

Then I go to check other players reviews and trying to play HL2 MP :)
Hobbit said:
Go straight to the MP.

I never did like HL or the gay story.

All I care is about the MODS. CS2 WHERE ARE YOU??

I hope you get aids.
I can see myself doing loads of stupid things with the physics.. I saw some screens shots of the beta where ppl had put alyx's dead hand onto the doctors 'you know what' area..So that can entertain me for awhile before I actually get down to playing the SP