What's in your pocket?

Nothing currently, but before i emptied them upon entering the house i had.

-A knife.
-Keys for work and house.
-Wallet containing £45, driving license, bank card, a few other bits.
- A receipt from LIDL for a Melon and apple juice.
- A receipt from TESCO for turkey breast, cottage cheese and some grape juice.
Some random papers, my school ID, some mints, and a couple dollars.
About 14 cents, a pen, a bit of lint and a crumpled napkin.
keys, wallet, passport, mobile, and a small thermonuclear device. apart from the last one
box of mints, wallet (containing school ID, drivers license, some money, old pictures of me) and in the other wallet I have a peice of paper...nothing really written on it
Er, let's see...

School ID with awful photo
Bus pass with actually decent photo
Bus ticket
Very small multi-barrel pen
Bank receipt.
Half a (clean) tissue.
I’ve got something in my front pocket for you
Why don’t you reach down in my pocket and see what it is
Then grab onto it, it’s just for you
Give a little squeeze and say, ‘How do you do?’
There’s something in my front pocket, There’s something in my front pocket,
There’s something in my front pocket for you.
I have a pocket knife, a pen, my driver license, cell phone, 80 dollars, snuff, and my truck keys.
Nothing right now. When i got home i had:
Mobile phone
Wallet with bank card, college ID, lots of old train tickets (can't be arsed to empty it :P) a condom ;) couple of quid, bus card and random other junk
EMA time sheet (education maintainence allowence - Basically free money from college :P)
Some random other sheets from college.
Nothing. Just pleased to see you.*

*A joke so obvious that no-one else had the stupidity to say it.
KagePrototype said:
I’ve got something in my front pocket for you
Why don’t you reach down in my pocket and see what it is
Then grab onto it, it’s just for you
Give a little squeeze and say, ‘How do you do?’
There’s something in my front pocket, There’s something in my front pocket,
There’s something in my front pocket for you.

Heh, stop watching southpark kage :P
My left hand's in my pocket... but that doesn't mean its not busy. :naughty:
nothing but i usually have my wallet with a max of $10 (if im lucky) and my drivers license
string, or nothing! *gollum*

no, wait... school ID, a penny (all my money in the world), a sick not I was supposed to turn in to the office, some bass tabs that I wrote (been in there since wednesday...) and... my hand.
SimonomiS said:
Syringe, lighter, spoon, and some other stuff.
Eject the contents of the syringe into the spoon, sprinkle "some other stuff" on, heat it up with the lighter, and you've got yourself some soup.
Knife in the left and cell phone in the right.
vegeta897 said:
Eject the contents of the syringe into the spoon, sprinkle "some other stuff" on, heat it up with the lighter, and you've got yourself some soup.

Cheers, I have no idea what I was planning to do with it, probably make an Art Attack or something.
I'm already wearing my PJ's (8pm here) for a long night of work and study. My PJ's don't have pockets.
Cell phone, lighter, wallet, money in wallet, condom in wallet, fluff, pen.
JNightshade said:
Cell phone, lighter, wallet, money in wallet, condom in wallet, fluff, pen.

Was it necessary to mention the condom! Geez, just rubbing it in our face that you get some action aren't you.
Three abortion clinic keychains and the Matrix Soundtrack