Whats the craziest thing youve ever done


Oct 5, 2003
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So what is the craziest thing youve ever done i would say mine is when me and a few mates wrapped our arms and legs hands and feet in paper roll then soaked it in highly flammable deodrant set alight then had a huge fight i got pretty burnt that day.
Probably going solo down a slot canyon in Utah without food or water or shelter for 3 days. That was tough.
me and my mate pissed our pants... just because we dared eachother.. but ive done crazier just let me think
This thread seems to be pointed to me or something :p

Hmm.. I'm not sure but I guess getting a nice electrical shock by trying to put together the two pieces that you later screw a lightbulb on when the ceiling-lamp was set to "on". My heart went crazy-go-nuts, I felt really weird for the following hours.. Other electrical shocks are chewing on the wire to my old headphones, then touching the modem and somehow getting an electrical shock in my mouth, my teeth felt kinda strange there :D

I don't really do much crazy stuff, I just do.. dumb stuff.
I dunno... the only recent one I can think of was running like a maniac in and around Times Square (mid-late evening)... that was Hella Fun... it wasn't appreciated, but it was fun! :p A couple people fell behind and got told to stop by some police d00ds... not me, though! :)
My avatar draws more attention than yours, I'll bet. She does shake quite well, though... :naughty:
I still like the one from like... 2 avatars ago? where I kept commenting on it :p

man... that was hypnotic
ommgggggg yes. I'm telling you man. that was like an epiphany of how sexy britney spears good look with some interesting contrast for me :p
Probably launching tomatos at a police squad car with a giant slingshot. We tied together 12 feet of surgical tubing and put a pocket in the middle, works really well.
hmm, crazy,... dont do that,, :p silly yes, crazy no

lol, there was this diabled dude , from Pakistan. so my mates said wouldnt it be funny if you wrote ' disabled people arnt really diasabled , their just lazy' on the wall of his study booth. So with no hesitation I did exactley that :D, and it was crossed out the next day :D.. it was funny at the time. :hmph:
The craziest thing I can remember doing was electrocuting my d00dle for 1.5 cartons of beer and $23.70 in a science lesson, back when I was 15.
leadfish said:
The craziest thing I can remember doing was electrocuting my d00dle for 1.5 cartons of beer and $23.70 in a science lesson, back when I was 15.

d00dle? :burp:
Yeah, doodle = penis, but doodle sounds better imo (I'm still a child at heart :p)
Letters said:
My avatar draws more attention than yours, I'll bet. She does shake quite well, though... :naughty:

I ****ing love your avatars Letters.. :LOL: :cheese:
Hmmm, I watched some ricers street race a couple of weeks ago. There were about 50+ racers and we all got busted (Not arrested though) by the cops (DOH!).
stole fake plants from mcdonalds with a friend of mine for his girlfriend.... heh.

"ok stand there, yeah, block the view, ok ok run, shit shit shit run dude run" yeah...wee...
Dunno if it's the craziest, but the stupidest thing I ever did was snort a foot-long line of that fizzy sherbet sugar stuff. Holy shit that screwed me up, I practically went blind for a while and had a constant nose bleed for about 10 minutes.
Maybe it was when I stuck a compass (maths, not navigation) in a power socket. It kinda blew up with a flash and melted the compass a little.
I also had a run in with the power outlet, but with a paper clip. Bzzzzzzz. It didn't really hurt, it just sort of made my skull vibrate.
For a bet, I left a tent on a camping trip with friends and walked around the place chanting "The end of the world is coming!". I was wearing pyjama bottoms and nothing else. And it was about 2am.

Oh, and I also used to blow things up in Science. Some due to incompetence, some due to psychosis. Acid and electricity? Done it. Electricity and a large metal rod? Been there, done that, scorched the ceiling...
I put an old boats depth meter into the wall socket (It had the wires bare at the end) in my scouts house. It blew ALL of the fuses, the socket got ruined, and it also blew a few fuses in our other house beside it.
I egged a military police car on halloween, then I ran, and never did it again.