Whats your IQ? Take the test and find out

I got a 140. That must be as high as this test goes... because that is the lowest I have ever scored on an IQ test.
I've ended up with a 127 after rushing through. I'm too sleepy to actually take my time. I could use a Red Bull or some Bawls right now.....

/me yawns.

I'll cya guy tomorrow........ZzzzZzZZZZZzzzZZzz
good ol' 131. Not happy with it.. blah, oh well. too lazy to post pic, i took screeny but if anyoen really wants proof i'll post it
131 for me. That's not as good as my "Test the Nation" score though, that was 139 :LOL:
136, apparently. Not sure I trust a web-based IQ test, though.

Called me a "Visual Mathemetician", which seems odd, because I've always found certain sectors of math to be an uphill slog.
Hah... seems everyone's a 'visual mathemetician'... even me! :)

129... I knew my intelligence was dropping off (I've taken others and this is the my all-time low! :eek:)... damn... oh well, still good enough! :p

How ya like that?! 100kb exactly!
BAH! i think i'm getting dumber. lowest i've ever scored ;(

edit: hmm i just read this thing, and they don't base part of the score off of time? hmmmmm do ANY online IQ tests go by time? is there even a way to time it online? anyways, this should be timed :angry: hehehe
149, but im sure thats wrong.
I took a different one and got 70 :/
SpuD said:
149, but im sure thats wrong.
I took a different one and got 70 :/

i think it's because these are all online. tough to get any sort of accurate gauge. the tests really need to be timed, and in levels of difficulty. but of course that comprehensive a test could only be taken at a clinic, or wherever, with a psychologist to analyze the stuff.
Well, I just got a plain 100 :|, I tried on the first lot, but then I got bored so I started randomly clicking :D
Your IQ score is 133 :eek:

This means you are highly intelligent and have the natural fluency of a writer and the visual and spatial strengths of an artist. Those skills contribute to your creative and expressive mind. And that's just some of what we know about you from your test results.
IQ tests dont really show your true intelligence because it calls for prior knowladge of a sort.

This means you are gifted at spotting patterns — both in pictures and in numbers. These talents combined with your overall high intelligence make you good at understanding the big picture, which is why people trust your instincts and turn to you for direction — especially in the workplace. And that's just some of what we know about you from your test results.

Internet IQ tests are usually rubbish, anyway.
Majestic XII said:
Your IQ score is 115!


i r teh smarter than simmo!

I randomly clicked the last page so, my results dont show anything. :p

Ill take it again sometime and 0wn your puny result :cheese: lol
I don't really think that this score is accurate for me since my mothertongue isn't English, and a few of the words confused me :p but heres my score:

Your IQ score is 117

Your Intellectual Type is Precision Processor. This means you're exceptionally good at discovering quick solutions to problems, especially ones that involve math or logic. You're also resourceful and able to think on your feet.
Hmmm i answered every question wrong and i came out with this...

I.Q 77
You have the unusual distinction of being equally good at math and verbal skills. This means you are a creative thinker and are uniquely good at teaching others through experiences. You are also a great improviser and very good at handling change.
135! :D But yeah, they don't really give a good indication of actual intelligence. (Computers have been made that can get 100% on many different IQ tests but i wouldn't consider them intelligent)
Intellectual type: Visual Mathematician.
Isnt 130 actually supposed to be the average? At least, in this country anyway. It could be higher/lower in others.

But anyway, like i said. I.Q test require prior knowladge of certain things which means it cant possibly guage your intelligence. The perfect axample was Maxi because English isnt his own laguage. So there will be things in the test that he wont know because he doesnt know the English language as well as an English person might.

There was one part of the test where is mentions the cynic. Well if you ahve never heard that saying or you have heard another version which does your quality or something instead of value then you will get it wrong.
I got 118, and described me as a visual mathematition. But i think some of the questions are just plane sick.

"A Fallacious argument is..."
What the hell is fallacious mean? I've never come across that word before. Like myself, who else hasn't come across that word before.

And some questions are just repetitive in nature, such as this one:
"If some wicks are slicks, and some slicks are snicks, then some wicks are definitely snicks." This is just wrong to have in a IQ test. Come up with proper questions!!!

This has just occured to me, you will be able to sue the board of education for mental strain after coming across one of these.

Half of the questions on that test were reminiscent of the Halflife quiz that I mentioned a few weeks ago.
all mthese IQ tests have different averages. There was one on the telly that i got 118 on, and the average was about 100 or less, then there was an internet one where both the average and my score was significantly higher.
I got 131! But that sounds lame compared with other scores i've seen. If the national average is 100 then we're definately all geeks. ;)

I'm a Word Warrior!
I"A Fallacious argument is..."
What the hell is fallacious mean? I've never come across that word before. Like myself, who else hasn't come across that word before.

fallacious is derived from the word "fallacy" which means 'false'. eg. "his statement was a fallacy" ---> "his statements was fallacious" ---> "his statements was false"...they all mean the same thing.
Pauly said:
i got 113 yea!! whats the USA average, 2?
Well, I know for sure that it's not 110 or whatever Test the Nation said it was (like a year ago :)). They based the US "national IQ average" entirely on the tests completed online, which begs the question, Did all ~300 million residents of the US take the show's test? And wouldn't everyone who took the test have to be intelligent enough to use the Internet and the TtN website properly?
How come I can't attach a pic? Whats the max file size? Anywhere I can get it hosted?
jabberwock95 said:
How come I can't attach a pic? Whats the max file size? Anywhere I can get it hosted?

max file size is 100k.