Whats your IQ? Take the test and find out

Frank said:
I once told my old class about intelligence, and I made them take an IQ test on Mensa's website...
One of them got 75...that's NOT good...

omg... heh... that's almost forrest gumpish. ah well, look what all he did in his life.

and bad^hat, it means you are the chosen one... of starting new pages...

but on the other hand...

you have different fingers
Mines a 116 but this dumb test thinks im a 136. Maybe its some sort of online morale booster in disguise.
138 visionary philosopher here

and for the color quiz:
"His natural ability to examine everything with critical discrimination has been distorted into an attitude of harsh disapproval, which opposes and denigrates without regard to the real facts."
that part is right on.