When will they reveal Multiplayer?

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MaDMaXX said:
Like i said, "multiplayer" isn't on the hl2 menu screen.

again,, we saw that menu 6 months ago, and to be honest, with the background and all, it looked temporary.
I thought there was a never screenshot of the HL2 menu and it had a multiplayer option
clarky003 said:
that was 6 month's ago dude.
How are you counting months? E3 was in May. At that time, they also claimed the code was finished, needing only bug fixing and level tweaking.
JPack said:
How are you counting months? E3 was in May. At that time, they also claimed the code was finished, needing only bug fixing and level tweaking.

oh yeh my bad, it was 5 months ago :P still.. a while back and we dont know if that's their final design implemented.. + why would they want to show the finished games menu screen to the public that far in advance, the thing is we dont know, but the menu doesnt look finished atall,, more of a temp Dev menu.

Im guessing the final menu will opt for a more HL style menu, rather than putting a CS:S screenshot in the background, lol.
Neither was Friends on CSS.

If we want hl2dm, its gonna be the same as hldm, what were people expecting, just wait for the conversion.
Varsity said:
Neither was Friends on CSS.


+ physic's object's, ragdoll off of rocket launcher's, phys gun could be implemented.

driving the buggy, hit and run's,

Gordon player model,

(if theres a gordon player model, stands to good reason it will be used for MP)

Manipulator only match's , in C17 maps, or on the coast, maybe bots? combine Bots. Gunships etc, for TDM.

chi ching, (brainstorm) :D

if there is a Gordon Player model in the preloaded character model files ;););),

someone check :smoking: !
Lets face it only Valve knows the details of HL2 multiplayer. The question is, why only a matter of weeks from the games release are we still speculating. I cant understand Valve motives for not telling there customers. My own opinion is they aint said anything because there is none. :(
clarky003 said:
oh yeh my bad, it was 5 months ago :P still.. a while back and we dont know if that's their final design implemented.. + why would they want to show the finished games menu screen to the public that far in advance, the thing is we dont know, but the menu doesnt look finished atall
Err... it's 4 months.

Personally, I'd say it's fairly final. If you read some of the e-mail responses posted here from Valve, at one point, they were aiming for an RC by July 30.
JPack said:
Err... it's 4 months.

Personally, I'd say it's fairly final. If you read some of the e-mail responses posted here from Valve, at one point, they were aiming for an RC by July 30.

well it doesnt look final, :smoking:

and yes 'aiming' is the word they used, but like I said, if anyone could find the gordon player model in the preload files, then that would almost comfirm it, as the gordon player model is only used in MP.
it dosent make sense for a company like valve to only release cs:s as the only multiplayer. its been stated that cs:s began simply to test how easy it was to port a multiplayer portion of the HL1 engine to source. i think they had a more creative multiplayer in mind from the beginning, one that could take full advantage of the physics and new engine. thats why theyve kept it a secret, because it probably came about early in the production of HL2.
poseyjmac said:
actually he doesn't say that. and also for LAN play, the manipulator with serverside physics would probably work just fine.

Imho this is the key thing : (but be lagged ofcourse). I doubt Valve would implent anything that would cause lag. :rolling:
Why would Valve need to say that there won't be a manipulator in mp if there weren't a mp?

They couldn't be talking about CS:S, since no weapon additions have been made at all.

They couldn't be talking about mods, since any moron would be able to add in a manipulator and not have to worry about performance issues.

Using actual logic instead of basing my opinion on absolutely nothing, I think we can hope for the best.
I'm sorry, you mis-understand, the build you guys have seen is actually about 9 months old, the build i played was current as of last thursday (9th)
MaDMaXX said:
I'm sorry, you mis-understand, the build you guys have seen is actually about 9 months old, the build i played was current as of last thursday (9th)

Erm.... explain?
Half life deathmatch was so boring, just full or people with wicked guns , while you spawn with a pistol and are rocketed within 3 seconds of spawning.

Counter strike source and CS/CZ are so much better
Its CS:S , seriously just handle it...

If there is a hl2 mp dm... i will very surprised... dont get your hopes up.
MaDMaXX said:
I'm sorry, you mis-understand, the build you guys have seen is actually about 9 months old, the build i played was current as of last thursday (9th)

Are you saying that you recently played HL2? That will be hard to believe.
the CS universe is so boring compared to hl2's. makes me yawn just to think about it. hl2's universe would be much more interesting to make a MP game from plus if the vehicles were somehow integerated, it could make for some fun stuff.
I don't see the logic in trying to release CS as HL2's stand alone MP experience. Valve isn't that that arrogant. Or are they?
hunteraz said:
CS:Source is the only multiplayer included with Half-Life 2.

Show me the proof, VALVe has never said that CS:S is the only mp.

Ignorance leads to evil.
I'm not sure why people are making assumtions about HL2's multiplayer.

They originally had stated that HL2's multiplayer will be kept a secret.
They also said the HL engine games will be ported to Source.
Gabe has said in an interview that he played HL2's MP all the time. Then HL2 got delayed.
Now CSS just began this past year and they just started the beta for it. DoD isn't finished and HL:Source just got RC sent to Vivendi.

Now Doug said that if you buy HL2 you also get CSS which would otherwise be available separate. It is a separate product.
The only statement you can get confused on is Jess Cliffe's when he stated that CSS is the only MP that would be included (packaged, not integrated) with HL2. That means not DoD:Source or others but just CSS. HL2 MP is still a secret. ;)
clarky003 said:
again,, we saw that menu 6 months ago, and to be honest, with the background and all, it looked temporary.

Sorry, was replying to this.
GuNzABlaZiN said:
Are you saying that you recently played HL2? That will be hard to believe.

Yes, i played it last tuesday and last thursday.
MaDMaXX said:
Yes, i played it last tuesday and last thursday.

In your dreams maybe...or perhaps if you worked at Vivendi. Other than that, you're one crazy ass mofo.
Kiva128 said:
In your dreams maybe...or perhaps if you worked at Vivendi. Other than that, you're one crazy ass mofo.

No, not in my dreams, i don't have dreams that good, i was in visiting Valve, i'm on the NS Dev team. I went back thursday to help out and hang out with the DOD guys.
CreedoG said:
Did you bother to click the multiplayer link in the main HL2 menu?

Read back a page or so, there is no "multiplayer" link from within hl2's menu.
You flew all the way from England to Washington to play a game. Yeah, I believe you, pal.
GuNzABlaZiN said:
You flew all the way from England to Washington to play a game. Yeah, I believe you, pal.

Actually, i didn't, i flew all the way from england to oregon, then drove to washington to play a game.

I also visited some freinds in oregon and shot some guns, as we're banned from using/owning them in the UK.
Nobody is gonna believe unless you post photos or somethng. You did take photos, right?
GuNzABlaZiN said:
Nobody is gonna believe unless you post photos or somethng. You did take photos, right?

Gah, not many tbh, i didn't get my new camera till i left on tuesday night, i was kinda busy thursday; anyway, here is a pic of Matt and John from the DOD team in their office, with Grepdashv from the NS team on the bottom left.
dod office
MaDMaXX I'm 99.99999% sure you are completely full of shit. How about some proof?
iamaelephant said:
MaDMaXX I'm 99.99999% sure you are completely full of shit. How about some proof?

Hmm, what sort of proof are you after?

Thanks for the complement by the way :/