which gun should I buy?

secret friend

May 13, 2006
Reaction score
I am turning 21 next month and I am buying a gun. A Deagle or an AWP will do.

ha ha.

No seriously, which gun should I buy?
You are most likely to get a lot of people in here that hate guns and they'll let you know. Take cover.
buy the gun that fires love and happiness into this world

only then will i celebrate the destruction of morrissey's celebacy when i mated with his left ass cheek last week
secret friend said:
lol @ kamikaze. If they hate guns so much why do they play HL2 then?
Because killing things in a computer game and killing things in real life are very different things, and some of us are capable of clearly delineating between the two. I'm one of the ones kami warned about, but I'm not going off in this thread :P had enough of that yesterday with that capital punishment thread :D

Why're you buying a gun, though?
I don't want to use my gun to kill.

I just want it for protection.

It will help me sleep at night.
secret friend said:
I don't want to use my gun to kill.

I just want it for protection.

if you look at that a certain way, it could be considered an innuendo
If it's your first rifle, I'd start out with a .22 long rifle. Best gun for a beginner and a longtime fave of experts. It's not 'bad' or anything it's just perfect and easy for anyone to use and take care of.

If you're not trained enough with firearms to know exactly how to use them in situations and the mechanics of them, do NOT buy for self defense. Start out for sport, learn the basics, gain experience and knowledge and THEN make a purchase for self defense
RakuraiTenjin said:
If it's your first rifle, I'd start out with a .22 long rifle. Best gun for a beginner and a longtime fave of experts. It's not 'bad' or anything it's just perfect and easy for anyone to use and take care of.

I still have my 22.but I dont have the time to go out in the dessrt and use it :(
Lemonking said:
I still have my 22.but I dont have the time to go out in the dessrt and use it :(
They're a shitload of fun aren't they? :) Rounds are cheap as dirt too.
I would really buy a Deagle. Then I can run to Lemonking's house and say "Haha ur USP Elite suckz lolololololol owned"

EDIT: by running, I mean with the knife out of course.
well,I live in the middle of a city,might as well sell it,I never get the chance to use it..Im sure its fun as heck shooting cans :P
I doubt you would hit with that thing.unles you have arms of steel

secret friend said:
I am turning 21 next month and I am buying a gun. A Deagle or an AWP will do.

ha ha.

No seriously, which gun should I buy?

Buy a hooker instead.
Buy some sense or better locks or an alarm for protection rather than a killing device. "i love my ****ing guns!" *masturbates* Too many of these people about!
secret friend said:
I don't want to use my gun to kill.

I just want it for protection.

It will help me sleep at night.
A AWP is not going to much good protection for some one coming at you with a knife, is it? go for the Deagle.
Use a baseball bat, or your fists...
You ****ing pussy. :|
secret friend said:
lol @ kamikaze. If they hate guns so much why do they play HL2 then?

Because we DON'T want to use guns in real life?
Sparda said:
A AWP is not going to much good protection for some one coming at you with a knife, is it? go for the Deagle.
If as a beginner he wants to break his wrist, I'd agree.
If you want to crack a few bones, by all means, go for the Deagle. I think the AWP is a better choice.
But I still cant understand why you would want a gun, unless there's too much crime in your neighbourhood.
Don't buy a damn deagle, its impractical and pointless.

If your looking for stopping power get yourself a good .45, you can get a decent buy on a 1911 and it'll knock someone the **** down.

At my current job(8152 BSG usmc security forces, with 1f1) we use baretta m9s but honestly its not the easiest gun to learn with. I love em(and the fact that they are taking them from us is bullshit) but I wouldn't buy one for myself.

If I had my choice, I would buy a sig p228 or a USP. But thats just me.

By the way, if your looking for home protection I would go with a shotgun. The m1014 is the USMCs new shotgun and I get a hardon every time I fire one. Load buckshot, slug, slug slug, etc. First shot ****s em up and tells you where to aim then you blow them in half with slugs. ****. yes. I have no idea if there is a civy model, but assuming there is I ****ing love that gun.
Please take my advice and start with a .22 at a range with someone to guide you if you're a beginner though, wasn't messing around.
secret friend said:
I don't want to use my gun to kill.

I just want it for protection.

It will help me sleep at night.
l o l

yes I live in a bad neighborhood, and last year someone broke into our house.

the person who said something about the AWP not being very effective against someone wielding a knife is correct ha ha

I want a handgun that can do some real damage. not like the stupid default CS handguns that do like 15 % damage. I think a shotgun would be helpful only if you have very good aim, otherwise you'll get shot in the face while you reload
Thats why you load buckshot first. You take out the area of a door with the first shot then use the impact to judge where you need to aim with the slugs.

If you cant aim a shotgun your target is still dead. Its a shotgun.

If you cant aim a pistol you waste 16 rounds in 4 seconds and dont hit shit. If you dont believe me find a friend with a handgun and go shooting.

I can tac reload a pistol and continue engaging in about 1.5 seconds, it takes me maybe 1 to get a shell into the breach of a 1014 and get that extra shot downrange. I would take the shotgun in a second, and I am a very good shot with both.
I agree with Homer, if you must get a gun for defence make it a shotgun, the spraying effect from the shot will make it easier to hit whatever you're shooting at. But you shoudn't keep firing at them if they're running off in the distance, obviously it's a shorter distance of a gun.
With all respect to Homer's judgement on shotguns etc, he is in the USMCs and doing army related stuff, the thread starter is 21 and living in a house, is he needing a shotgun that can can be used in a real war? Unbelievable.
I'm not a huge fan of guns for self-defense, but if you must, get an IMI Jericho 941. Then you can be rockin' it Cowboy Bebop style.