Why Apple?


Apr 16, 2006
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Why do people like Apple and MacBooks? Is it because they dont like MS?? I dont understand it, what does the Mac OS do that MS OS's cant?

I like the fact that you can emulate Windows on a MAC though
They're all pretty colours and since there's only 1 mouse button you won't get confused by silly popup menus.
u see thats the response I get from alot of Mac users.... is it a 'I wanna be different' thing? U know different from the norm, seems to me people that use macs are people who wanna stand out from the crowd.

Seriously, what can Macs do that PC+Windows cant?
+10 to all saving throws vs upgrades?
thats true. I need a laptop to do some web developing, casual old style gaming (UT, Age of Empires, Starcraft and the likes) and internet browsing. Will a MAC cut it? The one im looking at has a Dual Core 2Ghz CPU with 2GIG ram but only 120GB HD.
I honestly haven't met anyone who has used both that doesn't praise the Mac like it's better in every way.

The OS is just better in every way apparently.

I've heard that every idea Microsoft has, is a copy of something Apple did first.

I've been told that Macintosh is the superior platform for things like media editing. I've been told things like, NO, you can't get a job doing graphics editing with a Windows PC. But I'm not sure I believe it. My PC is perfect for everything.

And, almost any program is available for Windows, where you are lucky to find mac compatible programs.

And, it plays tons more games.

And, I can upgrade it

And, it's cheap.

I'll probably never own a Mac
Why do people like Apple and MacBooks? Is it because they dont like MS?? I dont understand it, what does the Mac OS do that MS OS's cant?

I like the fact that you can emulate Windows on a MAC though

why do people like bmw or rolex when ford and timex make the same products?

Eejit said:
They're all pretty colours and since there's only 1 mouse button you won't get confused by silly popup menus.

stuck in 1998 are you?

have you heard of that new technology called USB? it allows you to plug in any mouse on the market into your mac ..even pc mice :O ..isnt technology great?

2 buttons? that's unpossible

and I dont understand this "it's expensive" justification ..do people prefer Dodge Neons over say a Corvette cuz it's cheaper? or do they prefer it because it's all they can afford? and then there's the "it doesnt play games justification" which almost always follows the "it's cheaper" justification ..completely ignorant that they are being hypocritical seeing as how pc gamers will spend $1000's JUST to play games ..you cannot sit there and slam apple for being too expensive yet think nothing of spending money on hardware that's designed to do one thing: play games
I use both regularly at work and I prefer windows by far.

Macs aren't easier to use unlike what most people think. The biggest improvement over windows is the fact that they don't use a Registry, so to install stuff you just copy and paste folders on your hard drive.

I'm a PC specialist for my university's finance office and I have to fix both Macs and PCs on a daily basis. Trust me, they're both essentially the same.

But for me, a PC all the way.
stuck in 1998 are you?

have you heard of that new technology called USB? it allows you to plug in any mouse on the market into your mac ..even pc mice :O ..isnt technology great?

2 buttons? that's unpossible

Joking is serious business.

A friend of mine who's a big Mac fan always raves about them, and they do look great for video editing etc. like he says. But I haven't used a Mac extensively since the Macintosh Classic was around. Being impossible to upgrade and sometimes limited support from programs and games turns me off.
As does their advertising campaign -.-
I hate Macs, Apple, and the OS-whatever operating system. They are in no way "better" than PC's, they're stupidly expensive and frustratingly proprietary, and they're so very much NOT idiot-proof. You can **** up a Mac easily, just in different ways.

I would know because I used one in my media editing classes. GarageBand, Photoshop, Final Cut Pro, hooray. Let's watch the invincible iMac Pro crash repeatedly when opening them.
Pull up background dashboard thing (click both sides of mouse).
Select calculator.
Multiply 999 by 999 repeatedly.
Enjoy faulty software.
The funniest thing is designers paying ?700+ ($1400+) just to run Photoshop and InDesign. Waste of money.
Because this planet is filled with douchebags that think they are part of some revolution only they know about.
I had to use Macs solely for a semester of a video editing class I took last year. I wanted to eat a bullet. I hate those ****ing things. They're "user friendly" in all the wrong ways, mainly making it a ****ing bitch to do anything remotely advanced. On numerous occasions I found myself tricking the Mac with workarounds into doing what I wanted, whereas on PC there are far simpler way to accomplish advanced tasks. This complaint is labeled primarily at Apple's own proprietary software.

Secondly, I had more crashes on this ****ing piece of shit than I've experienced since Windows 98. The video editing software would crash constantly, to the point where I had to save every five minutes which took a ton of time. And Mac's aren't inherently better at running video editing software than PC's, that's bullshit cooked up by Apple PR. They might be better for mom and pop to put together a cute little video compilation or for hipsters to make annoying little video snippets, but they're useless for advanced editing. The far superior third party programs don't run any better on Macs...

Then there's the Ipod, which is an overpriced, underfeatured, overrated MP3 player that took everyone by storm because they wanted to be as trendy and hip as that douchebag in the commercials. There are literally dozens of better products out there. But hey, to hell with all those fags that use products that are affordable and work, Apple is cool. Stern was right in comparing them to Rolex's or BMW's. You don't buy an Apple because of the practicality or usefulness of it, you buy it as a status symbol and to feel better about yourself
you've twisted my words somewhat ..brand loyalty fits in there somewhere .oh apple has 75% of the mp3 player market ..they cant all be part of the bandwagon ..I myself have 3 ipods
Well, there are two type of people. Those who've used macs and those who haven't.

Most of those who've used macs like em, those who haven't just don't have a clue.

They ARE better. And if you look at the macs percentage of all computers, it's been on the rise.
My parents just bought the three of us a new iMac. I begged for money to choose my own but they (mostly my dad) wanted to "try" an iMac. Mostly because of the looks (=/) and simplicity and to try something new.

It is frustrating for me right now because i have to get used to using some of the Mac features that are different than XP.

I am really no indifferent between XP and OSX. I like the iMac because it is nice and quiet, and having everything in a 24" monitor looks really awesome to me. I will probably enjoy it alot more once of figure out how to use the nifty little programs on it and get Boot Camp which will allow for XP to be run.

The only thing i wish is that Apple (or major software companies) would make support for both OS's.

I think in a little bit down the road i will save up to buy an XP machine that is wicked fast. =D

Overall, i enjoy using it right now and i would give it a 4.5/5.
Macs cater to a certain group of people. They apply to people in a band because Mac has the whole ipod thing with song maker, etc. Then you got people in the film industry who makes movies, etc. That's it mainly other than some retard who gets it as a personal computer. So basically Macs are designed for the music and film industry.
dont forget professionals ..my family doctor, a very successful family doctor from a family of family doctors in one othe richest neighbourhoods in canada has her office littered with more than a dozen of the latest 24" imacs ...so does the law firm where my sister in law works at

macs also appeal to professionals who dont have a lot of time to be messing with their computers ..they're the same people who drive audis and live in expensive homes ..who wants a clunky pc in your $50,000 furnished office when you can have an elegantly designed, fits with the decor mac? ..look people dont give me this false modesty bullshit: "macs are for people who want to belong" ..we ALL want to belong, are you people saying there's not a single thing you own that isnt some sort of status symbol? from the car you drive to the shoes you wear to the music you listen ..it's ALL status symbol ..so why are macs different than a rolex or a jaquar? there is only one explanation: the most obvious one
Using a Mac to spite Microsoft is like running away from home and taking daddy's credit card. Either move to a Linux distro or shut the hell up.

That is all.
macs also appeal to professionals who dont have a lot of time to be messing with their computers ..they're the same people who drive audis and live in expensive homes ..who wants a clunky pc in your $50,000 furnished office when you can have an elegantly designed, fits with the decor mac? ..look people dont give me this false modesty bullshit: "macs are for people who want to belong" ..we ALL want to belong, are you people saying there's not a single thing you own that isnt some sort of status symbol? from the car you drive to the shoes you wear to the music you listen ..it's ALL status symbol ..so why are macs different than a rolex or a jaquar? there is only one explanation: the most obvious one

If that justifies the cost to you then so be it, more power to you. It doesn't bother me that people gain enjoyment or comfort from owning things like fancy cars, watches, or a Mac in this case ... it's the air of superiority they seem to gain from owning it. You can't deny that it is clearly systematic of large portions of the Apple userbase and clearly evident in their advertising campaigns. This might be more acceptable if this elitist campaign was founded in reality, as is arguably the case with a BMW for instance. But here you really are paying more for a markedly more expensive product that is significantly worse. They sell inferior, overpriced, all be it stylized products to a typically snobby hipster demographic.

Though I do enjoy the irony in seeing someone who just shelled out a ridiculous amount of money for a Mac brag about how it can run Windows now...
If that justifies the cost to you then so be it, more power to you. It doesn't bother me that people gain enjoyment or comfort from owning things like fancy cars, watches, or a Mac in this case ... it's the air of superiority they seem to gain from owning it.

and this is something new? why buy any product over the other if their isnt a precieved "betterness" (for lack of a better word)

You can't deny that it is clearly systematic of large portions of the Apple userbase and clearly evident in their advertising campaigns.

that is indicative of every single advertising campaign out there ..that's the whole point behind advertising ..we have long ago stop selling products but rather selling lifestyles, every last product out there is more than just the sum of it's parts or functionality; it's the promise of what it can do for you ..expensive jeans make you feel better, pricey glasses make you look hip etc etc ..seriously why do you need a "better" car or a bigger tv? you dont need these products but because it suits your lifestyle choice you want it ..so if you believe ps3 is better than xbox360 it's because it suits your lifestyle ..I thought you'd understand brand loyalty of all people

This might be more acceptable if this elitist campaign was founded in reality, as is arguably the case with a BMW for instance. But here you really are paying more for a markedly more expensive product that is significantly worse. They sell inferior, overpriced, all be it stylized products to a typically snobby hipster demographic.

then you know nothing of industrial design, they win design awards consistently their marketing wins marketing awards, if it were just a lot of hot air it wouldnt have had such a following for so long ..the masses may be stupid but they're not that stupid ..there are a ton of products out there that are no different than other products except the perception of being better ..high price shampoos are no better than low priced shampoos in that they both do the same job but the perception that it is better is there, it's been ingrained by a barrage of marketing design to do just that

Though I do enjoy the irony in seeing someone who just shelled out a ridiculous amount of money for a Mac brag about how it can run Windows now...

most people who use macs in their work also use pcs, it's unavoidable ..dont pigeon hole a whole segment of the population just because you think it's that way, it's not

anyways as a personal aside the biggest segment of former pc people moving to mac are programmers (that I've noticed) ..usually mid 20-30's who are former pc gamers who given it up for the xbox360 and eventually swear off pcs altogther once they get a mac laptop ..seriously it seems like it's the new trend

the reality is that apple doesnt make computers for you people ..gamers/students, they dont target you people in their advertising campaigns, they dont even target pc users ..apple owns 4% of the market share, they are not a threat to pcs in terms of numbers of units sold ..but in terms of who they target they long ago won the hearts and minds ..they've purposefully put themselves in a niche market and they're quite successful at it because they dont just sell the operating system they sell the pc that runs it
If that justifies the cost to you then so be it, more power to you. It doesn't bother me that people gain enjoyment or comfort from owning things like fancy cars, watches, or a Mac in this case ... it's the air of superiority they seem to gain from owning it. You can't deny that it is clearly systematic of large portions of the Apple userbase and clearly evident in their advertising campaigns. This might be more acceptable if this elitist campaign was founded in reality, as is arguably the case with a BMW for instance. But here you really are paying more for a markedly more expensive product that is significantly worse. They sell inferior, overpriced, all be it stylized products to a typically snobby hipster demographic.

Though I do enjoy the irony in seeing someone who just shelled out a ridiculous amount of money for a Mac brag about how it can run Windows now...

The computer I am using right now was built by myself for a total of $1800 in August 2006. It is better than an iMac that you pay over $2000 for today. Goddamn ridiculous.
Oh I know.

I'm just saying that for about $1400 or less (my parts were more expensive a year and a half ago) you can build a computer superior to a $2100 iMac.

[edit] Hmm. I was looking at the American site before. Anyway, this is what you get for $1900 Canadian:

2.4GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
1GB memory
320GB hard drive
8x double-layer SuperDrive
ATI Radeon HD 2600 PRO with 256MB memory

And this is what I got for $1450 Canadian - minus a monitor - a year and a half ago:
2.4ghz Athlon64 X2 Dualcore
2GB Memory
ATI Radeon X1900XT 512MB

Plus a keyboard and mouse far superior to Apple's, a custom GPU heatsink, a high quality PSU and case, etc.

Case in point: iMacs are stupidly expensive.
but your pc isnt an all in one that sits on your desk with only 2 cords (power/cable jack)

incidentily I havent owned a mac in about 4 years and build all my own pcs ...but I'm a pc gamer so...
Well if I ever need an all-in-one machine with only two cords, I'll make sure to re-evaluate my needs and realize that having a tangle of cords is worth saving $700 :p
Well if I ever need an all-in-one machine with only two cords, I'll make sure to re-evaluate my needs and realize that having a tangle of cords is worth saving $700 :p

but that's the point ..some people would gladly spend an extra $700 for sex appeal ..it's what's been selling cars for decades
The issue isn't whether or not people will pay extra for sex appeal. It's whether or not people are making poor financial decisions based on sex appeal.

We all do it. Hell, I spent eighty dollars on my keyboard because the keys are backlit and it has an LCD. Doesn't mean it was a good purchase.
but that's the point ..some people would gladly spend an extra $700 for sex appeal ..it's what's been selling cars for decades

But usually when you pay more for a watch, or a car, or anything else the thing you bough will be better than a similar product priced much cheaper. With macs this isn't the case. You are paying more for shit because of a good marketing strategy.
hell no, especially since ncix had it on sale for $59 recently :O ;)

anyways, people spend their money on how they see sit ..some people like nicely designed products, some people like spending money on replacing their teeth with gold caps ..to each his own

and there is no doubt that mac are better designed than any pc ..there is not a single pc vendor that comes close to apples industrial design
The whole marketing campaign is bullshit.

"Haha, PCs crash and Macs don't!" I used one, and it crashed more in one week than my PC did in a year.
"Macs have better software!" Too bad you can get that software on PC. And if you can't, you can get a nearly-identical program by a different company.
"Macs are more user-friendly!" Sure, if you're never going to do more than use Safari and change your desktop background.

No. Just no, no no.

[edit] That was a continuation of No Limit's post.

Stern, I already said, I KNOW that people will pay more for a nicer-looking product. I'm not saying it should be illegal for people to do that. That's stupid. I'm saying that your money is much better spent on a product with more functionality than a product with more effort put into its look.
I made the move from PC to Mac just before my birthday in December. My dad loves Apple computers - he always has, right from the early days - and he muchs prefers them even though he's been using Windows a similar amount of years. Basically, he likes to do his work without any hassle which I can understand as we've never had great success with PC's working fluently. He's an architect, so computers are a big part of his job, it's just given the choice he prefers to work trouble free and is much more enjoying using a Mac.

As said, I made the move myself. My PC was crap. I'm not a big PC gamer so there was no point in updating to make it better, but either way, now that I've got used to using a Mac I can honestly say I'm glad I did. When I was using a PC I still used music creation software, photoshop and whatnot, but not much. I was very lazy about it and all I can really offer as an excuse was that the PC just made a mountain out of a molehill of it all. My dad gave me his iBook and I just simply stopped procastrinating. I can't explain it.

We gave the iBook to my sister who, too, is much happier about using it than her old PC. I now use a MacBook which, again, my dad gave me as we only really used it for holidays. He uses the Intel downstairs which we had from the beginning.

I don't really want to get caught up in the Mac vs PC debates, all I'm saying is that I've seen a lot of difference since moving but more so on a personal level. I'm no techie, I've not a clue what's better for what but in my own physical needs I've not been happier using this.
I used macs for 10 years ..I can count the number of times it crashed on both hands and still have a few fingers left over ..also out of 4 macs only one needed to be fixed and that was covered by warrenty (faulty usb keyboard attachment, they sent me a new keyboard)

and the overwhelming majority of pc users never need to change any settings ..my friend who has been using pcs for 15 years day to day at his work but couldnt navigate his way around semi-complex pc things if his life depended on it ..again savvy users are the minority

Stigmata said:
I'm saying that your money is much better spent on a product with more functionality than a product with more effort put into its look.

i realise this but if that were true across the board Volvos would outsell every other car out there .."better" is a relative term
The only thing I've seen crash on all three Mac's running in our house is Firefox and Opera. Neither seem to be 100% stable with Mac's at the moment.
and there is no doubt that mac are better designed than any pc ..there is not a single pc vendor that comes close to apples industrial design

Design, maybe. Execution? No.

No one's perfect. Apple ****s up just as much as MS. Different companies, different philosophies. One has a raging drunkard heading it, the other a self-proclaimed messiah. No matter which you go with, you still get screwed somehow.
apples and oranges, microsoft sells software, apple sells both ..but yes there is no perfect product ..perfect products mean you'll never have to buy another one ..why would a manufacturer of anything purposely shoot themselves in the foot?
We use Macs in my Yearbook and Newspaper classes. And I hate them. Nothing works, nothing goes the way I want it to, and I hate the menu system. Maybe it's because I couldn't care less to actually find out how the Mac works (it doesn't), or maybe it's because Windows is so ingrained into my everyday thinking.
I used macs for 10 years ..I can count the number of times it crashed on both hands and still have a few fingers left over ..also out of 4 macs only one needed to be fixed and that was covered by warrenty (faulty usb keyboard attachment, they sent me a new keyboard)

and the overwhelming majority of pc users never need to change any settings ..my friend who has been using pcs for 15 years day to day at his work but couldnt navigate his way around semi-complex pc things if his life depended on it ..again savvy users are the minority

i realise this but if that were true across the board Volvos would outsell every other car out there .."better" is a relative term

Had ours for about one month and i can count crashes on my fingers with all of my fingers left. I love it.
Honestly, I haven't had a computer crash on me in years. I really don't know what the big deal is about a computer not crashing. Am I lucky?