Why I hate communists.

Btw, skip to 7:00. The main action is there.
Wow... I always thought you were at least borderline intelligent, numbers. This thread makes it very clear that you're a brainwashed simpleton.
Do you really mean to suggest that those soldiers did what they did because they were communists? Do you have so little understanding of politics, culture of the military and the mind of a soldier? Political systems have got generally got **** all to do with what abhorrences happen in warfare (Nazism aside). The militaries of capitalist cultures have done the same as this, and much worse, many many times over.
That is not a judgement on capitalism, that would be absurd. Same as your justification for hating communism.
I really had the impression South Korea was an outpost of prosperity, freedom and progressiveness in East Asia. Doesn't look like it, now.
Did you even watch the video from 7:00? Or read my posts?

This didn't happen in wartime.

Anyway, I know that political systems don't really have anything to do with what happens in wartime. I'm just expressing my disgust at what those bastards did, and it just happens that their political ideology is emphasized in this video that I saw at school. My justification for hating communism is its nature to have perpetual world revolution, defying social order and stability to have take from anyone who has more money than them..
WTF? WTF does team america have to do with this?
That question has been on my mind for quite some time now <_<

I asked it now because you said you weren't allowed to read Marx' books.
Uh.... TA is anti-NK. This would be promoted here....
Karl Marx had nothing to do with communist parties. He made a theory. He said that communism will emerge spontaneous, not under any communist leader's domination.

And people like you never know how a wonderful piece of job communists have managed all over the world. They dedicated a lot on the depopulation of the Earth, what a nice environmentalist! :p
Perhaps, but they're certainly misunderstaning him.
There is nothing wrong with communism other then it just doesn't work out in practice. If you have an unfounded hate for communism its probably because of captalist brain washing. I know it may sound absurd. The only reasons communism has been hated is 1) because the bourgeoisie want to stay as the bourgeoisie (therefore anti-communist propaganda) 2) because people do not know the difference between communism and stalinism. Get more educated on the subject. Read Karl Marx's work. I'm not promoting communism i just get pissed off when people start bashing it and don't even understand what it is.

Sigh. Right - Karl Marx wasn't proporting the creation of a communist state. He thought communism was the natural product of a historical trend involving the industrial revolution. Marx was an accountant who thought he'd discovered the laws of history.

It's based upon a 19th century view of the world whereby the creation of a closed society where labour was the main source of income was somewhat feasable.
While labour is still important in today's society, it is no longer the main source of income for a country. Imagination is. Societies are required to be relatively open in order to flourish and improve. This has been the case since before the First World War.

And on the 'good in theory but doesn't work in this imperfect world'-esque comments. An idea is NOT a good idea if it fails to take into account basic human nature. Simple-as.
What? Everyone here watched that. Its like a mandatory thing for elementary students.
Pretty much like numbers.

So as you can see, numbers and communism are almost one in the same.
Well, communists killed this boy and his entire family, except his brother who escaped. That shows that evil commie bastards need to be wiped out.

This boy became the very symbol of anti-communism and anti-communist education. This guy is in Ethics textbooks.

He's a national hero, a martyr.

Open your ****ing eyes for once. Communism isnt a problem, its the fanatical extremist people that live in North Korea. American soldiers have killed innocent civilians in Iraq, does that mean they are all Capitalist bastards that need to be wiped out? Of course it doesnt.
Well, I tend to equate the bastards with communists, mainly because of the social taboo. Until I turned 10, I thought that all comunists had wolves' heads and were monsters.

Pretty much like numbers.

So as you can see, numbers and communism are almost one in the same.

Shut up, commie.
Well, I tend to equate the bastards with communists, mainly because of the social taboo. Until I turned 10, I thought that all comunists had wolves' heads and were monsters.

Well, that just proves our point that your opinion on communism is purely established from a propagandistic, subjective and somewhat biased education.
Until I turned 10, that is.

I hate communism, because of its 'need' for perpetual world revolution, undermining social justice and order, destroying stability, and disestablishing the goverment. Also, I cannot understand why its justice to take from the rich.
Hitler wasn't a communist, in fact, he hated communism, yet he exterminated 6 million Jews and was responsible for countless more deaths. There're extremes of everything. It's no good just saying you hate communism, you should be saying you hate extremists.
I hate communism, because of its 'need' for perpetual world revolution, undermining social justice and order, destroying stability, and disestablishing the goverment.

Sounds more like anarchy than anything when you put it like that...
He wasn't killed by communists.


Did you see my video? From 7:00.

Note the red star.

And um.... the guys were communist.

Hitler wasn't a communist, in fact, he hated communism, yet he exterminated 6 million Jews and was responsible for countless more deaths. There're extremes of everything. It's no good just saying you hate communism, you should be saying you hate extremists.

Well, I suppose everyone has something good in them . :p

But really, its just the fact that they were killed by communists that make me angry at them. Perhaps the teacher's narration of the video, too, but still.
Just because communists killed him, doesn't make all communists inherently evil.

I'm sure that this case comes under logical fallacy by anecdote.
North Korea is as communist as zimbabwe is democratic.
Well, that's why we don't trust people who say "Let's be communist, lol"
because they turn into Kim Jong-Il and acquire a monopoly on power with their military, whilst everyone else was busy collectivising farming and nationalising industry.
Well, that's why we don't trust people who say "Let's be communist, lol"
because they turn into Kim Jong-Il and acquire a monopoly on power with their military, whilst everyone else was busy collectivising farming and nationalising industry.
Awesome point actually....

I wouldn't do that though, trust me.... - lol
Aye, however good people's intentions, there's always a big bastard out there to take advantage D:
Its funny to think that communist...and others think the same of us. They hate American's cuz...well look at us...I have nothing against our country, grante. But we are not the best people in the world either. I just thought it was neat to know. Irony....Thats your opinion.
Tell that to the the "Anti-Communist Boy Hero" who had his mouth ripped up, tell that to his brother, tell that to his entire family, tell that to the soldiers that died capturing the bastards.

You'll see my point.

I understand exactly that anti-communism education of Korea could be percieved as "propaganda" to other people, but to us, its an insurance of security.

How about you go and apologize to all the native americans who's people were unjustly being exterminated in the name of imperialism/capitalism. Or how about you hate Colombus who killed hundereds of Native Indians for no reason other then wanting their gold. Oh wait my bad you have day dedicated to him for discovering America.
ololol at the last three posts. D: at the thread in general.

Oh, and I'm an American, so **** off Kitfox.
But we don't have a day dedicated to him for killing all the native americans. Wtf, guys?
Anyway, I started this thread as a memorial to Lee Seung Bok.

I chose the wrong title, it turns out.
Anyway, I started this thread as a memorial to Lee Seung Bok.

I chose the wrong title, it turns out.

Maybe you're a closet commie? Like some homophobes are closet homosexuals.
Damn. I need to work on my title-creation skills.

Maybe you're a closet commie? Like some homophobes are closet homosexuals.

Nah. I'd know.

I wonder if you can actually know you're brainwashed. I'm perfectly aware of what my goverment does and teaches in school, and I know the effects of it too. But I support it a lot. Maybe I am really brainwashed, just aware of the effects of brainwashing but not seeing it in myself. This thread has made me wonder.......

Well, Numbers was in America once, so doesn't that make him a Korean-American?