Why I hate communists.

Numbers has read the Communist Manifesto, I think he has a little knowledge of what Communism is :rolleyes:
The problem with communism is that it's too perfect.

On paper everything works out, but once you apply it to the real world, you soon realize that it's something that cannot be done.
not entirely true. i believe it's problem is that it's based on revolution and confrontation, not compassion like it should be.

also, guys, for the love of jesus, can we be nice to 13537? i know a lot of you dislike him or think the things he says are ridiculous, but he's a person too and he demands just as much respect as everyone else, whether or not you agree with him.
not entirely true. i believe it's problem is that it's based on revolution and confrontation, not compassion like it should be.

also, guys, for the love of jesus, can we be nice to 13537? i know a lot of you dislike him or think the things he says are ridiculous, but he's a person too and he demands just as much respect as everyone else, whether or not you agree with him.

The problem occurs when you take a perfect concept and let it be run by imperfect beings. This goes for a lot of things that are meant to provide happiness, but in actuality, cause chaos.
The problem occurs when you take a perfect concept and let it be run by imperfect beings. This goes for a lot of things that are meant to provide happiness, but in actuality, cause chaos.
communism is not perfect
My family and I lived in communist Poland.

and what is your opinion on communism?

Me, my family was originally from Cuba but came to America some years after the revolution. I was born and raised in the US. I'm still getting a steady trickle of distant relatives from Cuba. Nothing they say is good. From Grandparent who was there when it happened, to parent that lived in the aftermath, to just recent relative that just arrived, to just about anyone else that came from over there. The message is always the same, Cuba has become a God awful shithole thanks to Communism.

That is my experience with it, or rather my family's experience. That is why i hate it. That is why is agree with 15357, because S. Korea runs the serious risk of having the same thing happening to them, thus they prepare accordingly. Meanwhile they are constantly having to deal with being undermined by communist sympathizers.
and what is your opinion on communism?

Me, my family was originally from Cuba but came to America some years after the revolution. I was born and raised in the US. I'm still getting a steady trickle of distant relatives from Cuba. Nothing they say is good. From Grandparent who was there when it happened, to parent that lived in the aftermath, to just recent relative that just arrived, to just about anyone else that came from over there. The message is always the same, Cuba has become a God awful shithole thanks to Communism.

That is my experience with it, or rather my family's experience. That is why i hate it. That is why is agree with 15357, because S. Korea runs the serious risk of having the same thing happening to them, thus they prepare accordingly. Meanwhile they are constantly having to deal with being undermined by communist sympathizers.

South Korea doesn't run any risk of being overran by North Koreans. The second North Korea makes a move, President Bush will have enough evidence to send forces there ASAP and I'm sure Japan would be right behind the US.

Ennui: No, it's a fact and that's why it was so heavily implemented.

On paper it goes like this: Every citizen will recieve the same as any other citizen, which would mean no crime, no poverty and no war. What do people call that? They call it a utopian society.

Was born in communist ran Lithuania and eventually came over the US. My Dad told me one time about how he got his first car. Basically anyone who was working was put on a wait list and when their name was reached, they would recieve a car, but if you quit or was fired, you had to resign up with a different job. My grandmother worked 17 years and finally, they got a car.
oh shit i forgot to unban you guys whoops
oh shit i forgot to unban you guys whoops

Yeah, and you didn't sign onto Xfire at all. I told Smoke to PM you this morning. Knowing him he was drunk and rolled up in a fetal position though.
and now i notice the one pm in my inbox D:

lol you three were all 'it doesn't matter, i don't care, its only a day, don't worry about it' last night anyway :p
Ok, Plato.
Edit:My Idea is perfect. My Idea doesn’t work. Therefore reality is imperfect.

Communism doesn't work when applied in a real world situation, but on paper, where things like earthquakes, storms, monsoons and hurricanes don't happen, communism works.
and now i notice the one pm in my inbox D:

lol you three were all 'it doesn't matter, i don't care, its only a day, don't worry about it' last night anyway :p

Yeah, til I got online this morning and was bored off my arse. I can't tell you how many threads I read, and hit reply just to see "You are not logged in" and I was like DAMNIT.

We were chill last night yeah. We got pwnt.
ha ha... oops...
[fixed it]
Edit: Maybe you misunderstood me here… In my first post where I was responding to you I was comparing your argument to plato’s republic as joke… in the second post I was also making a joke… No personal attack or anything in there…
If I create a theory that claims to do x things and it can’t do half of them; I just don’t say my theory is perfect but didn’t work…. I say my theory is crap. If you are different, no biggie dude..
South Korea doesn't run any risk of being overran by North Koreans. The second North Korea makes a move, President Bush will have enough evidence to send forces there ASAP and I'm sure Japan would be right behind the US.

Ennui: No, it's a fact and that's why it was so heavily implemented.

On paper it goes like this: Every citizen will recieve the same as any other citizen, which would mean no crime, no poverty and no war. What do people call that? They call it a utopian society.

Was born in communist ran Lithuania and eventually came over the US. My Dad told me one time about how he got his first car. Basically anyone who was working was put on a wait list and when their name was reached, they would recieve a car, but if you quit or was fired, you had to resign up with a different job. My grandmother worked 17 years and finally, they got a car.

Hahahaha. We may not be overrun, but we're certainly gonna get a shitload of damage.

"Every 4th round is a chemical round."
not entirely true. i believe it's problem is that it's based on revolution and confrontation, not compassion like it should be.
WTF are you on about? Compassion and altruism are some of the central aspects of communism! Communism is the only ideology which actually cares about the people, not the corporations and the capitalist class.
Communism is firmly grounded in the love of all things living, and the desire to see these people and animals live good lives, without opresssion and poverty. A life where everyone are given equal chances, a life where no-one is left behind. A life where one doesn't have to pay for such basic things as medical care and school, a life where the quality of your education and housing is not determined by the amount of money you have.
A life where we live in peace with our neighbours, a life where we share the resources of the earth for the good of everyone.
This is communism.

Because, don't you agree that there's something wrong with the world when some people live in enormous villas, while others live on the street and starve? Isn't there something wrong when getting medical care when you urgently need it can bankrupt you? Isn't there something wrong when a board of filthy capitalists decide what a company should or should not do, while it really should be the workers in said company who do that? Isn't there something terribly wrong when people are forced to take two jobs, just to survive?
No, there is definatly something very, very wrong with this capitalist world we live in. And communism is the only solution.

Communism doesn't work when applied in a real world situation, but on paper, where things like earthquakes, storms, monsoons and hurricanes don't happen, communism works.
Hrrm, Bolivia and Venezuela (and to some degree, Cuba) seem to be well on their way :) It will be interesting to see how these countries progress, and handle the many challenges of forming a true communist country. It will take time of course, many generations .. But I have all faith in them, eventually they will succeed. And then, the world will follow.
The revolution is inevitable. Capitalism has no chance of surviving :)
WTF are you on about? Compassion and altruism are some of the central aspects of communism! Communism is the only ideology which actually cares about the people, not the corporations and the capitalist class.
Communism is firmly grounded in the love of all things living, and the desire to see these people and animals live good lives, without opresssion and poverty. A life where everyone are given equal chances, a life where no-one is left behind. A life where one doesn't have to pay for such basic things as medical care and school, a life where the quality of your education and housing is not determined by the amount of money you have.
A life where we live in peace with our neighbours, a life where we share the resources of the earth for the good of everyone.
This is communism.

Because, don't you agree that there's something wrong with the world when some people live in enormous villas, while others live on the street and starve? Isn't there something wrong when getting medical care when you urgently need it can bankrupt you? Isn't there something wrong when a board of filthy capitalists decide what a company should or should not do, while it really should be the workers in said company who do that? Isn't there something terribly wrong when people are forced to take two jobs, just to survive?
No, there is definatly something very, very wrong with this capitalist world we live in. And communism is the only solution.

Hrrm, Bolivia and Venezuela (and to some degree, Cuba) seem to be well on their way :) It will be interesting to see how these countries progress, and handle the many challenges of forming a true communist country. It will take time of course, many generations .. But I have all faith in them, eventually they will succeed. And then, the world will follow.
The revolution is inevitable. Capitalism has no chance of surviving :)

I long for the time in which I was naive enough to have faith in humanity.
I long for the time in which I was naive enough to have faith in humanity.
Yeah, perhaps I am naive. But I really, really believe that people are good at heart. Perhaps not the current generation, seeing as we are to infected with capitalist propaganda. But perhaps the next? Or the one after that?
The main point is, communists will have to be brought up to be communists, brought up in an enviroment that encourages empathy and love :)
Because, don't you agree that there's something wrong with the world when some people live in enormous villas, while others live on the street and starve? Isn't there something wrong when getting medical care when you urgently need it can bankrupt you? Isn't there something wrong when a board of filthy capitalists decide what a company should or should not do, while it really should be the workers in said company who do that? Isn't there something terribly wrong when people are forced to take two jobs, just to survive?
No, there is definatly something very, very wrong with this capitalist world we live in. And communism is the only solution.

Well, no. And I'm really sorry for being filthy.

Anyway, the goverment cannot do everything, or it turns into totalitarianism.
An ideal communist society would be wonderful. Sadly, that will never happen.
you missed a country

Hrrm, Bolivia and Venezuela (and to some degree, Cuba) seem to be well on their way :) It will be interesting to see how these countries progress, and handle the many challenges of forming a true communist country. It will take time of course, many generations .. But I have all faith in them, eventually they will succeed. And then, the world will follow.
The revolution is inevitable. Capitalism has no chance of surviving :)

Castro is way too old at this point. I'm figuring when he dies, the US will somehow have a hand in the next leader.
Perhaps I should stock on some guns.....
and what is your opinion on communism?

Me, my family was originally from Cuba but came to America some years after the revolution. I was born and raised in the US. I'm still getting a steady trickle of distant relatives from Cuba. Nothing they say is good. From Grandparent who was there when it happened, to parent that lived in the aftermath, to just recent relative that just arrived, to just about anyone else that came from over there. The message is always the same, Cuba has become a God awful shithole thanks to Communism.

That is my experience with it, or rather my family's experience. That is why i hate it. That is why is agree with 15357, because S. Korea runs the serious risk of having the same thing happening to them, thus they prepare accordingly. Meanwhile they are constantly having to deal with being undermined by communist sympathizers.

It is good to have a positive outlook on humanity. Communism is suppose to be for the good of all human life. Unfortunatly it was a good pretext to get the greedy people into power. Currently all these countries that are communist rely on military might, which is not needed in a communist society. I belive that back in the USSR days if they dissarmed and fueled its military funding into the good of the people it would have succeed in showing that communism does work. But at the same time I see greedy capitalist nations being jealous and destroying the good communism could bring about. So USSR became heavily militarized as are communist countries to this day. So much funding went into trying to be better then capitalists that the people were negelcted to the point where many had to be killed in order for others to survive. Food for the people was scarce.

I remeber having to wait in line with my mother to get into the grocery store for food. I mean it wasn't that bad we got what we needed. But only one person was allowed in the store at one time. I have other stories but i don't really want to get into them.

So what i'm basically trying to say is that Communism will not work as long as the majority of the world is capitalistically well developed. This is due too fear, power, and greed. Lets say that capitalism was destroyed through military force. Would soviet russia have demilitarized? Nope. The people in power would have had to much power. The only way for communism to work is if there was no fear of capitalism.