Why treat your fans like this?

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its not about waiting so much as it is opening a door for us to go through and closing it in our face.

ow, you captured the feeling perfectly.
sHm0zY said:
Cry me a river. It's worth the wait.
Dude, sHm0zY, normally I very much respect your opinion and additions to threads, but not this time. That was uncalled for, man. :(

The delays are significant, in my opinion. It just shows how much moral and ethical strength they have. I barely have any respect or loyalty to them. In a weird way, it really pisses me off that they're the ones making this awesome game, because they don't deserve it at times.

I would never trust them with anything outside of a videogame.
I'm glad valve wasn't in charge of the apollo missions, we would have had a monument instead of a Moon Landing. And the disappointment would have been almost as intollarable. JK.lol
(TK)Deltashadow said:
I'm glad valve wasn't in charge of the apollo missions, we would have had a monument instead of a Moon Landing. And the disappointment would have been almost as intollarable. JK.lol

There already is a monument.
and be glad valve doesn't deliver prescription medication to peoples homes. i dont think that would work out too well
haha ... its not like they cancelled the game ... w00t
sometimes i do wonder..
These deadline "promises" are getting boring..
Valve should try something new..
sometimes i wonder ... what they think about us ... do they care? ... probably ... but probably not ... but im greatful ... i <3 the VALVe ... :monkee: :devil: :sniper: :afro: :P :angry: :p
I would rather valve keeps us in the dark than give us a load of bogus release dates! :)

Valve all we want is RESPECT! :frown:
Valve, no more release dates, let our local EB store call us when the HL2 reach them :)

[EDIT]: For those of us that preordered it :)
It could be worse, HL2 could be *gasp* Duke Nukem Forever!...or is it?
::forboding music plays::
CptStern said:
so? they still dont owe you anything

Will you PLEASE shut the **** up with that "owe"ing crap.

OWE?! wtf! No, they keep lying, thats the thing!

When they THINK they can do something, they go right out and say HEY this will be done tomorow! Yeah!

And now they dont even say anything about it. Not even reply as to WHY it happened . They'll wait like 3 days to tell us what happen.

I like most other people who have been waiting a full F***in year for this game am getting REALLY pissed at the same bullsh** they keep saying over and over.

You're right they dont owe us anything, but they dont have to lie and 'treat us the way they do'.. thats bull****..

Valve is a good example of creating false hype.
Someone take Gabe hostage and demand the release of half life 2! :sniper:

Note: this is a JOKE!!! please don't take gabe hostage! i don't want to be arrested! :D
Nope, Valve is a good example of a company run by people with great computer skills but horrible marketing skills.
I think that all the Valve guys are staying up late tonight, eating burritos, and doing tequila shots out of Gabe Newell's navel. Just my two cents.
I like Gabe and all, but that is a visual I really didn't need. :p
DarkStar said:
I think that all the Valve guys are staying up late tonight, eating burritos, and doing tequila shots out of Gabe Newell's navel. Just my two cents.

Thanks to that I lost my sexdrive and I don't think it'll be back for 2 weeks. Oh wait, here it is
lazicsavo said:
Thanks to that I lost my sexdrive and I don't think it'll be back for 2 weeks. Oh wait, here it is

HAhahahAH. You're funny! And sexy.
In my work, delaying a "product" by few hours is bad,
a day or more is very bad, and year late would be unthinkable.
You would lose that client forever.

So lets gather together to make our own game, and boycott Valve.
If you really want to piss them off somewhat then buy retail and not through Steam. Apparently they make ~25% more through Steam sales. Up to you.
They really do need to adopt a 'when it's done' policy for all things release date-related. For things like the pre-load, don't say shit until it has actually started to pre-load. Then make your PR rounds and contacting the various game sites about the news. TBH I don't know the release date history with id software, but as far as I know they didn't say squat until D3 went gold (excluding their delay last winter, was it?). I might be wrong on that, but to me it seemed like D3 suddenly went gold. It seemed like a refreshing surprise. For Half-Life 2 it's gonna be like 'the master copy was just sent to vivendi' 'whoops the mailman stole it. another three weeks.' We're going to be following every minute step of the distribution process of this game.
They owe you? Consider this.

You bought a 20-50 dollar game (Varying prices over the years). You bought a legal copy of Half-life... Nothing more, nothing less.

They spent that same money you gave to them for HL, on the development of HL2. They spend money on content servers for Steam, and beleive me, it's expensive. They waste 5 precious years of their life creating a game, which in the end, has no real purpose besides entertaining you and giving them money. That same money we gave them goes torward funding the next game on the list for development, those Steam servers, WON servers (when they were up), and money for them so they can live their lives. Now lets not forget about the mods. They give you many mods, which could have come at a price, for absolutely nothing. Those mods take time to make, so once again, they sacrifice many hours of their life.

I'd say they give us alot... more than we give them. Bitch all you want, but that small price you payed for a game 5 years ago didn't buy you anything else beyond that.
thefiznut said:
They owe you? Consider this.

You bought a 20-50 dollar game (Varying prices over the years). You bought a legal copy of Half-life... Nothing more, nothing less.

They spent that same money you gave to them for HL, on the development of HL2. They spend money on content servers for Steam, and beleive me, it's expensive. They waste 5 precious years of their life creating a game, which in the end, has no real purpose besides entertaining you and giving them money. That same money we gave them goes torward funding the next game on the list for development, those Steam servers, WON servers (when they were up), and money for them so they can live their lives. Now lets not forget about the mods. They give you many mods, which could have come at a price, for absolutely nothing. Those mods take time to make, so once again, they sacrifice many hours of their life.

I'd say they give us alot... more than we give them. Bitch all you want, but that small price you payed for a game 5 years ago didn't buy you anything else beyond that.

Wow...are you way off the mark. You think they don't enjoy making these games, hmmm? What's all this bullshit about 'living their lives'? They make hella bank, especially coming from Gabe's Micro$oft pockets. A great team of artists, designers, and programmers from all walks of life collaborating on creating one of the most visceral, technologically advanced and stunning interactive piece of entertainment to come along, since, well, the original Half-Life. Don't talk about Valve as if they're tolling away in the hellish furnaces and steaming coal mines that is their offices. I bet each employee there is thankful they're employed there like none other. They are sitting pretty damn comfy right now. But you know what? I don't think they owe US necessarily, but they do owe us respect. This isn't showing it. We enable them to continue making games. They're pretty damn rich, but their accounts aren't bottomless. I know they'll still be extremely successful if they keep churning out AAA titles. If the quality is there, so will be the sales. But come on, man, treating your customers like this is unacceptable. Any company's standards will tell you so (it would be nice if they all followed that ideology too). I guess the point we're making, is don't make dates if you can't make them! It would be excusable if they missed a few, but almost EVERY Steam update they've EVER plastered a release date onto? I mean c'mon Valve, just shut up if you don't know for sure.

Oh, and mods? LOL...what mods did Valve originally make themselves besides Team Fortress?
Oh how I love the "Valve owes you nothing" argument. First of all, that's not even what this topic is about. Second of all, Valve do, in fact, owe me a copy of Half Life 2. I have the voucher right next to me.
iamaelephant how do you type? Do you have a really big keyboard or something?
It's nice to hear opinions from people like spitcodfry. I know the chances of anyone from valve actually reading this thread is remote. But if they do, it would be nice if they could read intelligent posts regarding this.
spitcodfry said:
I guess the point we're making, is don't make dates if you can't make them! It would be excusable if they missed a few, but almost EVERY Steam update they've EVER plastered a release date onto? I mean c'mon Valve, just shut up if you don't know for sure.

i made this point almost a week ago in another thread but it obviously got overlooked.

its time for Valve to cut off all communication with fans/sites and do everything neccessary to get this game out the door ASAP.
i mean i have been defending Valve on the merits of "its just a game" and so forth.. but ya know... at some point this delay stuff does get annoying not because i am an angry "Valve hater" but because its just plain getting too old.. this whole delay stuff.. :| :frown: :x
When someone makes a (second) promise on a date, all I expect is this tiny little thing. Around about, oh, say 7 p.m. Pacific (-8 GMT), they could've said one of two things:

A) Sorry, guys, we ****ed up (again). The Half-Life 2 initial preload will not be starting tonight. We'll tell you more when we can...


B) We're a bit behind, but the HL2 preload WILL start tonight. Stay tuned...

Would that be so hard?
TechnoHippyChic said:
When someone makes a (second) promise on a date, all I expect is this tiny little thing. Around about, oh, say 7 p.m. Pacific (-8 GMT), they could've said one of two things:

A) Sorry, guys, we ****ed up (again). The Half-Life 2 initial preload will not be starting tonight. We'll tell you more when we can...


B) We're a bit behind, but the HL2 preload WILL start tonight. Stay tuned...

Would that be so hard?

That's what i was/am expecting too.
Hardcore310 said:
It's nice to hear opinions from people like spitcodfry. I know the chances of anyone from valve actually reading this thread is remote. But if they do, it would be nice if they could read intelligent posts regarding this.

Oh yes they do! I believe Erik Johnson started a thread of his own on here several days ago. Had his official Valve stamp next to his name and everything. They do come here, that's for sure. I remember Gabe posting on here around this time last year. Don't know if he's done it since. Anyways...they certainly do come on here. I bet they do care, honestly, but that tight schedule has really got to tax them in the organization department. They may just need a better itinerary manager (don't know official title for this sort of work). Instead of Doug maybe they could rig a l33t speak news bot that churns out official announcements as they're deemed ready to be released (i.e. half-life 2 pre-load started today).
spitcodfry said:
Wow...are you way off the mark. You think they don't enjoy making these games, hmmm? What's all this bullshit about 'living their lives'? They make hella bank, especially coming from Gabe's Micro$oft pockets. A great team of artists, designers, and programmers from all walks of life collaborating on creating one of the most visceral, technologically advanced and stunning interactive piece of entertainment to come along, since, well, the original Half-Life. Don't talk about Valve as if they're tolling away in the hellish furnaces and steaming coal mines that is their offices. I bet each employee there is thankful they're employed there like none other. They are sitting pretty damn comfy right now. But you know what? I don't think they owe US necessarily, but they do owe us respect. This isn't showing it. We enable them to continue making games. They're pretty damn rich, but their accounts aren't bottomless. I know they'll still be extremely successful if they keep churning out AAA titles. If the quality is there, so will be the sales. But come on, man, treating your customers like this is unacceptable. Any company's standards will tell you so (it would be nice if they all followed that ideology too). I guess the point we're making, is don't make dates if you can't make them! It would be excusable if they missed a few, but almost EVERY Steam update they've EVER plastered a release date onto? I mean c'mon Valve, just shut up if you don't know for sure.

Oh, and mods? LOL...what mods did Valve originally make themselves besides Team Fortress?

Sure they make alot of money, and sure they enjoy their job, but to say they don't sacrifice a lot to give us a game would be a lie.

They've given us Team Fortress, Ricochet, and spent time helping mod makers.
iamaelephant said:
Oh how I love the "Valve owes you nothing" argument. First of all, that's not even what this topic is about. Second of all, Valve do, in fact, owe me a copy of Half Life 2. I have the voucher right next to me.

And guess what? That voucher comes from ATI, not Valve. ATI made the promise that you'll get HL2 upon release, not Valve.
Dr. Freeman said:
at some point this delay stuff does get annoying not because i am an angry "Valve hater" but because its just plain getting too old.. this whole delay stuff.. :| :frown: :x

EXACTLY So. For all those that keep spewing 'they owe you nothing' please realize we're not our for blood (not me at least). Good lord we just want the damn game lol! I'd much prefer a low-profile level of silence for all things dev/release-related until they actually occur.

This is not a very good example seeing as how they fell victim to release woes (and currently hold the crown in blunders for this department), but since the DNF fiasco George Broussard has remained extremely tight-lipped. Think of the press/community response when 3D Realms just shows up at E3 with an incredible presentation that will just blow everyone away (deja vu, no?).

The surprise factor has really been diminished because of all this. The E3 2003 show should've been touted as a 'teaser', akin to what films show at times 12 months in advance of their actual theater release. That way our appetites would still be quite whetted. Kinda stale now.

I'll still enjoy Half-Life 2 very much most likely, but wow it would have impacted me so much more had I received the titled when they said it was supposed to come out. And yes, I realize that added development time will be worth it in spades. As many others have stated, had Valve not taken an extra year with the original, probably none of us would be on these forums right now.

It would've been a mediocre title. So my point is this: just keep a tighter lid on announcements. Be conservative with the sorts of news releases you put out and be sure you'll make the dates that you set forth in those announcements. K done raving now.
thefiznut said:
And guess what? That voucher comes from ATI, not Valve. ATI made the promise that you'll get HL2 upon release, not Valve.

And how much money do you think Valve gave them for that to be possible? :)

And let's take a look at the current crop of Source benchmarks! Who comes out on top? Lookey lookey! ATI! Yay! Gabe was pimping ATI a year ago (hell I bought my 9800 Pro based on his own recommendation to me; and many others) and the benchmarks today are doing it for him even more.

I think most of us understand the long hours programmers in most software fields pull on projects such as these. No one doubts the hard work they do. But they're paid off so well I'd venture that most of them would be a human shoe polisher for that kind of money.

EDIT: Oh yeah, Ricochet...what a shining star of modification brilliance.
I have figured out what valve is doing.
Its actually quite brilliant, they will lead us on a few more times,
get our hopes up, and then bam cancel the game completly.
spitcodfry said:
And how much money do you think Valve gave them for that to be possible? :)

And let's take a look at the current crop of Source benchmarks! Who comes out on top? Lookey lookey! ATI! Yay! Gabe was pimping ATI a year ago (hell I bought my 9800 Pro based on his own recommendation to me; and many others) and the benchmarks today are doing it for him even more.

I think most of us understand the long hours programmers in most software fields pull on projects such as these. No one doubts the hard work they do. But they're paid off so well I'd venture that most of them would be a human shoe polisher for that kind of money.

EDIT: Oh yeah, Ricochet...what a shining star of modification brilliance.

Valve most likely payed a good deal of money to make that possible, however, the deal is between the voucher owner and ATI. It's up to ATI to fulfill that promise.

Ofcourse Valve would choose to go with ATI as the card of choice. For the longest time, ATI cards have put out better performance than Nvidia in DirectX applications. Why pimp a company whose cards don't perform as well in your game as another? This has changed now and both company's cards perform well, however, this was not so when the ATI promotion began.

I guess this boils down to an opinion issue. I feel they have given me more than enough with the one copy of HL I bought give years ago. I don't ask for more, or feel that they owe me anything. I'll just wait patiently for the release of HL2. Dates or no dates, it's not going to come any sooner. I'm just getting rather sick of people who feel Valve owes them HL2.

I like ricochet, thank you.
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