Why would people play the HL2 beta???

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it's all dumb computer obsessive ball bragging stuff. Whoever did it in the first place was just proving how super leet he was and all that crap. Whoever downloaded it after was just too curious and wanted there game right then. Fine, whatever, but why people couldn't just ****ing wait for the game is beyond me.
People arnt downloading the whole game though, they are downloading a piece of it to see what its like.

Valve would have stopped all of this if they had relesed a tiny tech level demo. I mean, why would somone download a buggy hacked leak when you can download the offical demo and try it out on your computer.
because they think it is as good as the full game, but why the hell should that matter? Why do they owe us a goddamn demo? Why is it so bad to just wait???
Rupertvdb said:
because they think it is as good as the full game, but why the hell should that matter? Why do they owe us a goddamn demo? Why is it so bad to just wait???

People can't wait because they lack patience. They'd rather just shit on Valve and steal a half-finished-work-in-progress version.
How can you play the game? It was only the source code that was stolen. Not the models and other art assets. It would be impossible to play with just some of the source code.

Imrahil said:
How can you play the game? It was only the source code that was stolen. Not the models and other art assets. It would be impossible to play with just some of the source code.


From what I saw you could play some of the levels shown in the E32K3 videos.
dura said:
If any of you are going to sum up your stupidity, go in glory and do it like this.

Exhibit A in the "Have I hit a nerve?" case.
alright im going to admit. This morning I was hugely tempted to get and play the demo. I looked for about an hour. The only thing i found was new articles, and reviews for other games. So im safe. Simply because of my own stupidity, I cant download Half-life 2. Aw well.

P.s.I only wanted to play around with the AI and manipulator gun...stick to the E3 levels...
the beta my friend had contained a few things like wall details.....one weapon(cant remember which) and u can just walk around 1500 mbs....what a waste of space for that shit
heh i think that's something that crippled a few people's efforts. My mate tried looking for it and had the same trouble, i would but i can't even be arsed to look because it's not like i could or would be able to download it.
I for one havnt been near the leak. I would much rather wait and see the finished product than be let down by some unfinished rubbish.
the leak is a really, really unfinished version of hl2. in most levels, many textures are missing. just polygon meshes. it's all messed up. but still, some parts are cool, like driving with the buggy or to get the chance seeing barney and the g man. these are the lovely moments where you think back to good ol' half life and can't wait to have the full version of half life 2.

this scene with the gman was fantastic. i looked to a window, then i looked to another direction and thought.. "hmm? didn't i see the gman standing there, staring at me again?" (<-- alyx, hehe) of course, he stood there! :) it was just great. so emotional.

the physics test level (showed off at e3 2003 at the beginning of the vid) is pretty good, too. to throw the combine soldier around a bit with the manipulator gun, was fun. and i LOVE the pistol in hl2. :) physics wise, it seemed to be advanced.

i took a look at some models and so in the directories. it's clear, that we can a expect a big hit with this game.

i didn't spoil the game, myself. ok, in some little aspects. but nothing, which i would repent.
I know right where to get it...should I get it? I just got a new computer and want to test things out to get a rough estimate...and to play it...a little...too late, I decided not to...32 hour download pfff.
lonestar said:
the leak is a really, really unfinished version of hl2. in most levels, many textures are missing. just polygon meshes. it's all messed up. but still, some parts are cool, like driving with the buggy or to get the chance seeing barney and the g man. these are the lovely moments where you think back to good ol' half life and can't wait to have the full version of half life 2.

this scene with the gman was fantastic. i looked to a window, then i looked to another direction and thought.. "hmm? didn't i see the gman standing there, staring at me again?" (<-- alyx, hehe) of course, he stood there! :) it was just great. so emotional.

the physics test level (showed off at e3 2003 at the beginning of the vid) is pretty good, too. to throw the combine soldier around a bit with the manipulator gun, was fun. and i LOVE the pistol in hl2. :) physics wise, it seemed to be advanced.

i took a look at some models and so in the directories. it's clear, that we can a expect a big hit with this game.

i didn't spoil the game, myself. ok, in some little aspects. but nothing, which i would repent.

and you have no idea that you just told us info and spoiler from the hl2-alpha?
Thanks to you i now know i will have encounters with the g-man like this, i wanted to find that out myself, just like you did in the alpha.
yo foxtrot...care to tell me where it is? my email is [email protected]. And if somebody else wants to flame me, does it look like i give a sh*t what you think?
I hope it is released soon, this thread looks like an extreme case of boredom.

Lol so true, but we've been waiting for possibly the best game ever for like a year now.
Even Satan himself would not use such a thing as punishment in hell.
it's not that bad...you clearly haven't seen some of the greats, Gman picture blinked at me is of particular note, people are acutally going crazy staring at stuff.
i dont need to play the beta, i played the real game! haha suckers! lol sorry guys.. i wont rub it in anymore :)

*kchhhhh* Gold Sniper...take the shot...over *kchhhh*
merc gets shot in the head. Dont...EVER..***b in the fact that you played HL2
merc said:
i dont need to play the beta, i played the real game! haha suckers! lol sorry guys.. i wont rub it in anymore :)


damn, merc. i can't believe that it's really true. i'm sooooo damn jealous. hehe...
Xenome said:
and you have no idea that you just told us info and spoiler from the hl2-alpha?
Thanks to you i now know i will have encounters with the g-man like this, i wanted to find that out myself, just like you did in the alpha.

look at the thread title. isn't it better for guys like you, that you don't take a look at this thread?

but on the other side, there are spoiler tags. yeah.. sorry..
merc said:
i dont need to play the beta, i played the real game! haha suckers! lol sorry guys.. i wont rub it in anymore :)


You only got to play it for 2 hours... and you probably sucked at it! AHAH :sniper:
adulus said:
*kchhhhh* Gold Sniper...take the shot...over *kchhhh*
merc gets shot in the head. Dont...EVER..***b in the fact that you played HL2

lol sorry guys... i really i am... trust me though, this game is the one that you have been waiting for all your lives!!!

yeah merc, maybe you got to play the real thing but...but...i got laid today...and....and....and i didn't love her...so there!
it's better than playing HL2...who am i kidding... Merc enters black book.
merc said:
i dont need to play the beta, i played the real game! haha suckers! lol sorry guys.. i wont rub it in anymore :)


Why I oughtta....
merc said:
lol sorry guys... i really i am... trust me though, this game is the one that you have been waiting for all your lives!!!


now ur asking for it :p
#1-Its a leaked alpha not a beta

#2-I dunno why people get so afraid when they say they have the leak, so what? (not that I am for what the hacker did or for piracy)

#3-In my previous post I didn't say I was with the hacker, I just said that those who DL the leak aren't the ones we should be pissed at.
Dalamari said:
#1-Its a leaked alpha not a beta

#2-I dunno why people get so afraid when they say they have the leak, so what? (not that I am for what the hacker did or for piracy)

#3-In my previous post I didn't say I was with the hacker, I just said that those who DL the leak aren't the ones we should be pissed at.

1) It's not even an alpha. It's simply an undated stolen build.

2) It's not even a leak, it's a stolen build.

3) I agree
we should be pissed off when trolling little swine come flooding to forums spreading spoliers. Don't harp on about avoiding forums if you don't want spoliers because that's dumb.
Yah, where is a mod. Ban him for the spoilers. I didn't read it so I don't know what he said but spoilers are unacceptable.
there isn't any right now foxtrot, easy tiger, but there have been multiple cases ever since the leak was released of people doing that. That is one of the main things that bugs me about the leak. I agree that the damage after the leak was fairly minimal and people have got too indignant over it, saying that it has spawned a group of people that just plain suck.
Rupertvdb said:
So i should avoid doing something that gives me pleasure because people who indulged in somehting that they knew was illegal may well **** the game up for me. By that reasoning people shouldn't go out to clubs if they don't want to get in fights because fights happen in clubs and if you go you get what you deserve.


yep you got it. but many people go to clubs anyway because they weigh the pros and cons and realize that if they behave they wont be fighting anyone.
Tiddalick said:
Ugg, "hl2_douglombardi_e32004.mov"
Doug says himself:
"...bigger then that was the moral hit, you know, you had artists and designers who had spent four years trying to create something that was going to live up to the expectations to all the people that played the first games; and the press and people like yourself and months or weeks or however long it was we were away from finishing it the uncomplete product was taken and put out on the internet. And thats, thats a downer and really the biggest thing was getting folks re-invigirated to come back to the project, to finish it and it took a while..."

Of COURSE having the early versions of the game affected people at valve.

Sure, people don't care, they will buy the game anyway, but to those at valve its major disapointment.
It's like your creating something (say a picture) for someone, and they see it before its done. Of course your disapointed! You didn't want them to see it once its done! Im sure many artists have this mentality, especially people at valve who seem to strive for perfection! To a perfectionist there is no greater crime then seeing work that is not yet perfect!

it sounds more like a guilt trip to keep people from downloading the leak to me, i dont think i buy it. however, thats a bit off the point i was making. the point is, the downloaders of the leak didn't cause valve to be downcast. it was the actual person who hacked and stole the stuff whos to blame for that. valve's downcastness does not go +1 when 1 person downloads the leak.
Cybernoid said:
It occured to me last night that the person who stole the code in the first place had more backbone than the freeloaders who downloaded it afterwards. He had to break into Valve's network (not that easy) and risk getting caught (which he apparently did). The sup4hL1337 freeloaders just go to their nearest warez site and brag about how they've played the leak.

then according to your logic, you have even less backbone than the freeloaders who downloaded the leak. nice one
Okay then, replies to the pitifall leak downloaders who said I was wrong :

This is the only valid argument anti-leakers have. And its a stupid one at that.

No , it's not stupid. I will be thinking "Oh, so THAT'S what happens next" and "Wow, what a cool sequence", while you will be thinking " Oh, I've seen that before", or "Boring .....". And no, we have OTHER valid arguments ..........

do you have any tangible evidence? no, you are assuming that they are crybabies that let what some users on a forum do affect how they operate in life. you really should give valve more credit than that of a little girl. christ. did i mention you have no evidence of this? oh i think i did.

No, I have no direct evidence from Valve, but I know what the feeling is like. Assuming that you're just a kid, you have no experience of what effect moral has on a job !. In the adult world, jobs have lots of factors, like deadlines, opinions, morals, ethics and so on, and if you find the cool little program that you've been developing for 6 months is stolen, and then suddenly it appears on the market, what do you feel ? Angry, disappointed and downcast ! This can add extra weeks to a company project, or 2 extra ! Mackers ain't the only job in the world, kid .....

im almost laughing out loud in real life from this. ok now that ive gained my composure, do you seriously think valve wouldn't have upgraded their firewalls/anti-virus software if no one would have downloaded the leak? heres a little theoretical skit to highlight the stupidity of this comment

Valve wouldn't want their systems hacked again, would they ? So they would naturally seek out how the hacker got in, and seal it up, while checking (and updating) their security systems. Again, your statement shows how immature you are ........

Wrong again. when the hacker stole the source, the damage was done, valve had no choice. now whether no one or 50000 people downloaded it after that would have no affect on valve's course of action. the fact that valve knew that one person had the code was reason enough to have to make some changes.

And you contadicted yourself with your above statement, good for you ........

everyone has fun with the game in their own way, dont worry about people spoiling it for themselves. none of us are complaining about missing out on anything, so i think i speak for a lot of people when i say, just leave us the hell alone, let us enjoy the game how we want to. in the end, we are buying it just like you and are no different.

Except you illegally downloaded it off the internet. All the "faceless" beta downloaders, come and say that to my face, or otherwise I will think you nothing more than cowards, hiding behind weak, pathetic excuses. At least poseyjmac had the guts to face up to my comments, even though his comments were immature ....

Face it, you beta downloaders are in the wrong side of the ethical community, accept YOU ARE WRONG, and come and face it like a man. You know your excuses are weak, and they don't justify your actions, so come out and admit you're wrong ....

That's all .....
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