World Exclusive Interview With Chuck Osborn (Info about Multiplayer)

Shuzer said:
I was in the "CS:S is the multiplayer for HL2. I'll believe otherwise when we see or hear otherwise" boat. And, it looks like what myself and others, such as yourself, speculated is indeed true.
So this is all your fault eh? ;( Heretic!! Heathen!!

;) CS:S Ain't too shabby. A game with some MP = A LOT better than a game without ANY mp at all.
Thanks for the interview. I, myself was really hoping for a HL2 DM simply because the thought of having furniture/object throwing fights while driving vehicles over others and shooting rockets at the same time sounded like a good way to blow up my co-workers.

I agree that we'll see HL2DM mods in very short order and will likely include everything I can imagine but would've been fun to have out of the box from Valve. Many of my friends/co-workers had our best matches (aka bloodbaths) by firing up a good round of HL DM.

But, I really can't wait to play HL2 AND CS:S. I've already started playing Far Cry again to try and tide me over...
PvtRyan said:
So you were expecting a R6 type of MP with a game like HL2? Sorry m8, wrong genre :D

And a UT style gameplay is basically what HLDM was (bar the futuristic setting), and that's long forgotten now, so Valve satisfied by far the largest part of the community.

I don't mean exactly like R6. What I meant by that was having to respawn at the end of the round instead of right away, like in ut2k4.
It's just disappointing to me that all we get for MP, at least initially, is a reskined CS. It's going to be the exact same damn game we've had for 5 years.
Alot of us dont hate Cs:S, where just know Valve could of done better and we want a multiplayer in the HL univeres. With HL people etc. We want to run around as a scientist blowing gordon up with a rocket launcher. Or sneaking up behind alyx's while she is blowing up the GMan and beating here to death with a crowbar.

Also Cs:S is not just a retrextured Cs, it's been redone form the ground up even the levels. But yes in all sense it is the same Cs, and thats what we are kind of mad about. If it was a totally diffrent Cs with new gameplay etc that was so fun we would probably be alot more pleased and happier. Although there would obviously still be some mad people.
Did anyone stop to think that maybe, just MAYBE they didn't do a hl2 multiplayer because they're gonna do one for an expansion? You never know...
Democritus said:
I don't think I'm alone when I say I wish Valve would have spent its time doing HL2 themed Multiplayer rather than revamp 2 OLD games (HL, CS). The more I think about it, revamping HL with Source is almost pointless. It will just be a curiosity and probably extrememly underwhleming in comparison to HL2. I'll probably play it for a little bit just to see what it's like then never touch it again.

We're just a bit disappointed because HL2 has amazing potential for fun MP. Manipulator, physics, vehicles, etc. Instead we get a retextured CS that's been around for years.

All ye modders! Work quickly!

i quite agree with you, but valve had to get some games out quick so they coould finsh the contract that they have with valve. look for TF2 to be with a new publisher. i don't like it, but i understand them wanting to get away from the water company..."don't drink the water....they put something in it to make you forget. I don't even remember how i got here...."
Alec_85 said:
;) CS:S Ain't too shabby. A game with some MP = A LOT better than a game without ANY mp at all.

And, technically, the hundreds of mods out there make this the game with the most MP ever. :P
Kiva128 said:
Did anyone stop to think that maybe, just MAYBE they didn't do a hl2 multiplayer because they're gonna do one for an expansion? You never know...

TF2 TF2 TF2 .. dun forget DOD source to, there was a big long interview about it last month, there gonna be doing the same job with it as CSS, which is nice.
Kiva128 said:
Did anyone stop to think that maybe, just MAYBE they didn't do a hl2 multiplayer because they're gonna do one for an expansion? You never know...

Ya, that would be pretty sweet. But the community might spit out several HL2DM's before Valve does. Unless they've basically finished it already and are just waiting till after release.
I have to admit I'd take CS:S over no multiplayer at all, but Half-Life 2... well, it just had so much to offer, in concept at least. Vehicles and manipulator, mostly. Imagine tactical mods where you can build and repair "structures" and transports... and stuff... meh.

I never really liked HLDM, preferred TFC's damage system since its arrival (and for some reason Tour of Duty seemed to hit the perfect unrealistic/realistic note with me as far as player health and weapon damage went). But after CS and DoD appeared I instantly preferred DoD's semi-realism and its massive weapon firepower over CS's psuedo-realism.

But my final point is: Team Fortress 2 exists, and it'll be out fairly soon when you consider how long we've already been waiting. Woo.
i was thinking about my last post...and ya know what...all the delays, the lawsuit..all of it, could quite be becasue vivendi bought sierra, and wanted to impose restrictions/timelines on valve that gabe didn't want. i mean really, how long has TF2 been talked about? By valve?
maybe all the recent stuff has been preparing us for this disappointment.....but we all know valve has big plans!
There are so many other GREAT mods other than HLDM.

Stop bulbberin' about it.
Democritus said:
We're just a bit disappointed because HL2 has amazing potential for fun MP. Manipulator, physics, vehicles, etc. Instead we get a retextured CS that's been around for years.

Thank you, you took the words right out of my mouth. I guess I just thought HL2 would have some kind of multiplayer mode besides CS after being in development for so long. Guess I was wrong, oh well.

But actually, I'm glad the truth came out so we can finally stop complaining about it. I don't know why people are getting jumped on for expressing their disappointment. Some people just don't really like CS, myself included. I think the last time I played CS was about six months ago. I just got tired of the gameplay, and sometimes the (CS) community just acted like one collective moron.

Does that mean that I'm going to boycott HL2? Hell no. I'll be out buying it just like everyone else, and I'm pretty sure it'll be the best damn game I've played in a long time.

I'm just a little disappointed, but I'll get over it. I suppose I'll be stuck with CS until some decent mods come out.....
TF2 TF2 TF2 .. dun forget DOD source to, there was a big long interview about it last month, there gonna be doing the same job with it as CSS, which is nice.

Did I miss that or are you bs'ing me? :)
If DoD gets the same revamp like CS:S, it's gonna be awesome!!!
FortisVir, just play HL:S , then HL2 and then replay em both on a harder difficutly by then hope a HL2 multiplayer will be out. Or close your eyes and go on Cs:S.
There's nothing wrong with CS:S. It may not be everyone's cup of tea but it is a good mod revamp none the less. And the few surprises part has me imagining some cool new things they could put in to perhaps appeal to everyone. This is valve here, let them do their job.
I mean, the source engine is practically built for what DrunkPanda said, barrel throwing and stone tossing etc etc...
akilles, the physics aspect is much reduced in multiplayer as seen in cs:s. manipulator gun fights with 16 players is not possible. Its not even possible with 2.
Joeslucky22 said:
There are so many other GREAT mods other than HLDM.

Stop bulbberin' about it.

Uhh...I think you're missing the point of this discussion. No one is "blubberin" about the exclusion of DM. I think people who were expecting some kind of HL2 themed MP were thinking of scenarios like resistance vs. Combine, maybe some kind of vehicles mode, stuff like that. plain DM is not the issue.
ukfluke said:
akilles, the physics aspect is much reduced in multiplayer as seen in cs:s. manipulator gun fights with 16 players is not possible. Its not even possible with 2.

Actually, you've never even used a manipulator in CS:S. How would you know?

Besides, objects can be set to have different levels of physics, as per direction by the map maker.
wouldn't need 16 people manipulators. a gamemode where there is 1 manipulator to be had on the level would be cool
And once again, there is no reason whatsoever to believe that there won't be any mods released soon after HL2. Think about it people, HL1 has 100+ MODs already, do you honestly think your going to be waiting more than a few months to get some good quality Multiplayer MODS? Of course you won't
i think there could only be one...what if manipulator grabs manipulator?
poseyjmac said:
wouldn't need 16 people manipulators. a gamemode where there is 1 manipulator to be had on the level would be cool

that WOULD be cool. you could punt a bowling ball into someones chest with it.
it had possibilities and the 'classic' factor, why valve would ditch it is beyond me.

Im not sure still, ive seen alot that say's there is one and a fair bit that say's there might not be, but after seeing the gamespot interview with Gabe saying they are keeping HL2's multiplayer a secret.... this is what im left with...

A. 'Chuck' is being constrained to hint at CS:S, or he's bulshittin.

B. Gabe Newell CEO of the company who actually made the game is BS'in in his interview.

they cant both be tellin BS. Im so confused ;(
Uhh...I think you're missing the point of this discussion. No one is "blubberin" about the exclusion of DM. I think people who were expecting some kind of HL2 themed MP were thinking of scenarios like resistance vs. Combine, maybe some kind of vehicles mode, stuff like that. plain DM is not the issue.

Even though I'm trying to get it out of my system that's quite right (for me, at least)- some sort of tactical HL2 scenario game. I dunno, a bit like a more detailed Op4 CTF. I'm just hoping Sven Co-op II lets us rush the barricade, for some reason that lone video is what crops up in my mind when I think of Resistance vs Combine MP :D

Anyway, since even I can map, my first move on getting the game will be making a CS:S map and filling it with everything the engine is capable of supporting. Alternatively, I'll wait for a better mapper to make a vehicle-ridden super map :laugh:
What the **** is wrong with people on this board? "OMG no HLDM omg im not buying it fuk you valve ga cs lame". ****ing idiots. HL2 was never about the MP. It was always about the SP and thats all I wanted from it. The MP was always going to be about the mods. HLDM doesnt need to be in. It will be easy enough to mod a manipulator or something into CSS and make some custom maps. Youre treatign this like the end of the world. Just shush. And im not comnig back here until ive finished HL2. Im sick of the attitude of some of the people on this forum.

Prime example VVVVVV
hmm dunno if im going to buy it. not really a point to buy it immediately. maybe ill buy it later when there is a hl2dm, valve made or user made or something other than CS:S. ill play the sp though
For those of you who have stated that HLDM is no good... Make another crack at it you are dead wrong. I think it is the best multiplayer game to date, well was. Till valve limited it a little. Try AGHL.. But it isn't for the faint of heart you WILL get your ass kicked.

Oh, no HL2 multiplayer. I am horribly disappointed. Kill me
That may be your opinion, but it was never highly rated through the community tbh.
Most likely people do not see the design aspects in HLDM. You would be floored as soon as you discovered them. Give it another try and imagine if the same work would be put into a HL2 multiplayer.

Yea painlord. It's called a extreme learning curve. People are affraid of those tbh...
bah, this is pathetic. i've played CS on and off for over 4 years, and guess what valve? I'm over it! cs is nothing new, so dont repackage it and pretend like its some great new multiplayer!
i was one of the first to say CS:S was the only MP for hl2, after the interview during e32k4, where he made some very vague loophole statements. why did they waste time with cs? just let it die...
they could have spent all the time on CS doing tf2, and release it the same time as hl2.
now i know its not going to be out until at least 6 months after hl2, maybe more with valves record.
"oh ya wait for teh modz!". mods are all so amateurish, it took years before cs got decent (the early betas like 1 and 2 were crap and amateur).
sven coop would be good but they arent doing hl2 coop, just custom maps. this is also a travesty.
god damn it... i woke up this morning and its my bday, what a great bday present to find out about this.

one again, i and many other are just plain OVER CS. its not new! also, it has NO relevance to the hl2 world. its like "hmmm, that hl2 sure was fun, now i wonder what fun i can have in its multiplayer"...

"what! counter-strike! i've played this 1000 times before. is this meant to be in hl2?"