worst xmas present ever...


okay im done-


okay, done now
"worst xmas present ever..."

why do i read that as if comicbook guy says it? :D
One of the many reasons NOT to have a girlfriend.

Girls can be REALLY stupid.
lol, 800 dollar necklace? I could see like.. a hundred bucks or something, but that's just nuts. If I was him, I'd get the bitch pregnant and throw her out on the street where she belongs. :LOL:

j/k, i'm not that mean. :p
''Since a few people have said the thread has gotten off topic because it doesn't deal with a problem with a video card or driver. I have a problem....i kicked my girlfriend out and took her key but she had an extra copy. While i was asleep she came in and dumped diet coke on the inside of my computer. I called the police but since there was no sign of forced entry it is my word against hers.
So my problem is what should i do to fix my computer???? any suggestions???''

i'da beat that b1tch to death. or strangled her with the necklace. then force fed her the card....

in all seriousness with brutality aside, dumping her would have been light punishment. dumping ON her, well that's another story.
That's another reason to add to my list of reasons not to let anyone else then myself by my electronic stuff.
From the same guy in the thread:

Since a few people have said the thread has gotten off topic because it doesn't deal with a problem with a video card or driver. I have a problem....i kicked my girlfriend out and took her key but she had an extra copy. While i was asleep she came in and dumped diet coke on the inside of my computer. I called the police but since there was no sign of forced entry it is my word against hers.
So my problem is what should i do to fix my computer???? any suggestions???

Hmm stupid girlfriend, instant dump seems most appropiate. Although a good crowbaring never hurt anyone.
Fat Tony! said:
Hmm stupid girlfriend, instant dump seems most appropiate. Although a good crowbaring never hurt anyone.
Besides the person you're hitting.... :|
if she's foul enough to spend her injured boyfriend's bonus on herself, she probably wouldn't feel a thing if you hit her with a crowbar.
gordons_crowbar said:
if she's foul enough to spend her injured boyfriend's bonus on herself, she probably wouldn't feel a thing if you hit her with a crowbar.
Good point.
:naughty: I'd bone her, get her pregnant, THEN leave the mother ****er. MUYAHAHAHAHHAHH!HHHAHAH!HHAH.
ailevation said:
:naughty: I'd bone her, get her pregnant, THEN leave the mother ****er. MUYAHAHAHAHHAHH!HHHAHAH!HHAH.
You would, wouldn't you?

...heh, that's a funny word, would. Would would would.
ailevation said:
:naughty: I'd bone her, get her pregnant, THEN leave the mother ****er. MUYAHAHAHAHHAHH!HHHAHAH!HHAH.
You need a penis first. :LOL:
ailevation said:
:naughty: I'd bone her, get her pregnant, THEN leave the mother ****er. MUYAHAHAHAHHAHH!HHHAHAH!HHAH.

Yeah, that's brilliant. Because then you'd get to fork over 25-35% of your paycheck (Depending on your state) for the next 18 years. Or if you're really lucky, she'll have twins and you can double that figure.
crushenator 500 said:
''Since a few people have said the thread has gotten off topic because it doesn't deal with a problem with a video card or driver. I have a problem....i kicked my girlfriend out and took her key but she had an extra copy. While i was asleep she came in and dumped diet coke on the inside of my computer. I called the police but since there was no sign of forced entry it is my word against hers.
So my problem is what should i do to fix my computer???? any suggestions???''


:| You should NEVER and i say NEVER **** with a mans computer. I have no doubt this chick will be found dead in a swamp a year from now :E
yeah unless she was a complete babe and her dad owned microsoft i would drop her take the necklace back get the card and dance arond and find someone who appresiates computers :p
LOL i was expecting to say, 'aww its ok, at least she tried' kind of thing, but NO THIS IS WAY OUT OF IT. She really has got to be the worst girlfriend - no, in fact gift giver EVER.

*stomps out, slams door*
HunterSeeker said:
The people in that thread scare me ;(
It appears Munro's subliminal We-Love-HL2.net messages are very effective.
Not just for the fact that she spent his money, or that she has ignored his request to buy a certain item, or that he's in the hospital, or that she didn't tell him she bought something else from the money, but for simply buying 800 bucks worth of motherfcking glass she should be hit with a shovel... several times... on the face.

Diamond is kept artificially expensive, since it's now possible to create jewel grade diamond for relatively low prices.
PvtRyan said:
Not just for the fact that she spent his money, or that she has ignored his request to buy a certain item, but for simply buying 800 bucks worth of motherfcking glass she should be hit with a shovel... several times... on the face.

Diamond is kept artificially expensive, since it's now possible to create jewel grade diamond for relatively low prices.

I read in a scientific magazine (Illustrerad Vetenskap IIRC) that some corporation had managed to create diamonds that was impossible to tell the difference from natural ones. It was cheap to create them too.
HunterSeeker said:
I read in a scientific magazine (Illustrerad Vetenskap IIRC) that some corporation had managed to create diamonds that was impossible to tell the difference from natural ones. It was cheap to create them too.

Yes that's true. But in fact, they can be distinguished because they are perfect diamonds, unlike natural ones. Due to the fact that with natural ones, pressure is applied on them from varying directions.
I read about the same company I think, they went to an expert and showed him a 3 karat yellow diamond, and he told them it was a super rare find and was worth around 10.000 to 15.000, they then showed him 3 more identical ones and told him that they were produced for 100 dollars. :D

But seriously, the more I think about it, the bigger this bitch becomes. What a dirty, dirty whore.
PvtRyan said:
Yes that's true. But in fact, they can be distinguished because they are perfect diamonds, unlike natural ones. Due to the fact that with natural ones, pressure is applied on them from varying directions.
I read about the same company I think, they went to an expert and showed him a 3 karat yellow diamond, and he told them it was a super rare find and was worth around 10.000 to 15.000, they then showed him 3 more identical ones and told him that they were produced for 100 dollars. :D

But seriously, the more I think about it, the bigger this bitch becomes. What a dirty, dirty whore.
100 bucks... :O

If true we can finally make CPU cores out of diamonds...there was a article talking about some asian science group that made a cpu out of diamond and it was rated at 80GHz.
It gets worse:

Since a few people have said the thread has gotten off topic because it doesn't deal with a problem with a video card or driver. I have a problem....i kicked my girlfriend out and took her key but she had an extra copy. While i was asleep she came in and dumped diet coke on the inside of my computer. I called the police but since there was no sign of forced entry it is my word against hers.
So my problem is what should i do to fix my computer???? any suggestions???

I'm starting to think this is bull, because a human being can't make it's life that worthless can they?

And Tr0n, I got that story from this:

Due to yalls responses in dealing with girlfriends, I now understand why nerds dont have them.
willyd said:
Due to yalls responses in dealing with girlfriends, I now understand why nerds dont have them.
We're no match for the "Grate Nation of TEXAS"
The guy must have been pretty dumb to not only go out with this person in the first place, but to also give her a significant amount of cash and a key to his home.
gh0st said:
We're no match for the "Grate Nation of TEXAS"

Chill out man. I am a nerd and also I do not have a girlfriend.