WoW Cataclysm

I dunno I never really though leveling should be a real challenge. I saw it as a fun thing that's story driven and interesting but not something where failure is something that's always looming over your head. I think the game has gotten past that to the point where 1-60 is just a thing you experience and less a thing that you have to really fight to finish. I mean I haven't done the new 1-60 so I can't say much about it, but I feel like what Blizz has really wants you to enjoy is 70-85. There's probably 20x the content in 70-85 as there is in 1-60.

As for heroic difficulty... I find them to be well balanced. Not too easy or too hard depending on your group and gear. The thing is, your average WoW player isn't a part of a good group and they don't have good gear. The majority have been and probably will continue to struggle for a little while until all the bosses are memorized and all the gear is top-notch. I mean it's still possible in a guild run for us to wipe in a heroic and we're one of the top guilds on our server. It's not the greatest probability, but things can go wrong.
As for heroic difficulty... I find them to be well balanced. Not too easy or too hard depending on your group and gear. The thing is, your average WoW player isn't a part of a good group and they don't have good gear. The majority have been and probably will continue to struggle for a little while until all the bosses are memorized and all the gear is top-notch. I mean it's still possible in a guild run for us to wipe in a heroic and we're one of the top guilds on our server. It's not the greatest probability, but things can go wrong.
Yeah, I don't really understand where this "average wow player" comes from.
There are some people who don't know the fight, sure. But they usually learn it after a quick explanation and a wipe or two. There are some people who just don't seem to give a shit about the game and want to be carried to loot. Or they try to learn and just don't. I really don't know how to handle these people. I know blizzard wants profit, but I just hope blizzard doesn't cater to these people anymore.
I did say explicitly that I was talking about the normal dungeons during leveling, not the level 85 content. I see tanks pulling two or three groups of mobs at once. This used to be suicide, but even a group full of noobs will survive it now. As someone else mentioned crowd control isn't a factor at all anymore. I haven't been asked to sheep (or in my case: penguin) a mob once while leveling my Mage and I am level 67 currently. I survived SM:Cath with Mograine being pulled before the church was cleared. Yesterday I survived Old Hillsbrad because of an astute healer who noticed Thrall was doing the real tanking, not the noob warrior with the dps spec. I do hope you're right and the level 85 content is more of a challenge, because I am getting a bit bored with all the easymode spanking right now.

Vanilla WoW wasn't any harder, seriously. Not in the good sense anyway, fights were much more simplistic than now, there were barely any bosses that weren't trash mobs with higher hp. Classes weren't as well-developed though, and many talent specs downright awful. It was harder because you had a DPS warrior tanking, because there were no protection warriors outside of raids. Or even a hunter pet, because warriors were the only generally accepted tanking class and were hard to get. Especially because finding people was so much harder.

Gear is another thing that is much better now (and by better I mean appropriate to the class, not their power), how many warriors did you used to see wearing spirit gear (and I won't even mention the spirit on warrior sets), or "of the Wolf" crap, either because there wasn't anything better or because they simply didn't know? That's another thing: people these days are much better at this game than they used to be. It wasn't uncommon for people to not buy skills from the trainer, because "they didn't use them anyway".

SM:Cath wasn't hard, I soloed it back in the day with a hunter who was I believe either 41 or 42. Hell, I farmed it for these.
SM:Cath wasn't hard, I soloed it back in the day with a hunter who was I believe either 41 or 42. Hell, I farmed it for these.

As a warrior, I hated hearing about rogues soloing bossing that dropped 500g recipes (that I wanted to learn) and frost mages and hunters kiting bosses that would kill me without a healer. :(
I've been doing tons of PvP as a hunter, and I must say, it is quite annoying. There are times where I do pretty decent, and there are other times when I just do awful. When I'm not getting dotted to hell by Warlocks and Priests, I'm getting stun-locked by Warriors and Rouges. It doesn't make it any easier that I can't shoot them if they are right on me. I might try BM spec, just because when I am in those close quarters situations, my pet can at least do some damage for me.

Edit: Aspect of the Fox is so useful though. I can just strafe around and concussive shot while using cobra shot.
I've been doing tons of PvP as a hunter, and I must say, it is quite annoying. There are times where I do pretty decent, and there are other times when I just do awful. When I'm not getting dotted to hell by Warlocks and Priests, I'm getting stun-locked by Warriors and Rouges. It doesn't make it any easier that I can't shoot them if they are right on me. I might try BM spec, just because when I am in those close quarters situations, my pet can at least do some damage for me.
Try to drop a frost trap or use intimidation before disengaging. concussion shot should also slow them too and give you more time to get away.
Hell, you could drop a trap before you even start shooting them so they charge you and get frozen. rofl.
Hunters blow at PvP right now. I've yet to come across one that can even out-damage my recuperate. I'll be fighting someone else, hunter jumps in on the fight, I finish my target, and by the time I'm done with the hunter, I will be fully healed. :LOL:
Yeah, my PvP consists of me silencing (Marksman hunter), slowing, scattershot, and running away.

So, it doesn't end - the melee guy is trying to hit me, but I make sure that he's always around 35 meters away. However, my damage to him is weak enough that the battle is inconclusive for a few minutes (with me leading this guy around in circles), and ends when a mage comes and kills the living shit out of said melee.

But caster classes are easy to kill, imo. It's just a firepower duel.

In the end, though, the Hunter's main role seems to be fire support. :/
I've been doing tons of PvP as a hunter, and I must say, it is quite annoying. There are times where I do pretty decent, and there are other times when I just do awful. When I'm not getting dotted to hell by Warlocks and Priests, I'm getting stun-locked by Warriors and Rouges. It doesn't make it any easier that I can't shoot them if they are right on me. I might try BM spec, just because when I am in those close quarters situations, my pet can at least do some damage for me.

Edit: Aspect of the Fox is so useful though. I can just strafe around and concussive shot while using cobra shot.

Dots always have and always will dominate pvp. Blizzard pretty much just accepted it. I hope they do some stuff that kills purge and spell steal because it's much easier to take off buffs than to take off debuffs. Sucks hardcore being a holy paladin trying to remove the 10 debuffs per person every second when all your buffs get stripped and you're counterspelled. As rough as it can be healing in PvE... it's 50 times worse healing in PvP.
They've removed the 1800 honor points rewarded to the offensive side in Tol Barad.

Too bad. I had 2 wins, which enabled me to purchase 2 new 350 gladiator set pieces.
as a mage I keep seeing my stats improving in PVP. I feel really overpowered and I love it. As long as I have just one healer in the group I'm set. I use Arcane but I may try Fire at some point
They've removed the 1800 honor points rewarded to the offensive side in Tol Barad.

Too bad. I had 2 wins, which enabled me to purchase 2 new 350 gladiator set pieces.

Luckily I tried to get in every time we were attacking, and got the full set in like 3 days.
Before Goblins were announced, I had really been hoping we'd get the Naga as a playable race, and people were like LOL YORICK YOU'RE DUMB, AN UNDERWATER STARTING ZONE WOULDN'T WORK. But Vash'Jir proves just how awesome it would be.
Before Goblins were announced, I had really been hoping we'd get the Naga as a playable race, and people were like LOL YORICK YOU'RE DUMB, AN UNDERWATER STARTING ZONE WOULDN'T WORK. But Vash'Jir proves just how awesome it would be.

I like that idea, maybe with the next expansion?

But of course that leaves the question of what the Alliance would get in turn. Don't really see what could be an adequate supplement to the Alliance team.

Anyway, I've pretty much given up trying to farm the 5-man heroic gear. I'm just going to use the justice points instead for the 346 lvl items, and the reputation 346/epics from the various groups.
God, heroics have been hating me hard lately. Haven't been able to clear one in 3 days. My valor. ;(
Yeah, I've just stopped doing heroics. As dps, having to wait 40 minutes without knowing if the group you'll be pugging with is any good just isn't worth it. I'll just buy the justice gear, which is 346, and then start raiding. But, still, it requires heroics if I want the justice gear fast, because they give you a ton per boss.
I just hate that decent tanks/healers are so hard to find, and bad dps can compound that by failing mechanics or breaking CC (constantly :frown:). I'm still playing my druid and have bear tank as my offspec, but it's such a pain to play that I can never get motivated for it. Trying to gear up for resto, but it's hard to snatch up any worthwhile gear without being an asshole and rolling against the healer, and I don't want to be that guy.
My account has been locked twice in the past week cause someone keeps tryin to hack it. This is getting annoying.
I only do a heroic every now and then now since I got all 346 pieces except like 1 slot. Wait is just too damn long. I would say I actually finish the vast majority that I do play, though. I'd say it's because I'm just that awesome, but I don't know how believable that be with me being a rogue and all. :p

PvP, on the other hand, I do quite enjoy. I've got all bloodthirsty gear now plus three epic vicious gladiator weapons. With my spec, if I have recuperate running, I have over 50% damage reduction now (not including armor) + healing close to 5% of my HP every 3 seconds. Yeah. Just try to kill me.
Yeah, I've just stopped doing heroics. As dps, having to wait 40 minutes without knowing if the group you'll be pugging with is any good just isn't worth it. I'll just buy the justice gear, which is 346, and then start raiding. But, still, it requires heroics if I want the justice gear fast, because they give you a ton per boss.

Yeah, I try to get one of the guild tanks or healers to go with me, because their wait time is 30 seconds to 5 minutes, tops.
Tanks get instant queue on my battle group. There are so very, very few of them, even less than healers who have to wait 5-10 sometimes. I have never entered LFG as a tank without it popping up in seconds, though.

Pretty sad state of affairs when most of those tanks are also awful and won't ****ing listen. "Run out of his ground pound? **** that shit, I'm the tank, I can survive anyth--" *dead*

Might have to level a warrior if this continues much longer...
I've actually considered rolling a tank too, but I'm not sure how fun I would find it. I actually absolutely love healing - given the right class. I haven't tried it on a Paladin since 70 was the level cap, but it was awful on them then. Doing it on my Shaman (WOTLK) might have been the most fun I've had with this game.

Also after playing a bit more I stick by my previous statement. Vash'Jir is my my favourite zone ever.
Haven't played much in the past few days but I'm itching to play now

Also I have like 13 more bars till 85 :D
My account has been locked twice in the past week cause someone keeps tryin to hack it. This is getting annoying.

Get an authenticator. If you have a smartphone, get the authenticator app(which is free) and use that.
Get an authenticator. If you have a smartphone, get the authenticator app(which is free) and use that.

I reset the password to something completely different, and it's going fine so far. If it happens again I'm getting the authenticator.



It took us 3 attempts with some people disconnecting in the middle of the first 2 attempts, but on the third attempt, we got Halfus Wyrmbreaker down. It was fun.
Doing him tomorrow. Just looked up some strategy videos, looks like a fun fight! Hope we don't get any mean dragons. :(

Some more random screenies:





At a guess, some kind of strange Overmind/Sarlacc hybrid.
Now that was an interesting quest. You have to fight inside that thing.

Forgot what it was exactly though, except that you had to kill the shit out it.
just 7 more bars till 85. i may play some more tonight :D this game rocks!

love the quest "Camel Tow" and other funny named ones
Where there's fire, there' Deathwing :( I love the volcano in Ashenvale.