WoW Cataclysm

They've nerfed survival hunter back to the stone ages.

DPS is expected to be cut by around 9% ~ 15%.

The ****ing problem is that they haven't "unnerfed" marksman in any meaningful way.
Oh no are they really nerfing SV? God damnit, I was finally doing some good dps, best in the randoms, and now I'll be the shitty one again.
Ah well, I liked Marksman anyway. The quesion is, will SV still be better than MM?
So which is the dominant spec for hunters right now? Was just in a raid with a guild hunter who was topping me by 4-5k dps in nearly equivalent gear. :(
So which is the dominant spec for hunters right now? Was just in a raid with a guild hunter who was topping me by 4-5k dps in nearly equivalent gear. :(

Survival. SV is about 2k ~ 3k better than Marksman at the moment.

Of course, after the patch, SV base DPS will fall by around 1600, which is about -10%. MM Base DPS will rise by about 700.

All things considered, we're loking at a -11% ~ -15% nerf here.
Marksman's base DPS change: 14.7k to 15.5k
Survival's base DPS change: 18.1k to 16.5k
anyone else digging the cool quest advances you get that instantly either give you the gold and gear or transport you back to quest giver? i think this was an amazing addition
Yeah, I need to get used to it though, lots of times I've run to a quest location only to find there was a ride there from the quest giver :(
Yeah, questing in general is much smoother*, I'm actually trying to get the daily quest/heroic grind out of the way on my main so I can level an alt and check out all the new stuff.

* Except Uldum. **** that zone and it's five thousand cutscenes.
Yeah, questing in general is much smoother*, I'm actually trying to get the daily quest/heroic grind out of the way on my main so I can level an alt and check out all the new stuff.

* Except Uldum. **** that zone and it's five thousand cutscenes.

yeah its zips past a lot of stuff, its like "Hey slow down I wanna fight that!"
Played vanilla WoW for a month but never got into it.
Got all the addons and started again a couple of weeks ago, much improved from my first experience. Especially the cataclysm changes.
Experiencing all the addons at once from only having played Vanilla trial wow, then burning crusade for a bit ages ago is a bit much to take in!
Still a total noob...

/dunce hat
yeah its zips past a lot of stuff, its like "Hey slow down I wanna fight that!"

I didn't mind the cutscenes that much but there were a lot of times where I was like "Why does this need a cutscene?" Those letterboxes would show up just to have someone say like two lines and then it wold be over, but with the weird timing it would still take two minutes.
First week of raiding done. Killed Conclave of Wind and Halfus Wyrmbreaker, then breezed through Omnotron and Magmaw, practically as an encore (probably ten attempts between them, if that). This was split across two days mind you, but the first day was mostly re-familiarising ourselves with raiding and getting comfortable as a group. Pretty happy with that result, even if I didn't get any ~purpz~ out of it. :)
Raid progression is always satisfying, even if you don't get any epics.
So they're nerfing heroic 5-man instances now. :/

I don't like this. I want every bastard that has an item level of less than 347 to suffer through all the things I've gone through.

And it's not like they were exceptionally hard, too.
Eh people will always be bitching that the game is too hard or too easy, Blizzard can't win. I'd prefer the heroics and raids to be quite hard to filter out some of the idiots that get to end game.
Man I played way too much today. I was doing 2v2's arena with my shadow priest partner, and the time just melted away. :p

On the plus side, we now have a 1765 rating!
Eh people will always be bitching that the game is too hard or too easy, Blizzard can't win. I'd prefer the heroics and raids to be quite hard to filter out some of the idiots that get to end game.

Yes, I mean, if it weren't for the heroics, I wouldn't have the same situational awareness in instances I do now. They train you for the raids, I mean.

During LC, the heroics were so easy that I never bothered to learn all the abilities and so on. Thus I was a perpetual noob.

Anyway, Hunter PvP sucks. Here's hoping 4.06 makes it all better.
Woohoo! Sexy new shoulders dropped from Om-nom-nom-notron. Poison Protocol Pauldrons.

Going on three weeks of raiding now without a hint of on-spec loot. Oh well, I have a decent amount from crafting (who likes gold anyway?) and valor. Never mind that the same piece I blew all my valor on dropped in Baradin Hold a few days after. I mean, it's not like that was absurdly unlikely or anything, right? Haha!

I have three more pieces of gear before I've exhausted raids before heroic.
That's bad luck BadHat, lots of guild competition or just shitty drops?
No drops. Literally zero.

And I was afraid the rogue in the raid would begrudge me for stealing his leathers.
I must be on a roll since I got the Aberration's Leggings today.
Got my mage to 85, got bored, rerolled my Worgen DK to Goblin DK so I can help my friends power level to 85. We're at about 62 and burning through. I want to experience the end level stuff with them for the first time so I'm purposely not doing any of it yet. Its tempting but I think its more fun with people you know anyway
Well, after the patch, it seems that Hunter PvP has improved. Marginally.

The Aimed Shot damage is satisfying, I admit, but they seem to have overlooked the part where they said the casting time would be 2.5 seconds, not 3 seconds.

Try casting for 3 seconds in a 1:1 situation or in an arena.

Nevertheless, it's very good in battlegrounds, I'm getting 18 ~ 25 kills per session with only 1 ~ 3 deaths. Big battlegrounds, I might get more than 40. Just aim for casters; plate armor negates the physical damage of steady shot and aimed shot.
Killed Cho'gall and Everything else except the dragon twins (Valiona + Theralion) and Conclave of Wind + Alwhatever this week with my raid team.

Would have killed CoW and the twins if I could have gotten on last thursday. Damn my schedule. Raiding is pretty much a breeze now on easy mode, I just hope I'll get at least 1 item tomorrow on Baradin. Preferably tier pants.
Didn't realize you were so progressed in raiding numbers, grats on all that - I know Cata's raiding is quite difficult, particularly the heroic modes. I've only done the first half of BoT and BWD as a filler and obviously BH a billion times. Welfare epics yay.
Raid's falling apart. People keep vanishing. Haven't progressed in weeks.

Urge to play... fading...
I quit after about a month and a half. My old guild was weeded down to the pricks and people who are basically hardcore in to loot and progression so they can't even communicate anything outside of that. Also since I didn't raid I ran out of things to do in a month and the last few weeks were basically just me running around doing bits of pvp and being bored. I was where I was after like eight months except it took less than two.

Honestly I just can't see myself devoting that much time to a game anymore unless it's just completely over the top everything I ever wanted. I have at least 20 games on Steam I've bought and literally never played and probably another 20 that I started and never finished. I feel like I need to focus on that instead of grinding out rehashed content from six years ago...
Friend's subscription ran out, and is not the wealthy type. She was the only reason I was playing.

So I'm forever at 60.
I was playing with a friend, but he got hacked and has to send Blizz a ****ing letter to reclaim his account. Snail mail. From New Zealand. Seriously.

So, he's pretty much out. :|

Yeah I got bored after a while too, but then I took an interest in raiding. PvP was my main interest, but now I do both and with a regular team, and it's very fun.

Also, I'm raising an alt, a druid, so I do that if I don't have anything else to do. I probably won't run out of things to do in at least 3 months or so, and by that time new raids will prolly appear, so :p.

It's too bad that I've done all the Cata quests; I loved them. Maybe I should do all the others that I haven't yet done
Nef 10 man down last night. Feels good.
Officially made over 90k gold since day 1 of the expansion. Feels good.

Seems like a lot, but I'm not sure it is with all these people selling BoEs for 20k gold and what not.
Well, I've sold a BoE for 19k and farmed loads of fish and ore that I have about 36k right now.


My estimates have me at earning about 1k a day from all the fish sales.
I just found an awesome spot for farming heavy leather. There's a whole bunch of Bloodfen Raptors in northern Dustwallow Marsh that have a really fast spawn rate and I managed to bag 70 heavy leather in just under half an hour, along with some heavy hides and thick leather. I'll probably finish filling my bags there tomorrow.

Interestingly there's a rare spawn raptor named 'Dart' that runs around the same area, and I found a nest full of raptor eggs from which you can take a 'Dartling Hatchling', a little raptor companion that true to his name, darts around you with a trail of dust behind him.

All and all a good haul.

Great place for Light/Medium if the market is as good.