WoW Stress test ..who's in?

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Didn't think about it, but now that you mention it, Yea it does look like Draenor from WC3:FT. I've read the whole History article too, good read albeit long, And now I've read so much about WoW at that I've got a headache.
ye i know :)

ask me something about warcraft history and ill answer it :D i know the story of warcraft 1 and 2, but i havent played them, so anything except warcaft 1 and 2 gameplay ;)


did you know the orc thrall was raised by humans after the gates were destroyed, and that the humans had set up detention camps for orcs after the war? also, in warcraft 3 it seems that humans and orcs were evenly matched, but in fact there were only a couple of bands of orcs left, compared to whole armies of humans :)

*edit* what do you mean letters? warcraft 3 is one of the best RTS out there, and is my favorite :) i love the hero part of Warcaft 3, thast the whole point :)

also, gunfridge- warcraft history is good aint it :D

did you know that if WoW doesnt start soon im going to punch someone in the eye?
Deadline said:
did you know that if WoW doesnt start soon im going to punch someone in the eye?

lol :LOL:, be patient d00d, it will come :)
I think im gonna go play morrowind... something about killing people, stealing their stuff and then selling it to their family members makes me happy.
in morrowind people have a habit of reacting to my uber valubale pot i found in an ancient tomb by saying "thats mine! theif!" and calling the guard, as well as nicking it. the worst thing is this is a new city and ive never even seen this salesman before dammit!

*edit** awww, yove made me want to play it now :stare:
Deadline said:
I think im gonna go play morrowind... something about killing people, stealing their stuff and then selling it to their family members makes me happy.

lol omg :LOL:, thats so kewl, I might have to go out and get that, so many good things I keep hearing about it.

May even make the WOW wait abit easier :p
Wish it were multiplayer... my Orc Fighet is slow as hell... One funny story though, I wanted into this cave, and got seriously owned by an old guy with a huge hammer... yea... owned

Anyhow... START THE BETA :p
/me goes off to play morrowind

ive only played it for about 10 hours, and ive had it for ages. its just so hard to get into, its not one of those games you can just pick up and play. i mught start again actually, im fed up with being an elf ranger all the time... i want to FIGHT!
Suicide42 said:
did you know the orc thrall was raised by humans after the gates were destroyed, and that the humans had set up detention camps for orcs after the war? also, in warcraft 3 it seems that humans and orcs were evenly matched, but in fact there were only a couple of bands of orcs left, compared to whole armies of humans :)
Yes, but did you know Blizzard was planning on making a Adventure game (Like Monkey Island) where you were Thrall during his adventures in the Detention camps, But due to the release of Monkey Island 3 or 4 (Can't remeber) they cancelled it?

And on another Note, someone recommended Morrowind to me at a time where I had loads of money so I bought it and tried playing it, but everytime I do I get an hour into it and lose all interest, usually cause I feel theres no direction. Does this change later on? (If so It means I should get the CD, reinstall, and force myself to play It for at least 4 hours, at gunpoint no less)
GunFridge said:
Yes, but did you know Blizzard was planning on making a Adventure game (Like Monkey Island) where you were Thrall during his adventures in the Detention camps, But due to the release of Monkey Island 3 or 4 (Can't remeber) they cancelled it?

And on another Note, someone recommended Morrowind to me at a time where I had loads of money so I bought it and tried playing it, but everytime I do I get an hour into it and lose all interest, usually cause I feel theres no direction. Does this change later on? (If so It means I should get the CD, reinstall, and force myself to play It for at least 4 hours, at gunpoint no less)

firstly, i didnt know about thatt adventure game, and im not really interested in adventure games anyway :/

and secondly, that exact same thing happens to me- i havent got far enough to comment on whether it gets better or not. its so nig its hard to tell whats going to be easy or hard, so when youre walking in a deungeon you dont know whether your going to get owned or not :/ in my case usually owned, as my character is crap :)
Im having fun hacking apart these egg creatures... mmmm the smell of death...
i cant play morrowind, because i just make myself a thief and go from house to house stealing as much as possible and attacking guards/peasants and running away. though i guess it was pretty fun to rape the countryside in my haxored armor.
LOL thats what I do... its just so tempting to see all that stuff sitting around... and when no one is looking stuff my clothes full of cups and silverware... :p
Deadline said:
LOL thats what I do... its just so tempting to see all that stuff sitting around... and when no one is looking stuff my clothes full of cups and silverware... :p

haha. its funny because i steal the most uselessl things like loafs of bread, and the crab meat.
I really dont get Fileplanet.... Got an email from them saying im in the stress test of Wow.. i then have to follow a link to get my key, but when i press it.. it gets me to the signup page for wow stress test.

Great way to get a key :rolleyes:
Dammit, every time I see a new post in this thread, I think it's open. ;(
I remember the first time I played morrowind, I was in Syda Neen(?) The starting town and I was picking a lock right out infront of everyone, a gaurd would run up to me and charge me 5 gold. Big deal, I thought, this house has gotta have loads of crap in it that I can sell just across the street.
Then the guard said "Ive had enough of you" or something. "What?" I thought to myself as I closed the dialog box. Then in my lvl 1 noobness I was killed by him and some of his friends instantly.
I think the most fun I had on that game was when I aquired a scroll (I forget the name) that gave you the ablity to jump very far distances. I saved, used it, Jumped so high I couldn't see the ground anymore, then collided with a mountain and died instantly. I laughed all the way till the Uninstall was done. :LOL:
All this talk of morrowind has convinded me. Time for my 5th Attempt to get into it!
I gotta say, if I had to pay more than 8 bucks for it, I wouldnt have gotten it, and plus its GoTY edition... I bought it pre-owned and had money on a card in case you were wondering.

anyhow... *chops a citizen in half* Ill be back after I pilage and plunder some more!
cant.... stop... playing morrowind....

made new thread...

must... play... morrowind...

dammit im addicted again...
I just hope they release the test by the 3rd...that way... 7 days of the test will bring me up to Sept. 10th...which is the release of Burnout 3...then I'll rent that (If I can see myself playing it more after I return it...I'll probably buy it) and have it for 5 days...and Fable will be released...and my boredom will be swept away for quite some time.
AmishSlayer said:
I just hope they release the test by the 3rd...that way... 7 days of the test will bring me up to Sept. 10th...which is the release of Burnout 3...then I'll rent that (If I can see myself playing it more after I return it...I'll probably buy it) and have it for 5 days...and Fable will be released...and my boredom will be swept away for quite some time.

Yeah, some good stuff coming out in September. Including (hopefully) HL2!
some kid in my CIT class said that HL2 was coming out tomarrow... said thats what EB Games told him... lol... *slaps head* 'doh!

oh my god. i just realised. its the last day of the summer holidays tommorrow (or today, if you count the fact its almost 3 in the morning and i cba to go to bed due to MORROWIND :D:D) and i still have loads of homework to do.

homework, or beta... homework, or beta...



/me strokes PC
Aww, I feel bad for all yall. School don't start for me till the 7th. Then again, you prolly get out ealier than I do.
GunFridge said:
Aww, I feel bad for all yall. School don't start for me till the 7th. Then again, you prolly get out ealier than I do.

ye probally. i dont mind, ive had plenty of holiday. dont you just wish youd done ALL your homeowrk onn the first day so its over and done eith? i could have, too- i dont have much to do.

luckily i start on a friday... so i have 1 day of school then WEEKEND :D:D yay
Deadline said:
Addiction.... mmmmm

now im UBER happy as not only is the WOW beta out tommorrow, but episode 99 OF NARUTO IS OUT ON THE WEB :D:D:D

(AND YES, i have watched 98 20 minute episodes of anime on my pc... and yes, anime does take up my 10% of my PC.. and yes, i downloaded them all on bitorrent over the summer holidays.. yes i am a geek)
Im pretty excited about the stress test too. But its gonna be lame that in 7 days It'll be over
GunFridge said:
Im pretty excited about the stress test too. But its gonna be lame that in 7 days It'll be over

better than nothing :)
Naruto rocks, I downloaded it earlier... gotta watch it when im done killing everyone in this city... :p

And yea im an outlaw now... at least I can outrun the guards :D

*steals, runs away, steals some more, stashes in his house*

I love it :D
Hey... when the Guild Wars three-day thing was close to being ended... there were 'naked protests'... I think that's pretty self-explanatory... and it should be done at the end of this too... ;)
I think letters should just strip and us watch him... cause hes so hot ... mmm *stares at avatar* :p
WOW stress test starts tomarrow 12pst fyo (noon)
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