WoW Stress test ..who's in?

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gh0st said:
i will pick whoever looks the coolest. do we pick where we spawn?

you spawn in your Races capital city.

and btw about that experience thing.. it used to be you get deductions for NOT being well rested, but now its that you get bonuses FOR being well rested. so you'll never get less experience points, but you might get a little extra if your rested well :)
but really, isnt that like labelling the max volume on a speaker 11?
its just redifining the terms even though the effect is the same.
I guess it just depends on how much a bonus it is then, aye? :p
callmer7432 said:
but really, isnt that like labelling the max volume on a speaker 11?
its just redifining the terms even though the effect is the same.

not really... if you played before the patch, you would acrually get LESS experience points for being tired, and more for being well rested. Now you will get more experience points if your tired than before.
CptStern said:
soooo you were in the first beta? what's it like? why didnt you like it?

- Bad graphics
- No real difference to other mmorpgs of that style
- Stupid players

Thats pretty well it, but thats my personall opinion and dont wanna get into a fight about it with anyone, I just really think the games crud.
The Mistress said:
- Bad graphics
- No real difference to other mmorpgs of that style
- Stupid players

Thats pretty well it, but thats my personall opinion and dont wanna get into a fight about it with anyone, I just really think the games crud.

you think the games crud because

- the game is cartoony (personally i like the graphics :) )
- its the same as other MMORPGS (i personally disagree with this, but hey)
- and out of millions of people, the ones who were randomly selected were stupid? :|

sorry if i sound annoying, but IMO thats no reason to hate a game.

on another note, im over half way done :cool:
should be done by morning :D
bye bye the next week of my life
yay i think ill be a troll or elven rouge
Suicide42 said:
you think the games crud because

- the game is cartoony (personally i like the graphics :) )
- its the same as other MMORPGS (i personally disagree with this, but hey)
- and out of millions of people, the ones who were randomly selected were stupid? :|

sorry if i sound annoying, but IMO thats no reason to hate a game.

on another note, im over half way done :cool:
should be done by morning :D
bye bye the next week of my life

Well Im sorry if I sound annoyed, but those are my reasons for hateing the game, you telling me there not good reasons will not change that.

Btw, its not cus its cartoony, its cus there low res, looked like warcraft 3 zoomed in. The stupid people where everywhere, you ever been on battlenet? Those kind of stupid people.
If everyone is going Night Elf Hunter I think im going to crap my pants... if that happens ill go orc hunter and slaughter you all :p
I'm annoyed at how long it's taking Fileplanet to get this started. I wanna play WoW so bad...I've been bored out of my mind lately when it comes to gaming.
I just got marrowind... damn that game is huge... and confusing... so thats taking a good part of my free time up :p
Morrowind is a great game.
Why the heck did the thread I made about WoW earlier not do as well as this one?
I'm in the beta, Not that anyone here knows me.
Prolly be Human Palidin, as They rock and roll all night long.
why does everyone want to be 'a rouge'?!

there's no such class as 'a rouge' in WoW. rouge is what women put on their cheeks to make themselves look healthy. you guys wanna be that? fine by me.

there is, however, a Rogue class.


The Grammar Police :afro:
In there defence, theres not much difference in the word Rouge, then Rogue, its an easy mistake to make, I do it alot.
come on blizzard.. open the stress test heh... damn i want to play :p
it hasnt started? damn I'm going away for the long weekend ...hope it starts today
The stress test will start shortly after the sign-up period ends. The actual date is undetermined as of yet,

Source: :| lol
Well, I see Blizzard hasn't changed... :p

/me cries thinking about Diablo II 1.1 patch that he waited so long for but never played because it took so long
Letters said:
Well, I see Blizzard hasn't changed... :p

/me cries thinking about Diablo II 1.1 patch that he waited so long for but never played because it took so long

letters you're just sooooo hot :)
YES!!! it worked!! its finally instaled! to my horror i actually had to DL it twice, coz i got up thismorning and the first one i was downloading from fileplanet was CORRUPT AAAARRGGHH (and it was corrupt with every extracting program i tried).

but now it is teh installed! teh w00ty!!!
Suicide42 said:
YES!!! it worked!! its finally instaled! to my horror i actually had to DL it twice, coz i got up thismorning and the first one i was downloading from fileplanet was CORRUPT AAAARRGGHH (and it was corrupt with every extracting program i tried).

but now it is teh installed! teh w00ty!!!

yay! :D
Suicide42 you know what.. your WoW cdkey doesnt work :p

i would feel very sorry for you if that happened... :(
But yay. Congrats mate.. now wait with the rest of us, for the Beta to start heh :imu:
baka-raven said:
Suicide42 you know what.. your WoW cdkey doesnt work :p

i would feel very sorry for you if that happened... :(
But yay. Congrats mate.. now wait with the rest of us, for the Beta to start heh :imu:

when you said that my heart actually skipped a beta :)

beta... heheh... get it? no? awww :(

anyway, i wont feel safe untill i create an accoint sucessfully.
in my email it says you create an account ehrn the beta is open... is this true? have any of you got an account allready?
Suicide42 said:
when you said that my heart actually skipped a beta :)

beta... heheh... get it? no? awww :(

anyway, i wont feel safe untill i create an accoint sucessfully.
in my email it says you create an account ehrn the beta is open... is this true? have any of you got an account allready?

no, it says they'll email you a link to create an account when the beta is going to be released
CptStern said:
no, it says they'll email you a link to create an account when the beta is going to be released

Yeah, they also said the announcement will be made first on FP's front page :)
I just keep checking my Email and Fileplanet every half hour or so.
The problem is finding something to fill up the other 29 minutes between checks :hmph: .
GunFridge said:
I just keep checking my Email and Fileplanet every half hour or so.
The problem is finding something to fill up the other 29 minutes between checks :hmph: .

hehe, I recommend stering at the wow title screen once youve installed it...very fun :dozey:
hmmm, looks like people in the que are starting to recieve there keys :D...comon, I can feel it getting closer! :)
simmo said:
hehe, I recommend stering at the wow title screen once youve installed it...very fun :dozey:


did you know that gate on the title screen is the dimentional gate opened by the orcs when they were posessed by the burning legion, and it serves as a direct gate between draenor (the orcs home planet that was once lush and beutiful) and azeroth (basically WOW). Yes, for those of you who didnt know, orcs arent origonally from the WOW.

now at the end of warcraft 2, humans discovered one of these gates and charged into draenor. a massive battle ensued and it was at this time that ner'zul, an orc possessed by the burning legion, was opening portals to other worlds so that he could wreak havoc! but draenor could not support the trumendous amount of magic and imploded (while a massive battle was going on between incading humans and orcs) and everyone who didnt make it back through the portal to azeroth died, including ner'zul.

(though unimportant to the current story, the orc ner'zul was so powerful that he was resurrected by the burning legion and commanded to create a plague on azeroth. he was sent to northerland in a block of ice and although he could not move, he could inderectly influence beings.. and he was later known as the Lich king. thats right- the creator of the scourge was a dead orc ;) )

anyay, though portals to draenor still exist, no-one bothers going to draenor as it is just basically rubble and floating red rock, with a few minimal bands or orcs and dranai left still alive. On the title screen of WOW, you see draenor in its current state. funny to think that it was once lush and pretty like azeroth...

You have been doing your homework someone said before wouldnt it be awful if you key didnt work ? :O, cause it seems your the biggest wow fan here :p
I hated the the first Warcraft RTS... never played the second... and I played a yaaaaar matey copy of Warcraft III, but the whole hero deal really ****ed it up.
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