WoW Stress test ..who's in?

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Well ill be a Night Elf Druid or Rogue (hate when i cant decide) And my name will be Baka-RavenHl2 or BakaNi-RavenHl2 :p if i can have such a looooong name..

Come on Blizzard.. open the beta God damnit :p

ask me anything about the game and ill tell you (probally) :)
I've got a key :p

Haven't decided what to name my character though
callmer7432 said:
are dwarves better tanks than tauren?

well thats debatable. Dwarves are much more solid fighters, and have great stamina and strength. I think taurens are slightly worse fighters than dwarves but can learn more spells and stuff. One noticable differance is when you get to level 40 with a dwarf you can get a mountain goat steed, but taurens are the only race without a steed. instead they can lean an ability to run really really fast in a straight line. cant really remember much else. Ohhh ye dwarves can be paladins, which maybe a little out of place but still. The biggest difference though is that dwarves are part of the alliance while taurans are the horde.

NOTE: the scourge are not in WOW, because at the beginning of frozen throne the lich kings forces were recalled to northerland and left lorderon in the hands of the dreadlords. After theyre departure, ms. windrunner, a former elf turned into a bandhee by arthus, took control of a band of rebel undead and defeated the dreadlords and the scourge. so in WOW you are playing rebel undead, who are not influenced by the lich king (who merged with arthus at the end of the frozen throne).

*edit* another interesting fact is that when the world was origonally created, there was a great pool of life thet emitted magic. The elves lived here and used its magic, but the queen of the nighe elves got greedy and attracted the attention of the black legion (pure vil) who destroyed the fountain and banished the power hungry night elves to the water, who later emerged as the Narga, changed from living underwater into fish creatures.

The remaining night elves (who werent power hungry) went west to kalimdor, and made a new pool of majic that they grew the tree of life in. the power hungry elves who DIDNT go underwater travelled east, to the lands of lorderon, and eventually lost their immortality and skin colour due to being far away from the fountain. they were later named the high elves.

just a little history lesson there :)
simmo said:
ive got a question....are Druids any good ? :)

Not really. just because they can shapeshift doesnt mean they are amazing. Its like being able to change between two characters at any time... of course the penalty for this is that each of the characters is a little worse than having one. So while the bear form is a good fighter, a warrior or a paladin is better. and while a druid is a good spellcaster, a mage is better.


the class i am interested in is the hunter... it gets to tame animals and make them go to sleep... so its the best character for killing small creatures. lus when you are of a later level you get to pick an animal to have as your companion- that you can summon at any time. so you can get a polar bear... or a tiger.. or a baby dragon :) its your choice :D needless to say they are better on their own than in groups.
We should create a guild if we really want to play together in game.
Suicide42 said:
Not really. just because they can shapeshift doesnt mean they are amazing. Its like being able to change between two characters at any time... of course the penalty for this is that each of the characters is a little worse than having one. So while the bear form is a good fighter, a warrior or a paladin is better. and while a druid is a good spellcaster, a mage is better.

Awww man, now I'm stuck choosing again ;(

I need a class that has awsome spells and looks classy in front of other players...thats why I was going for a Night Elf Druid...but if I want to be a mage I cant be a night elf! :flame:
Dulrough said:
We should create a guild if we really want to play together in game.

ohhh ohhh! cna i be the leader!!! ill give you muffins! lots of muffins! and i know the most about warcraft here so i could tell us where to go :D

i bet you didnt even know that the burning legioun was founded by the greatest god ever. his name was Sargeras, and he was a Titan (huge stone gods that made planets) who was made to fight evil, but ended up going mad and getting seduced by it, so he turned into a devil and tried to destroy everything. He eventually got kiled by a human gurdian (there was one to guard the earth, blessed with the power of all mankind), but posessed the guardian who killed him and got born as her son. that son was the prophet from warcraft 3, and did much evil, but when he was killed the spirit of sargeras was killed too, and his ghost was pure.

thats why in warcraft 3 he is trying to set things right!

i know a lot :)
Network error detected: PRESS F5 to reload page & try again.

Stupid fileplanet. :(
A guild is a good idea, and Suicide42 being the leader sounds good.
a guild for seven days? Forget it ill just go screw around on my own ... probably takes a while to figure out how to make a guild plus u prolly gotta bea certain level to make one.

Maybe whoever is first to the guild creation level can be leader... sounds good to me..
Foxtrot said:
A guild is a good idea, and Suicide42 being the leader sounds good.

Yup sounds good to me....suicide! help me with my dilema! :cheese: ^^ (above post)
Organizer said:
Network error detected: PRESS F5 to reload page & try again.

Stupid fileplanet. :(

oh my god im showering you guys with knowledge and all you do is ignore me? arrggh!!!

and btw fileplanet allows you to pick up from where you left off as long as you have got through the wait.
simmo said:
Awww man, now I'm stuck choosing again ;(

I need a class that has awsome spells and looks classy in front of other players...thats why I was going for a Night Elf Druid...but if I want to be a mage I cant be a night elf! :flame:

hmmm... let me think about it.. ill edit this post when i have gathered info for you :)

*edit* this is only a week long beta, and you might be able to get more characters than one anyway, so i'd probally go for a druid. wither that or a preist. Preists can be night elves, and are generally healers but in WOW they can get some offensive spells too. But druids are still pretty good. they arent as good at spell casting as preists, but if your in trouble just turn into a bear and rip their heads off.
Showered... sure you didnt just copy and paste all that stuff ;P
Showered? From what I can see you've just supplied us with WoW in-game facts. Can you please tell me how to d/load it off that fileplanet mirror pwease?
Deadline said:
Showered... sure you didnt just copy and paste all that stuff ;P

no actually blizzard released a huge document that was about 20 pages long or soemthing, and i printed it off and took it on holiday with me. really good read actually, quite interesting :) I think i actually got some of the info wrong, but i doubt anyones reading what im posting anyway and i cant be bothered to refer to the origonal document, so im just doing it from memory and really sketchy.
simmo said:
hehe, thanks suicide.

Ill probably create a druid and a mage :), as you said you can have more than one char, which I totally forgot about :p

edit: the cat form for the Druid looks sweet ass :D

LOL didnt know you could be a cat :) thats sweet

i might be a hunter and get a cat as a pet :)

btw if your an inventor, you can make little robotic chickens and sell them to people.

*edit* what skills are you all gonna get?

im going to be a miner and a blacksmith, then im going to forge amazing swords. i might actually be a night elf fighter or something... ill decide when im on the character selection screen. Anyway if one of us is a blackmith and another is an enchanter we could make UBER swords that glow red with fire and stuff :)
Answer my question, damn you! :angry:

[edit] I'm a subscriber but I cannot bypass the north american message thing, I tried changing my IP thingy but it didn't work.
Organizer said:
Answer my question, damn you! :angry:

just click the link and click "enter public line". then it will say your download is ready, so click that bit and start downloading!

that is, if you have a key. if you dont hav a key theres no point. you need a valid key to play and theyre all sold out now.
Organizer said:
Well, shit.

i know... north americans suck dont they? getiing all this tuff before us while the rest fo the world is left in the cold :devil:

just because they moved away from britan in search oif the "land of oppertunity" doesnt mean they should get all the good stuff

and btw, they have servers in europe (france, actually) so theres no reason not to give uss a stress test too.
Well, i'm gonna get off the comp for now, tired of waiting so damn long :p, hopefully we will all be playing tomorrow \o/ :D

naaa only joking. but if i wake up tommorrow and thats happened ill go out and kill someone.
Suicide42 said:

naaa only joking. but if i wake up tommorrow and thats happened ill go out and kill someone.
Just be sure to use winZIP not winRAR... don't go deleting it...
Letters said:
Just be sure to use winZIP not winRAR... don't go deleting it...

why whats wrong with Winrar? i use that all the time and its never wrong :imu:
Suicide42 said:
why whats wrong with Winrar? i use that all the time and its never wrong :imu:
It says it's corrupt. I deleted the whole thing because of that and had to redownload it when all I really needed to do was use winzip.
oh ok... :) thaks for the tip in advance :D


winzip says only gat it for 21 days before i have to pay... where can i get it free? and do i need to uninstall winRAR before i install winzip?
7 day guild sounds cool. but i suggest we take the first day to get the hang of the game.

then we have an expidition every day, lead by the highest ranking guild member who shows up. (whats the ranking going to be anyway?)

and didn't i hear about a "feature" that means if you play too long your experience goes down?
callmer7432 said:
and didn't i hear about a "feature" that means if you play too long your experience goes down?

never heard about that :|

although you dont get any experience from fighting creatures that are way below your level, like a level 50 mage wont get any EXP{ from killing a small rat.

btw, has anywone heard of the death system? its uber cool, you turn into a ghost when you die and can only see other ghosts (so you cant see players and monsters) and the whole world looks different. the punishment for dying is having to run from the nearest graveyard as a ghost back to your corpse lol :D and apparantly there are ghost monsters that can kill you if you venture off into a secret area that your not supposed to see, and there are going to be quests for ghosts in the full version.

or you can just pay a ghost at the graveyard and teleport back instantly at the cost of a few EXP points :)
callmer7432 said:
and didn't i hear about a "feature" that means if you play too long your experience goes down?

In a way...yea.

If you see that screenshot a few pages back with the char selection shows how well rested the characters are. "Well Rested" gives you 100% extra xp per kill and such and it goes down from there. I'm not completely sure how the system works and how you rest more and such...just that Well Rested gives you twice the exp.
AmishSlayer said:
"Well Rested" gives you 100% extra xp per kill and such and it goes down from there.
i just did research on this, after 4 hours play you go to 25% experience, to go back to 100% you need to rest 8 hrs

so, we're propbly gonna have at least two charecters to get the most out of this
i will pick whoever looks the coolest. do we pick where we spawn?
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