Wtf Half Life 2 Server!?!

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it just asks for a password when i try it

edit: oh YES!!!! it does take you there.....hmmmmmm.....

I typed in halflife2 and i still got the preload window.... i think the password is bs

so we know for sure its a half life 2 game this time...lets wait for it to go to cs:s again lol
Password is emporio, just brings up Half-Life 2 preload though...
there is no password, it tries to launch hl2 to validate it and you can't cause they havn't unlocked it yet
Well, guess there isn't a password? Type in anything and it brings it up...
Um...what if the server was set to steal your steam ID and pswd? Are you guys that eager to play the game that you'd risk it?

WC3 = WorldCraft 3 plugin??
I think that the password is bogus.. people are comming in with all different passwords and getting them right.. as for me.. i typed in poop and got it right.
emporio does also what gPc does

As a theory, I entered doozy as the password and it done the exact same thing.
Password has no relevance at the moment.
cadaveca said:
Um...what if the server was set to steal your steam ID and pswd? Are you guys that eager to play the game that you'd risk it?

It's 15 pages in an hour. By tomorrow afternoon, it'll be a thousand pages long!
even if you type in wrong pass it pre-loads HL2 if you dont have it, but if you do have HL2 pre loaded im guessing u have to type in the real pass to join...

some one should e-mail Gaib again
well it trys to launch the game first...then it would connect to server then test the yea
its not a test...its not half-life 2.....what it IS, is you guys getting led along
That's possible. These guys hacked up some server to actually try to open the game to grab your account details from steam!
Haha, thanks, Dark2Light. I'm checking every possibility with this!

Didn't think of that. I might have lost my account now, then?
if im not mistaken, when you type a pssword for a server, it will let you start the game, and then if its wrong say password incorrect? so is that possibly what its doing, trying to run hl2 but its still locked, so it cant go to the invallid pw screen?
Logically, this isn't HL2 MP.
Because HL2 has been reviewed, and it has no MP.
So, what it is then?
A hoax.

edit: I really doubt it's HL2 either.
how hard would it be to tell reviewers... dont review MP!!... or to simply not send them :P
Not necessarily. Hammer's out, and somone might have used the Leaked Hammer, and made a map, which is now being played after being converted to a stolen version of HL2 from the stores. Maybe one version came with hammer, and test map was made.
"funserver" know...."funserver"
someone is having fun i bet...and it ain't thanks to Valve.
BetaMaster said:
Not necessarily. Hammer's out, and somone might have used the Leaked Hammer, and made a map, which is now being played after being converted to a stolen version of HL2 from the stores. Maybe one version came with hammer, and test map was made.
Actually, that's pretty smart thinking.
That could be a possibility.
Doppelgofer said:
its not a test...its not half-life 2.....what it IS, is you guys getting led along

That's possible. These guys hacked up some server to actually try to open the game to grab your account details from steam!

that would make sense since they imidiatly changed to a cs:s maybe everyone who joined the cs:s game after first server ip changed got there account info stolen...well that would totall im gonna go have to buy it off ebay again
;( Okay I am lost, I cannot locate the server, even if I type in it's IP it won't pop up.
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